Books on General Botany
(A-L) (Cat 115)
(updated 1 December 2008 )
(updated 1 December 2008 )
Aario, L., 1933. Vegetation und
postglaziale Geschichte des Nurmijärvi-Sees. vi, 132 p., 19 figs, 13 tables,
paperbound; BA42781 € 25
Adam, J.-G., 1971. Flore
descriptive des Monts Nimba. 4 vols. 1586 p., 702 p., paperbound. Unopened
(mnhn 20-22-24-25); BA08340 € 185
Adamowski, W. et al.,
2002. Atlas of alien woody species of the Bialowieza primaeval forest. 303 p.,
num. (col.) photos & figs, 4to, hardbound (Phytocoenosis (N.S.) 14. Suppl. Cartogr.
Geobot. 14); BA43601 € 26
Adlerz, E., et al.,
1912. Botaniska studier tillägnade Theodor Magnus Fries, den Svenska botanikens
nestor. 594 p., num. figs & pls, paperbound; BA42872 € 16
Adriani, M.J., 1945
(reprint 1974). Sur la phytosociologie, synécologie et le bilan d’eau
de Halophytes de la région Néerlandaise méridionale ainsi que de la
Méditerranée française. xxi, 217 p., 64 figs, 33 tables, cloth (5-page English
summary); BA06603 € 35
Adrosko, R.J., 1968. Natural dyes in
the United States. vii, 160 p., folded frontispiece, 11 (1 col.) figs, cloth;
BA43809 € 15
Aichinger, E., 1956. Exkursionsführer für
die XI. internationale Pflanzengeographische Exkursion durch die Ostalpen 1956.
p., figs & photos, paperbound; BA43636 € 18
Åkerberg, E., 1941. Cytogenetic
studies in Poa pratensis and its hybrid with Poa alpina. 126 p., 61 figs,
boards; BA42634 € 14
Åkerberg, E., 1942. Cytogenetic
studies in Poa pratensis and its hybrid with Poa alpina. 126 p., 61 figs, wrps;
BA42814 € 12
Ammar, M.Y., 1978. Vegetation and
local environment on shore ridges at Vickleby, Öland, Sweden. An analysis. 94
p., 18 figs, 14 tables, cloth; BA08612 € 20
Anderson, E. et al.,
1941. Three papers by E. Anderson (The technique and use of mass collections),
R.O. Erickson (Camassia scilloides) and N.C. Fassett (Rubus odoratus and R.
parviflorus). 88 p., 3 figs, 5 pls, 36 maps, boards (reprint from Ann. Missouri
Bot. Garden
28); BA43839 € 12
Andersson, A., 1931. Studien über die
Embryologie der Familien Celastraceae, Oleaceae und Apocynaceae. 110 p., 40 figs,
4 pls, paperbound (unopened). Ex-library; BA43995 € 20
Andreas, C.H., 1953. Hortus Muntingiorum.
Geschiedenis van de Groningse Hortus in de zeventiende eeuw. 106 p., 9 figs,
wrps; BA43304 € 12
Arends, J.C. et al. (eds),
1980. Liber Gratulatorius in honorem H.C.D. De Wit. Miscellaneous papers. 448
p., num. figs, paperbound; BA07762 € 35
Arianoutsou, M. & R.H.
Groves (eds), 1994. Plant-animal Interactions in Mediterranean-type
ecosystems. xii, 182 p., num. figs, 4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 31);
BA07371 € 60
Arkiv för Botanik,
1963. Two articles: Notes on Hawaiian Hepaticae. V. Collections from recent
Swedish expeditions by H.A. Miller (43 p., 11 figs) / The recent and fossil
distribution of some boreal and arctic montane plants in Europe by H. Tralau
(50 p., 8 pls, 13 maps), wrps; BA42259 € 8
Arts-Damler, Th.,
1960. Cytogenetical studies on six Verbascum-species and their hybrids. viii,
88 p., 94 figs, paperbound. Thesis; BA42080 € 10
Arvidsson, I., 1951. Austrocknungs- und
Dürreresistenzverhältnisse einiger Repräsentanten öländischer Pflanzenvereine
nebst Bemerkungen über Wasserabsorption durch oberirdische Organe. 181 p., 17 figs,
17 tables, paperbound (Oikos Suppl. 1); BA42295 € 20
Asmous, V.C., 1947. Fontes Historiae
Botanicae Rossicae. 32 p., 4 pls, wrps (Chron. Bot. 11(2); BA06605 € 10
Audus, L.J., 1953. Plant growth
substances. xx, 465 p., 53 figs, cloth (d.j.); BA08559 € 12
Ayensu, E.S. et al.,
1984. Our green and living world. The wisdom to save it. 256 p., fullcol.,
cloth (d.j.), as new; BA08545 € 28
Backlund, M., 2005. Phylogenetic
studies in the Gentianales - Approaches at different taxonomic levels. 108 p.,
num. figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis; BF43917 € 20
Bailey, I.W., 1954. Contributions to
Plant anatomy. xxvi, 262 p., 28 figs, 23 pls, cloth (d.j.) (Chron. Bot.
15(1/6); BA06606 € 30
Bakker, H. de & J.
Schelling, 1989 (2nd rev. ed.). Systeem voor de
bodemclassificatie voor Nederland. De hogere niveaus, met 2 bijlagen. 209 p.,
paperbound; BA43183 € 23
Bakker, J.G., 1969. Vegetatiekundig
en oecologisch-geografisch onderzoek van het Quercion robori-petraeae in de
Nederlandse zandgebieden ten zuiden van de Waal. 144 p., 19 figs, 8 tables,
paperbound. With English summary (Med. Landb.hog. Wageningen 69-19); BA41995
€ 22
Bakkum, A., 1976. Spectrum Kruidenboek
van kroonplanten & lipbloemen. 134 p., num. figs, 16 col. pls, cloth (d.j.);
BA43774 € 8
Balée, W. & D. Moore,
1991. Similarity and variation in Plant names in five Tupi-Guarani languages
(Eastern Amazonia). 54 p., 2 figs, 6 tables, wrps. Library stamps; BA43011 € 8
Balgooy, M.M.J. van,
1997. Malesian Seed Plants. Vol. 1. Spot-characters. An aid for identification
of families and genera. 154 p., 73 figs, paperbound; BA08375 € 25
Barkman, J.J. & K.V.
