| |
 | James Townsend Mackay, 1836, Flora Hibernica: the flowering plants ferns Characeae Musci Hepaticae Lichenes and Algae of Ireland arranged according to the natural system with a synopsis of the genera according to the Linnaean system. (from www.archive.org, scan of A.G.Moore's copy in Berkley's Biology Library) |
 | David Moore and Alexander Goodman More, 1866 Contributions towards a Cybele Hibernica, being outlines of the geographical distribution of plants in Ireland. Hodges, Smith & Co., Dublin. (from Google books, scan of the Arnold Arboretum library copy) |
 | Nathaniel Colgan, and Reginald Scully, 1898 Contributions towards a Cybele Hibernica. Second edition. Edward Ponsonby, Dublin. (from www.archive.org, scan of the Cornell Un iversity Library Copy) |
 | Henry Chichester Hart, 1898 Flora of the County Donegal or list of the flowering plants and ferns with their localities and distribution. |
 | Robert Lloyd Praeger, 1901 Irish Topographical Botany. (Abstract only) Published as Proc. R. Ir. Acad. (3) 7.Proceedings of the Royal. Irish Academy, Vol. (3) 7 |
 | Robert lloyd Praeger's Itineraries - his collecting trips in preparation of ITB from 1896-1900, with maps of the routes he took. |
 | Robert Lloyd Praeger 1934 The Botanist in Ireland, A Geological, topographic, climatic and floristic summary of Ireland, that begins with the immortal words "IRELAND is a pleasant country for the botanist." |
 | Robert Lloyd Praeger, 1949 Some Irish Naturalists: A biographical note-book. |
 | David A. Webb, 1980 The Biological Vice-Counties Of Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal. Irish Academy, Vol. 80B, 179-196. |
D.H.Kelly, 1984 A Note On The Vice-County Boundary Between South And North Kerry: Is Derrycunihy In H1 or H2 ? Irish Naturalists' Journal, Vol. 21, 365. |
Map of vice-county boundaries (50kb low resolution); Map of vice-county boundaries (500kb high resolution) |
 | David A. Webb., 1980 The flora of the Aran Islands. J. Life Sci. Roy. Dublin Soc. p 51-83 |
 | David A. Webb., 1984 The flora of Ireland in its European context. J. Life Sci. Roy. Dublin Soc.,: 143-160. |
 | David A. Webb, 1986 The Hey-day of Irish Botany, 1866-1916, Botanical Society of the British Isles Conference Report No. 20. The Scottish Naturalist, pp.123-134. . |
 | Mary J. P. Scannell and Donal M. Synnott, 1987 Census Catalogue of the Flora of Ireland, Clár de Phlandaí na hÉireann. Second Edition |
 | T.G.F. Curtis and H.N. McGough, 1988 The Irish Red Data Book: 1. Vascular Plants. Wildlife Service Ireland.Proposed Red Data List of Vascular Plants in Ireland (Consultation list 17th October 2005) |
| A.B.G. Averis and N.F.Stewart, 1995 Important Areas for Bryophyte Diversity in Ireland. Red data book of European bryophytes, European committee for Conservation of Bryophytes, Trondheim. |
 | Patrick. A. Reilly, 2001 The Flora of County Cavan, Occasional Paper No. 13 of the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin. | |
 | Sylvia C. P. Reynolds, 2002 A catalogue of alien plants in Ireland Occasional Papers No. 14 : pp 414 |
 | Paul Green, 2008 Flora of County Waterford | |
 | Handy Guide to identifying Aquatic plants in Ireland |