Sykora (eds), 1988. Dependent plant communities. 184 p., 61 figs,
paperbound; BA08367 € 44
Barner, J., 1965. Experimentelle
Ökologie des Kulturpflanzenanbaus. 231 p., 113 figs, cloth (d.j.); BA43517 € 24
Barthelat, G.-J.,
1893. Contribution à l’étude histologique des Zingibéracées. 81 p., 4 pls,
4to, wrps (loose). Library stamp; BA42775 € 14
Barton-Wright, E.C. 1933
(2nd ed.). Recent advances in Plant physiology. x, 341 p., 54
figs, cloth; BA07925 € 25
Bastin, R., 1961. Physiologie
végétale. 324 p., num. figs, paperbound; BA42681 € 10
Batanouny, K.H. et al.,
1985. Qatar University Science bulletin 5. Mathematics, Chemistry, Botany
(consisting of 6 papers on botany including Phyto-ecological observations in
Northern Oman & Botanical Exploration of Sinai, etc.124 p.,), Zoology,
Geology . 365 p., col. photos, paperbound; BA43589 € 20
Becker, B., 2001. Indicator plants
for sustainable assessment in Andean agro-ecosystems. viii, 140 p., num. figs,
paperbound; BA43225 € 21
Beeftink, W.G., 1965. De zoutvegetatie van
ZW-Nederland beschouwd in Europees verband. 167 p., 6 figs, 14 tables,
paperbound; BA42039 € 18
Beijerinck, M.W.,
1921-1922. Verzamelde geschriften van M.W. Beijerinck. 5 vols. 1806 p., num. figs
& pls (some col.), 4to, paperbound; BA06601 € 200
Beijerinck, M.W.,
1921-1922. Verzamelde geschriften van M.W. Beijerinck. 5 vols. 1806 p., num. figs
& pls (some col.), 4to, hardbound; BA06602 € 220
Benecke, W. et al.,
1925. Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage von Karl von Goebel in München.
viii, 612 p., 113 figs, 6 pls, paperbound (backwrp torn); BA42433 € 24
Benedicks, C., 1907. Linnés Pluto
Svecicus och beskrifning öfwer stenriket. xvii, 91 p., 1 pl., paperbound.
Thesis. In Swedish. On an unpublished manuscript by Linné. Unobtrusive marginal
waterstaining; BA41945 € 35
Benson, L., 1962. Plant taxonomy.
Methods and Principles. ix, 494 p., num. figs & tables, cloth; BA43425 € 16
Berendsohn, W.G. (ed.),
2003. MoReTax. Handling Factual Information Linked to Taxonomic Concepts in
Biology. xvi, 113 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound (Schriftenreihe
Vegetationsk. 39); BA43484 € 14
Berlinger, M., 1969. Plants of the
bible in their natural surroundings. 102 p., num. col. ills, 4to, hardbound (d.j.);
BA08319 € 20
Bernhard, F., 1966. Contribution à
l’étude des glandes foliaires chez les Crotonoïdées (Euphorbiacées). 90 p., 18
pls, 4to, paperbound; BA43826 € 15
Besson, E., 1893. Sommaire
d’anatomie et de physiologie végétales suivi d’un exposé des principes de la
classification. 190 p., 297 figs, wrps (front cover torn); BA42807 € 20
Beulaygue, L., 1905. Recherches sur
la Nécrobiose végétale. 263 p., paperbound; BA42261 € 18
Beutler, R., 1930. Biologisch-chemische
Untersuchungen am Nektar von Immenblumen. 105 p., 23 figs, disbound (reprint
from Zeitschr. vergl. Physiol. 12#1); BA00007 € 12
Billings, W.D., 1964. Plants and the
ecosystem. vi, 154 p., num. figs, paperbound; BA08230 € 14
Binet, P. & J.-P. Brunel,
1967. Physiologie végétale I. xi, 439 p., 192 figs, 4 col. pls, paperbound;
BA42448 € 16
Bischoff, G.W.,
1830-1844. Handbuch der botanischen Terminologie und Systemkunde. 3 vols &
atlas. xxxii, 1609 p., 77 pls, 4to, hcalf (vol. 1 and atlas volume worn and one
inner joint loose). Most of the text & plates foxed (part of the plates
clean); BA06604 € 300
Bjarnasson, A., 1991. Vegetation on
lava fields in the Hekla area, Iceland. 114 p., 47 figs, cloth (Acta Phytogeog.
Suec. 77); BA08215 € 60
Björn-Rasmussen, S.,
1976. Phytoplankton in an eutrophicated estuary. Abundance and composition of
phytoplankton in relation to environmental conditions in the Göta river
estuary, Sweden. 177 p., num. figs & tables, 4to, lumbacked. Thesis;
BA43948 € 25
Blixt, S., 1972. Mutation
genetics in Pisum. 293 p., 66 figs, 15 tables, wrps; BA42220 € 20
Blöte-Obbes, M.C., 1941. De Geurende Kruidhof. 283 p., num.
figs, 9 (8 col.) pls, hcloth; BA43758 € 28
Bobbink, R. et al. (eds),
1998. Effectgerichte maatregelen en behoud biodiversiteit in Nederland. vi, 194
p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; BA43430 € 18
Böcher, T.W., 1963. Phytogeography
of middle west Greenland. 289 p., 110 figs, 10 pls, paperbound. Unopened;
BA42076 € 30
Böhm, W. et al. (eds),
1983. Wurzelökologie und ihre Nutzanwendung. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Gesamtpflanze.
Root Ecology and its Practical Application. A contribution to the
investigations of the whole plant. xii, 774 p., num. figs & tables, 4to,
hardbound. Papers in German & English; BA43541 € 70
Boerboom, J.H.A., 1960. De
plantengemeenschappen van de Wassenaarse duinen. 135 p., 15 b&w
photographs, 25 tables, 2 folded col. maps, wrps. Unopened (Meded. Landbouwhog.
Wageningen 60-10); BA42729 € 16
Boerman, J.W. & K.M.
Knip, 1922 (13th ed.). Natuurlijke historie. Beknopt leerboek der dier- en
plantkunde. Deel II: Plantkunde. vii, 240 p., 255 figs, 12 col. pls, cloth; BA42232
€ 14
Bohn, U. & R. Neuhäusl
(eds), 1990. Vegetation and flora of temperate zones. 91 p., 24 figs,
paperbound; BA08422 € 16
Bohn, U., 1996. Vegetationskarte der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Potentielle natürliche Vegetation. Blatt CC 5518
Fulda. xvi, 364 p., 72 figs, foldout tab. & maps, paperbound
(Schriftenreihe Vegetationsk. 15); BA43474 € 20
Boirivant, A., 1898. Recherches sur les
organes de remplacement chez les plantes. 96 p., 5 pls, wrps (disbound);
BA42907 € 28
Bold, H.C., 1965. Das System der
Pflanzen. 142 p., 99 figs, paperbound; BA42036 € 8
Bolz, G., 1961. Genetisch-züchterische
Untersuchungen bei Tagetes. I. Untersuchungen zur Feststellung des Grades der
Fremdbefruchtung bei Tagetes patula. II. Herstellung, Genetik und Verwendung
röntgeninduzierter Mutanten in der Züchtung. III. Artkreuzungen in der Gattung
Tagetes L. 72 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound. In this issue also added
Maatsch, R., Gliederung der Sortimente von Tagetes erecta L. und Tagetes patula
L., & Zoltán, K., A Tagetes-genus kerti alakjai.. in Hungarian with
German Summary; BA42495 € 14
Bommeli, R., 1894. Die Pflanzenwelt. Das
Wissenswertheste aus dem Gebiete der allgemeinen und speziellen Botanik. In
gemeinverständlichen Abhandlungen und nach dem neuesten Standpunkte der
Naturwissenschaften für das Volk bearbeitet. xiv, 631 p., num. woodengravings,
12 col. pls (plte 10 bound in after 11 & 12), dec. endpapers, dec.
gold-embossed cloth. Library stamp on titlepage, small library sticker on
spine; BA43795 € 30
Bonnier, G. & Leclerc du
Sablon, n.d. (ca. 1915). Traité de Botanique. 3 vols. 1850 p., 3598
figs, cloth; BA43902 € 80
Boot, R.G.A. & D. van
Dorp, 1986. De plantengroei van de Duinen van Oostvoorne in 1980 en
veranderingen sinds 1934. 120 p., num. (col.) figs & maps, paperbound;
BA42941 € 12
Boot, R.G.A., 1990. Plant growth as
affected by nitrogen supply. Effects on morphology and physiology of species
from contrasting habitats. 92 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis;
BA43100 € 10
Bootsma, M.C., 2000. Stress and
recovery in wetland ecosystems. 193 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis; BA43879 € 15
Boros, G., 1958. Lexikon der Botanik
mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Vererbungslehre und der angrenzenden
Gebiete. 276 p., boards; BA08536 € 14
Borrell, P. et al. (eds),
1991. EUROTRAC Symposium 90: Transport and transformation of pollutants in the
Troposphere. xxiii, 586 p., num. figs & graphs, hardbound (originally
117 euros, now reduced in price); BA44086 € 30
Borrell, P.M. et al. (eds),
1993. EUROTRAC Symposium 92: Photo-oxidants: Precursors and products. xxxi,
830 p., num. figs & graphs, hardbound (originally 136 euros, now
reduced in price); BA44085 € 35
Borrell, P.M. et al. (eds),
1994. EUROTRAC Symposium 94: Transport and transformation of pollutants in the
Troposphere. xxxiii, 1283 p., num. figs & graphs, hardbound (originally 226
euros, now reduced in price); BA44084 € 60
Bos, L., 1976. Plantevirussen.
Beknopte inleiding tot de plantevirologie. 48 p., 40 figs, 6 tables, wrps
(WMKNNV116); BA43727 € 6
Bos, L., 1983. Introduction to
plant virology. 160 p., 67 figs, paperbound; BA07969 € 16
Bos, L., 1993. Gewasbescherming;
strategie, of dilemma tussen weten en geloven. 58 p., 11 figs, wrps;
BA42213 € 8
Bos, L., 1996. Research on
viruses of legume crops and the International Working Group on Legume Viruses;
historical facts and personal reminiscenses. 151 p., 15 figs, 9 tables,
paperbound; BA42235 € 14
Bouillenne, R. & F.
Went, 1933. Recherches expérimentales sur la néoformation des
racines dans les plantules et les boutures des plantes supérieures (substances
formatrices de racines). vii, 178 p., num. figs & tables, 22 pls,
paperbound. Unopened; BA42796 € 16
Bournérias, M., 1972. Flore et
végétation du massif forestier de Rambouillet (Yvelines). 42 p., wrps; BA42965
€ 8
Bracegirdle, B. & P.H.
Miles, 1971. An atlas of Plant structure vol. 1. 123 p., 147 figs,
cloth (d.j.); BA08578 € 24
Bråkenhielm, S.,
1977. Vegetation dynamics of afforested farmland in a district of
South-eastern Sweden. 104 p., 54 figs, 13 tables, cloth; BA08613 € 20
Bramwell, D. (ed.),
1979. Plants and Islands. x, 459 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound (d.j.)
(bottom margins waterstained, not affecting text & figs); BA43564 € 25
Braun-Blanquet, J.,
1931. Vegetationsentwicklung im Schweizer Nationalpark. Ergebnisse der
Untersuchung von Dauerbeobachtungsflächen I. 149 p., figs & tables,
paperbound as part of Jahresbericht 1930/31 (Graubündens); BA42931 € 14
Bray, L. de, 1997. The Art of
Botanical Illustration. The classic illustrators and their achievements from
1550 to 1900. 192 p., fullcolour illustrations, hardbound (d.j.); BA08024 € 30
Brenan, J.P.M., 1980. A vision of
eden. The life and work of Marianne North. 240 p., num. col. pls, cloth (d.j.);
BA08025 € 24
Breteler, F.J. & M.S.M.
Sosef (eds), 1996. Herbarium Vadense 1896-1996. 136 p., 33 figs,
paperbound (WAUP96.2); BA08373 € 32
Breteler, F.J. & M.S.M.
Sosef (eds), 1996. Herbarium Vadense 1896-1996. 136 p., 33 figs,
paperbound (Belmontia NS 175, Vol. 30); BA41966 € 32
Brisseau-Mirbel, C.F.,
1802-1806. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, des
Plantes. 18 vols. 7491 p., 150 (several col.) pls, 1 large folded pl., original
paper-covered boards; BA08038 € 850
Broche, W., 1929. Pollenanalytische
Untersuchungen an Mooren des südlichen Schwarzwalds und der Baar. 243 p., wrps;
BA42412 € 10
Brock, J.H. et al. (eds),
1997. Plant Invasions: Studies from North America and Europe. viii, 224 p., 59
figs, 30 tables, paperbound; BA08411 € 48
Broek, G.J. van,
1986. Baleful weeds and precious-juiced flowers. A semiotic approach to
botanical practice. 277 p., paperbound. Thesis; BA08204 € 20
Brongniart, A., 1828-1837
(reprint 1965). Histoire des végétaux fossiles, ou recherches
botaniques et géologiques sur les végétaux renfermés dans les diverses couches
du globe. Texte & Atlas (2 vols), complete. xii, 488, 72 p., 199 (26
folded) pls, roy. 4to, cloth; BA06610 € 300
Brongniart, A.T.,
1868. Rapport sur les progrès de la botanique phytographique. 216 p.,
paperbound (front cover loose); BA08050 € 50
Brooks, R.R., 1987. Serpentine and
its vegetation. A multidisciplinary approach. 454 p., num. figs & pls (some
col.), hardbound (d.j.) (Ecology, Phytogeography & Physiology Series, Vol.
1); BA43397 € 60
Broutin, J., 1986. Étude
paléobotanique et palynologique du passage Carbonifère Permien dans le
sud-ouest de la péninsule Ibérique. 165, (60) p., 48 figs, 30 pls, 4to,
paperbound; BA42033 € 52
Brouwer, E. et al. (eds), 1996. Effectgerichte
maatregelen tegen verzuring en eutrofiëring van oppervlaktewateren. Eindrapport
monitoringsprogramma tweede fase. vi, 206 p., num. figs & tables,
paperbound; BA43431 € 25
Brown, W.H., 1935. The Plant
kingdom. A textbook of general botany. ix, 869 p., 1040 figs, cloth; BA08200 €
Brundu, G. et al. (eds),
2001. Plant Invasions: Species ecology and ecosystem management. xiv, 338 p.,
127 figs, 80 tables, paperbound; BA08410 € 97
Bryant, J.A. (ed.),
1976. Molecular aspects of gene expression in Plants. viii, 338 p., num. figs
& tables, cloth (d.j.); BA07922 € 42
Bubnicki, Z., 1980. Identification
of control plants. xi, 310 p., cloth (d.j.) (Studies in automation and control
3); BA08211 € 20
Bünning, E. & E.
Gäumann (eds), 1963. Fortschritte der Botanik. Band XXV. Bericht über das Jahr
1962. v, 619 p., 27 figs, cloth (d.j.); BA42340 € 20
Bünning, E. et al. (eds),
1965. Fortschritte der Botanik. Band XXVII. Bericht über das Jahr 1964. vii, 540
p., cloth (d.j.); BA42179 € 20
Bulliard, M., 1783. Dictionnaire
élémentaire de Botanique ou Exposition par ordre alphabétique, des Préceptes de
la Botanique, & de tous les Termes, tant françois que latins, consacrés à
l’étude de cette Science. 242 p., 9 handcoloured pls, one plain plte, roy. 4to,
boards (spine damaged). Original edition; BA07795 € 800
Burnett, J.H. (ed.),
1964. The vegetation of Scotland. xiii, 613 p., 96 figs, 65 tables, cloth;
BA43539 € 60
Butterfass, T., 1970. Wachstums- und
Entwicklungsphysiologie der Pflanze. 242 p., 81 figs, paperbound; BA42742 € 12
Butterfass, T., 1973. Groei en ontwikkeling
van de plant. 215 p., num. figs, paperbound (vertaling van: Wachstums- und
Entwicklungsphysiologie der Pflanze); BA42267 € 6
Caffrey, J.M. et al. (eds),
1999. Biology, ecology and management of aquatic Plants. x, 340 p., num. figs,
4to, paperbound / hardbound(Hydrobiol. 415/Dev. Hydrob. 147); BA07284 € 70
Caffrey, J.M. et al. (eds),
2006. Macrophytes in aquatic ecosystems: From biology to management.
Proceedings 11th intl symposium on aquatic weeds EWRS. num. figs & tables,
hardbound (Dev. Hydrob. 190); BA43926 € 60
Calkoen, H.J., 1898 (2nd
ed.). Planten-atlas. Met een voorwoord van Prof. Hugo de Vries. [8], 221 p.,
124 col. pls, decorated cloth; BA06613 € 112
Calkoen, H.J., 1913 (4th
ed.). Planten-atlas. Met een voorwoord van Prof. Hugo de Vries. 235 p., 136
col. pls, decorated cloth; BA06614 € 102
Campbell, B., 1985. Montane
vegetation structure in the Fynbos Biome. Structural classification and
adaptive significance of structural charcaters. 205 p., num. figs & tables,
paperbound. Thesis; BA43104 € 25
Campbell, D.H., 1897. A morphological
study of Naias and Zannichellia. 61 p., 5 pls, wrps (unopened); BA42932 € 14
Carlquist, S., 1975. Ecological
strategies of Xylem evolution. xi, 259 p., 17 figs, 15 pls, 13 tables, cloth;
BA43678 € 70
Carrière, Cl. & D. van der
Werf, 1977. Plantengroei op knotwilgen en andere geknotte bomen. 76 p., figs,
tables, wrps (KNNV123); BA43733 € 10
Carter, V. et al.,
1983. Submersed aquatic plants of the tidal Potomac River. 58 p., num. col.
photographs & maps, wrps. Ex-library; BA42062 € 8
Catalogus, 1924 (2nd
ed.). Catalogus van de Bibliotheek der Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging te
Amsterdam. (iv), 212 p., wrps (torn & loose); BA00004 € 8
Catling, P.M. et al.,
1985. The vegetation and phytogeography of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. 67 p., 29 figs, 19
tables, paperbound; BA42596 € 10
Cedercreutz, C., 1927. Studien über
Laubwiesen in den Kirchspielen Kyrkslätt und Esbo in Südfinnland, mit
besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verbreitung und Einwanderung der
Laubwiesenarten. 181 p., 10 figs, 64 maps, wrps. Unopened; BA42849 € 12
Cerceau-Larrival, M.-T.,
1962. Plantules et pollens d’Ombellifères. 166 p., 26 pls, paperbound.
Unopened (author dedication in front); BA08339 € 36
Cernohorsky, Z.,
1947. Graines des Crucifères de Bohême, étude anatomique et morphologique. 95 p., 84 figs, wrps.
Unopened; BA42254 € 12
Cernusca, A. (ed.),
1978. Ökologische Analysen von Almflächen im Gasteiner Tal. 390 p., num. figs
& tables, col. map, paperbound; BA43577 € 40
Cesar Diogo, J.,
1926. As folhas das vellozias e seu apparelho regulador da transpiraçao. 27
p., 5 pls with 30 figs, roy. 4to, disbound (Arch. Mus. Nac. RdJ); BA02099 € 25
Chabot, B.F. & H.A.
Mooney (eds), 1985. Physiological ecology of North American Plant
communities. xiv, 351 p., num. figs & tables, cloth (d.j.); BA43452 € 60
Chastain, A., 1958. La flore et la
végétation des îles de Kerguelen. 136 p., 6 figs, 36 pls, maps, paperbound.
Unopened (mnhnb11(1); BA08336 € 22
Chastenay, V. de,
1802-1803. Calendrier de Flore ou études de fleurs d’après nature
par Madame V.D.C. Vol. 1: xxxii, 397 p. Vol. 2: 535 p. Vol. 3: xvi, 552 p.,
hcalf, front covers loose, otherwise fine copy; BA08134 € 120
Cheadle, V.I. & K.
Esau, 1958. Secondary phloem of Calycanthaceae. iv, 96 p., 109
figs, 8 pls, paperbound; BA43350 € 15
Child, L. et al. (eds),
2003. Plant invasions: Ecological threats and management solutions. xii, 457
p., 106 figs, 84 tables, paperbound; BA42582 € 108
Choay, E., 1888. Recherches
anatomiques et physiologiques sur les Dryadées. 128 p., 3 pls, 4to, disbound;
BA42811 € 16
Cleef, A.M., 1981. The vegetation of
the Paramos of the Colombian Cordillera Oriental. 320 p., num. tables,
paperbound. Thesis; BA43545 € 38
Clements, F.E. & F.L.
Long, 1923. Experimental pollination. An outline of the ecology of
flowers and insects. vii, 274 p., col. frontispiece, 16 pls, 91 tables, cloth
(faded); BA43869 € 48
Clowes, F.A.L. & B.E.
Juniper, 1968. Plant cells. xvii, 546 p., 163 figs, 11 tables,
hardbound (d.j.) (Bot. Monogr. 8); BA43680 € 28
Cockayne, L., 1911. Report on the
dune-areas of New Zealand. Their geology, botany, and reclamation. 75 p., 72
photos, wrps; BA43650 € 20
Coe, M.J., 1967. The ecology of
the Alpine Zone of Mount Kenya. viii, 136 p., frontispiece, 20 figs, 24 pls,
cloth (d.j.); BA43300 € 40
Coetzee, B.J., 1972. Plantensosiologiese
studie van die Jack Scott-Natuurreservaat. 170 p., num. tipped-in
photos, 4to, boards. Thesis. In Afrikaans; BA42559 € 25
Colaris, W.J.J.,
1998. Natuur van het Gooi. Kansen voor duurzaam behoud. 420 p., 44 figs, 77
tables, paperbound. In Dutch; BA00027 € 45
Colón, E. et al., 1976. The master plan
for the commonwealth forests of Puerto Rico. num. figs & tables, oblong,
paperbound; BA43638 € 30
Combes, R., R. Heim & H.
Gaussen, 1939-1946. La forme des Végétaux et le milieu / La reproduction chez
les Plantes / Géographie des Plantes. 222, 224, 222 p., 26, 32, 8 figs, cloth. Three
books bound in one volume; BA08248 € 58
Conert, H.J. (ed.),
1999. Index Collectorum, Herbarii Senckenbergiani (FR). viii, 201 p., 4to,
paperbound (CFS217); BA42633 € 20
Cook, C.D.K., 1974. Water plants of
the World. viii, 561 p., 266 figs, cloth (d.j.); BA43357 € 50
Cook, C.D.K., 2004. Aquatic and
wetland Plants of southern Africa. vii, 281 p., 290 figs, hardbound; BA43064 €
Corbett, S. & J.
Balmer, 2003. The vegetation of Rocky Cape National Park. 31 p., 1
fig., 1 folded col. map, wrps; BA42271 € 10
Costantin, J. & F.
Faideau, 1922. Les plantes. Histoire naturelle illustrée (in 26
parts, complete). (4), 315, 1 p., A4, wrps. Edges scuffed, some parts loose,
some covers torn, contents fine; BA06799 € 20
Costerus, J.C., 1884 (2nd
ed.). Beginselen der Plantkunde, ten gebruike bij het onderwijs op de middelbare
scholen. xvi, 288 p., 199 figs, boards. Library stamp in front;
BA43836 € 10
Costerus, J.C., 1910 (7th
ed.). Beginselen der Plantkunde voor middelbare scholen en gymnasia. xii, 316 p.,
209 figs, cloth; BA42189 € 10
Coupin, H. et al.,
1922. Atlas de Botanique microscopique. Manuel de travaux pratiques. viii, 125
p., 50 pls, wrps (loose & worn); BA42987 € 14
Coupin, H., n.d. (ca.
1910?) (3rd ed.). Les Plantes originales. 321 p., 225 figs, paperbound
(spine worn); BA06616 € 39
Cram, W.J. et al. (eds),
1997. Sulphur metabolism in higher plants. Molecular, ecophysiological and
nutritional aspects. xviii, 368 p., 138 figs, 2 photographs, 44 tables,
hardbound; BA08507 € 88
Cramer, P.J.S., 1907. Kritische Übersicht
der bekannten Fälle von Knospenvariation. 474 p., 4to, boards (spine
broken). Unopened (Natuurk. Verhand. Holl. Mij Wetensch. Haarlem Derde Verz., Deel VI,
Derde Stuk); BA43874 € 90
Cranwell, L.M., 1953. New Zealand
pollen studies. The Monocotyledons. 91 p., 4to, wrps (front cover right top
cut); BA43013 € 24
Cremers, G. & M. Hoff,
2003. Guide de la Flore des bords de mer de Guyane française. 214 p., 192
figs, A4, paperbound (CPN59); BA02086 € 42
Crété, P., 1942. Recherches
histologiques et physiologiques sur l’embryologie des Labiatiflores.
Contribution à l’étude des formations haustoriales. 240 p., 523 figs, wrps
(partly loose). Thesis; BA42153 € 24
Cristea, V. et al.,
2004. Fitosociologie. 394 p., 140 figs, 20 (17 col.) pls, 26 tables,
paperbound; BA43434 € 24
Cugnac, A. de, 1930. Recherches sur
les Glucides des Graminées. 130 p., 9 figs, wrps (worn, partly loose). Thesis.
Unopened; BA42150 € 16
Cutler, D.F., 1969. Anatomy of the
Monocotyledons. IV. Juncales. ix, 357 p., 43 figs, 8 pls, hardbound (d.j.);
BA43686 € 50
Dässler, H.-G. & S.
Börtitz (eds), 1988. Air pollution and its influence on vegetation. 223 p.,
figs & tables, cloth (Tasks Veget. Sci. 18); BA43299 € 30
Daguillon, A., 1897 (2nd
ed.). Leçons élémentaires de botanique. 760 p., 640 figs, paperbound (front
hinge weak); BA08598 € 20
Daguillon, A., 1901 (8th
ed.). Leçons élémentaires de Botanique. 760 p., 640 figs, hcalf; BA07964 € 24
Dam, O. van, 2001. Forest filled
with gaps. Effects of gap size on water and nutrient cycling in tropical rain
forest. A study in Guyana. 208 p., num. figs & photos, paperbound. Thesis;
BA43485 € 25
Dangeard, P., 1947. Cytologie végétale et
cytologie générale. 611 p., 246 figs, paperbound; BA08617 € 52
Daniel, J., 1915. Influence du
monde de vie sur structure secondaire des dicotylédones. 349 p., 118 figs, 56
pls, paperbound; BA08535 € 20
Darwin, C.R. (traduit de
l’anglais par le Dr. E. Heckel), 1877. Des effets de la
fécondation croisée et de la fécondation directe dans le règne végétal. xv, 496
p., paperbound (front cover loose). Unopened; BA08010 € 85
Dassen, M., 1835-1844. Verhandeling over de
bladbewegingen (2 parts). 169 p., disbound (Verh. Holl. Mij Wetensch.); BA44081
€ 40
Dauphiné, A., 1934. Notions
d’anatomie des plantes vasculaires. 35 p., 39 figs, 4to, wrps; BA43043 € 10
Davidian, J.-C. et al.
(eds), 2003. Sulfur transport and assimilation in plants.
Regulation, interaction and signaling. xxvi, 393 p., 101 figs, 40 tables,
hardbound; BA42331 € 96
Davis, P.H. & V.H.
Heywood, 1963. Principles of angiosperm taxonomy. xx, 558 p., 42
figs, paperbound; BA08217 € 44
Davis, T.D. et al.,
1988. Adventitious root formation in cuttings. 315 p., num. figs, cloth
(d.j.); BA07955 € 35
Davy de Virville, Ad. et
al., 1954. Histoire de la botanique en France. 392 p., 60 figs,
100 portraits, 16 pls, paperbound (front cover partly loose); BA08605 € 60
Dayrat, B., 2003. Les botanistes
et la flore de France: trois siècles de découvertes. 690 p., 92 (14 col.) figs,
paperbound (Coll. Archives); BA41984 € 50
DeCandolle, 1840-1874
(reprint 1967). Genera, species et synonyma Candolleana alphabetico
ordine disposita, seu Index generalis et specialis ad A.P. Decandolle Prodromum
systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis. Auctore H.W. Buek. 4 parts bound in 2
volumes. xxxvi, 1570 p., cloth; BA06611 € 150
Deil, U., 1997. Zur geobotanischen
Kennzeichnung von Kulturlandschaften. Vergleichende Untersuchungen in
Südspanien und Nordmarokko. xi, 189 p., 50 figs, 27 photos, 49 tables, 4to,
cloth; BA43542 € 76
Del Vitto, L.A. et al.,
1986. Coloquio de la flora y la vegetacion de America Latina. 327 p., num.
figs & tables, 16 col. photos, paperbound; BA43612 € 12
Delarge, L., 1941. Etude de la
croissance et de la ramification des racines in vitro. xxix, 217 p., 27 figs,
paperbound (unopened); BA08594 € 18
Delevoryas, T., 1966. Prinzipien der
Pflanzenphylogenie. 153 p., 59 figs, paperbound; BA42071 € 14
Dell, B. et al. (eds),
1986. Resilience in mediterranean-type ecosystems. viii, 168 p., num. figs,
4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 16); BA07374 € 30
Delvosalle, L. et al.,
1969. Plantes rares, disparues ou menacées de disparition en Belgique:
L’appauvrissement de la flore indigène. 129 p., 11 photos, 18 maps, paperbound; BA43808 €
Dennert, E., 1926. Die intraindividuelle
fluktuierende Variabilität. Eine Untersuchung über die Abänderung des
Pflanzenindividuums und die Periodizität der Lebenserscheinungen. 149 p., 31 figs,
wrps. Unopened; BA41854 € 10
Denny, P. (ed.),
1985. The ecology and management of African wetland vegetation. xii, 344 p.,
num. figs & tables, cloth (Geobotany 6); BA43298 € 90
Devender, T.R. van et al.,
1990. Holocene vegetation of the Hornaday Mountains of Northwestern Sonora,
Mexico. 19 p., 4 figs, 5 tables, stapled; BA42280 € 4
Devlin, R.M., 1966. Plant
physiology. xi, 564 p., num. figs, cloth; BA06618 € 28
Die, J. van, 1955. A comparative
study of the particle fractions from Apocynaceae latices. 124 p., 11 figs, 52
tables, paperbound. Thesis; BA42045 € 16
Dierschke, H. (ed.),
1977. Vegetation und Klima. xiv, 615 p., num. figs & tables, cloth (Ber.
Int. Symp.
Int. Ver. Veg.); BA43407 € 60
Dierssen, K., 1990. Einführung in die
Pflanzensoziologie. x, 241 p., 55 figs, 19 tables, hardbound; BA43451 € 20
Dillewijn, C. van, 1927. Die Lichtswachstumsreaktionen
von Avena. ix, 274 p., 30 figs, paperbound; BA42571 € 16
Dirzo, R. & J. Sarukhán
(eds), 1984. Perspectives on plant population ecology. xviii, 478
p., num. figs & tables, paperbound (backcover & few last pages
waterstained); BA43519 € 16
Dittmer, H.J., 1959 (rev.
ed.). The story of the Plant kingdom (original edition by M.C. Coulter). ix,
326 p., 137 figs, cloth (d.j.); BA08199 € 20
Dittmer, H.J., 1964. Phylogeny and
form in the Plant kingdom. xiii, 642 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.); BA06620 € 42
Dobben, H.F. van et al.,
1992. Impact of acid atmospheric deposition on the biogeochemistry of moorland
pools and surrounding terrestrial environment. 232 p., num. graphs &
tables, microfiche in holder, paperbound; BA43221 € 22
Docters van Leeuwen, W.M., 1954. On the biology
of some Javanese Loranthaceae and the role birds play in their life-historie
(sic). 105 p., 23 figs, 10 pls, disbound (Beaufortia 41); BA08489 € 20
Dodonaeus, R., 1583
(reprint 1979). Stirpium historiae pemptades sex sive libri XXX. [20],
860, [27] p., hundreds of woodcuts, roy. 4to, hardbound (artificial leather);
BA08245 € 195
Donselaar-ten Bokkel
Huinink, W.A.E. van, 1961. An ecological study of the vegetation in three
former river beds. 51 p., 7 figs, 3 tables, stapled (reprint from Wentia 5);
BA43160 € 6
Donselaar-ten Bokkel
Huinink, W.A.E. van, 1966. Structure, root systems and periodicity of
savanna plants and vegetations in Northern Surinam. 162 p., 17 figs, folded pls
in backcover, paperbound; BA08540 € 20
Donselaar, J. van, 1965. An ecological
and phytogeographic study of northern Surinam savannas. 163 p., 15 figs, 9
tables, 1 map, folded tables in backcover, paperbound; BA08539 € 25
Donselaar, J. van,
1989. Brokopondo Research Report, Suriname. Part III. The vegetation in the Brokopondo-Lake
Basin (Surinam) before, during, and after the inundation, 1964-1972. 45 p., 2
figs, 6 tables, paperbound (NWSS124); BA42726 € 12
Doulat, E., 1946. Le noyau et
l’élément chromosomique chez les spermatophytes. 222 p., 9 pls (154 figs),
disbound; BA08026 € 14
Drabble, Ph., 1987. My wilderness in
bloom. 224 p., num. photographs (several col.), hardbound (d.j.); BA42022 € 12
Drude, O., 1890. Handbuch der
Pflanzengeographie. xvi, 582 p., 3 figs, 4 maps, hcalf; BA06621 € 62
Du Buy, H.G., 1933. Ueber Wachstum
und Phototropismus der Avena sativa. viii, 128 p., 17 figs, wrps (first pages
somewhat waterstained, not affecting text). Thesis; BA41972 € 20
Dubard, M., 1913. Botanique
coloniale appliquée. Cours professé à l’École Supérieure d’Agriculture Coloniale.
vi, 347 p., 146 figs, wrps (spine broken, covers partly damaged). Unopened;
BA43868 € 40
Duchartre, P.E.S., 1877 (2e
ed.). Eléments de botanique, anatomie, organographie, physiologie des plantes,
familles naturelles et géographie botanique. viii, 1272 p., 571 figs, cloth;
BA08086 € 48
Duchartre, P.E.S., 1885 (3e
ed.). Eléments de botanique, anatomie, organographie, physiologie des plantes,
familles naturelles et géographie botanique. viii, 1272 p., 571 figs, cloth;
BA08085 € 46
Dümmler, C., 1993. Pesticides et
agriculture tropicale - Dangers et alternatives. (vi), 281 p., figs &
graphs, paperbound; BA44072 € 15
Dupont, P., 1990. Atlas partiel de
la flore de France. 442 p., 314 distribution maps, paperbound (CPN3); BA08515 €
Durand, Th., 1888. Index generum
phanerogamarum usque ad finem anni 1887 promulgatorum in Benthami et Hookeri
“Genera Plantarum” fundatus cum numero specierum synonymis et area geographica.
xxii, 722 p., hcalf; BA06622 € 145
During, H.J. et al. (eds),
1988. Diversity and pattern in plant communities. 286 p., 103 figs,
paperbound; BA08395 € 44
Dutta, N.M. et al.,
1996. Current concepts in pollen-spore and biopollution research. xv, 395 p.,
num. figs, hardbound; BA08000 € 60
Eames, A.J. & L.H.
MacDaniels, 1925. An introduction to plant anatomy. xiv, 364 p., 145
figs, cloth; BA08087 € 20
Elgersma, A. et al. (eds),
1996. Grassland science in perspective. 114 p., 10 figs, 19 tables, paperbound
(WAUP96.4); BA42316 € 30
Ellenberg, H., 1978 (2nd
ed.). Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen. 989 p., 499 figs, 130 tables, cloth
(d.j.); BA43393 € 36
Elvers, I., 1932. Chromosomenzahlen in
der Gattung Valerianella nebst einigen systematischen Bemerkungen. 7 p., 2 figs,
wrps; BA42228 € 4
Emberger, L. et al.,
1955. Plant ecology. Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium. 124 p., figs
& tables, 4to, paperbound (spine torn), papers in English & French;
BA43595 € 12
Emberger, L., 1932. Notice sur les
titres et travaux scientifiques de Louis Emberger. 47 p., 4to, wrps; BA42774 €
Emberger, L., 1944. Les Plantes
Fossiles dans leur rapports avec les végétaux vivants (eléments de
paléobotanique et de morphologie comparée). 492 p., 457 figs, paperbound (wrps
loose, binding very weak); BA43347 € 30
Enander, S.J., 1907. Studier öfver
Salices i Linnés Herbarium. 138 p., 1 folded pl., paperbound. Thesis. In
Swedish. Unopened; BA41944 € 38
Endlicher, S.,
1836-1840. Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita
(in 3 vols). lx, 1483 p., paperbound, covers taped and heavily worn, bits of
cover missing, occasional foxing; BA06693 € 135
Engler, A. (ed.), 1939. Botanische Jahrbücher
für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. 70. Band. Heft
1. 180 p., 6 figs, 3 pls, 6 tables, cloth. Ex-library copy; BA42997 € 20
Engler, A. & E. Gilg,
1924 (9th & 10th ed.). Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien. xliii, 420 p., 462
figs, cloth; BA41967 € 30
Engler, A. & E. Gilg,
1924 (9th & 10th ed.). Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien. xliii, 420 p., 462
figs, cloth. Back broken & loose, some pencil annotations; BA42287 € 20
Engler, A. & E. Gilg,
1924 (9th & 10th ed.). Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien. xliii, 420 p., 462
figs, cloth; BA43288 € 28
Engler, A. & K. Prantl,
1897-1915. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren
Arten insbesondere der Nutzpflanzen, unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher
hervorragender Fachgelehrten. Nachträge I zum II.-IV. Teil; Nachträge II und
III zum II.-IV. Teil. 380; 84, 379, 381 p., num. figs, complete, needs binding
(good working copy); BA43166 € 40
Engles-Julius, C.M.,
1932. In tuinen en langs wegen in de Indische laagvlakte. vi, 95 p., col.
frontispiece, 75 figs, boards; BA42212 € 20
Erdtman, G., 1943 (2nd rev.
printing, 1954). An introduction to pollen analysis. xv, 239 p., 15
figs, 28 pls, 10 tables, 3 portraits, cloth; BA44101 € 32
Ernst, A. et al., 1914. Festschrift zur
Eröffnung des neuen Instituts für allgemeine Botanik an der Universität Zürich.
286 p., 41 figs, 23 pls, paperbound; BA42642 € 18
Ernst, W., 1974. Schwermetallvegetation
der Erde. ix, 194 p., 45 figs, 100 tables, cloth (d.j.) (Geobot. Selecta
V); BA43449 € 40
Esau, K., 1967. Anatomy of seed
plants. xvi, 376 p., num. figs, paperbound; BA08194 € 15
Eshuis, H.J., 1946. Palynologisch en
stratigrafisch onderzoek van de Peelvenen. 144 p., 27 figs, 8 b&w
photographs, wrps (worn, partly loose). Library stamps; BA42375 € 10
Estrada, A. & Th.H.
Fleming (eds), 1986. Frugivores and seed dispersal. xiii, 392 p., num. figs
& tables, 4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 15); BA43364 € 80
Eussen, J.H.H., 1978. Studies on the
tropical weed Imperata cylindrica Beauv. var. major. 120 p., num. figs,
paperbound. Thesis; BA42515 € 12
Everard, B. & B.D.
Morley, 1970. Wild flowers of the world. 432 p., 191 col. pls, cloth
(d.j.). Edge slightly bumped; BA42711 € 25
Excerpta Botanica, 1964-1969. Vols 6-9 (in 2
neatly bound vols). Ex-library; BA44052 € 90
Faasse, P., 1995. Between seasons
and science. To commemorate the 150-year jubilee of the Royal Botanical Society
of the Netherlands. 132 p., 25 figs, paperbound; BA06623 € 23
Falinska, K., 1991. Plant demography
in vegetation succession. ix, 210 p., num. figs, 4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget.
Sci. 26); BA43367 € 80
Falinska, K., 2003. Alternative
pathways of succession: species turnover patterns in meadows abandoned for 30
years. 104 p., num. figs & tables, 4to, hardbound (Phytocoenosis (N.S.) 15.
Arch. Geobot. 9); BA43597 € 18
Falinski, J.B. et al.,
2000. Geobotanical atlas of the Bug River Valley. 320 p.,
num. figs, & maps, 4to, hardbound (Phytocoenosis (N.S.) 12. Supplementum
Cartographiae Geobotanicae 12); BA43598 € 30
Falinski, J.B., 1978. Vegetation dynamics. Proceedings of
the Third Symposium, 1977. 401 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound
(Phytocoenosis 7); BA43590 € 30
Falinski, J.B.,
1990-1991. Kartografia Geobotaniczna vols 1,2 & 3. 284, 284, 355 p., num. (folded) col.
maps, boards; BA43568 € 86
Farr, E.R. et al. (eds),
1979. Index Nominum Genericorum (Plantarum). 3 vols. I: Aa-Epochnium. II:
Eprolithus-Peersia. III: Pegaeeophyton-Zyzygium. xxvi, 1896 p., cloth; BA43494
€ 270
Farrelly, D., 1984. The book of
Bamboo. (viii), 332 p., num. figs, 4to, paperbound; BA42917 € 16
Fassett, N.C., 1928. The vegetation
of the estuaries of northeastern North America. 56 p., 10 pls, paperbound;
BA42059 € 14
Felderer, K. & A.
Lachmann, 1952. Blumenmärchen Seiseralm. unpaginated (86 pages),
fullcolour drawings, black-and-white photographs, hardbound, oblong. A
delightful book of flower-inspired poems with accompanying watercolours of
flowers, insects, and fairy-tale figures; BA02091 € 70
Feoli, E. & L. Orlóci
(eds), 1991. Computer vegetation analysis. ix, 498 p., figs &
tables, hardbound (Handb. veg. sci. vol. 11); BA43390 € 96
Feoli, E. et al.,
1984. Information analysis of vegetation data. x, 143 p., num. figs, 4to,
hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 10); BA43368 € 40
Ferguson, I.K. & S.C.
Tucker, 1994. Advances in legume systematics part 6. Structural
botany. xii, 259 p., 78 figs, paperbound; BA42851 € 25
Fernandes, D.S.,
1923. Aerobe und anaerobe Atmung bei Keimlingen von Pisum sativum. viii, 150 p.,
22 figs, 56 tables, wrps. Thesis; BA42732 € 10
Fichtner, K., 1991. Der Einfluß des
Stickstoffangebots auf das Wachstum unterschiedlich nitrophiler annueller
Pflanzen und die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Stickstoffhaushalt und Photosynthese
bei Phaseolus lunatus und transgenem Nicotiana tabacum. ; BA43605 € 10
Fischer-Benzon, R. von,
1891. Die Moore der Provinz Schleswig-Holstein. 80 p., disbound; BA42297 € 8
Fitting, H. et al., 1954 (26th
ed.). Lehrbuch der Botanik für Hochschulen. xii, 651 p., 889 (several col.) figs,
1 col. map, publisher’s cloth; BA43744 € 15
Fliervoet, L.M.,
1984. Canopy structures of Dutch grasslands. 256 p., num. figs & tables,
paperbound. Thesis; BA43105 € 20
Fogg, G.E., 1970. Photosynthese.
120 p., 51 figs, paperbound; BA42052 € 10
Francé, R.H., 1939. Die Pflanzenwelt der
Subtropen. 79 p., num. figs, cloth; BA08621 € 12
François, M., 1951. Décors exotiques
et plantes d’aquariums. 239 p., num. figs, 64 b&w photos, paperbound;
BA42984 € 16
Frank, D. & S. Klotz,
1988. Biologisch-ökologische Daten zur Flora der DDR. 103 p., paperbound; BA43521
€ 10
Frank, D. & S. Klotz, 1990
(2nd revised ed.). Biologisch-ökologische Daten zur Flora der DDR. 167 p.,
paperbound; BA43470 € 12
Frankel, O.H. & E.
Bennett, 1970. Genetics resources in Plants - their exploration and
conservation. xxi, 554 p., several figs, cloth (d.j.); BA06624 € 45
Franquet, R., 1932. La genèse de
l’amidon dans quelques plantes a réserves amylacées. 104 p., 4 figs, 28 tables,
wrps; BA42255 € 15
Franz, H. (ed.), 1980. Untersuchungen an
alpinen Böden in den Hohen Tauern 1974-1978. Stoffdynamik und Wasserhaushalt.
295 p., num. figs & tables, col. map, paperbound; BA43578 € 30
Franz, H. (ed.), 1981. Bodenbiologische
Untersuchungen in den Hohen Tauern 1974-1978. 300 p., num. figs &
tables, col. map, paperbound; BA43579 € 30
Freeman, E.M., 1905. Minnesota plant
diseases. xxiii, 432 p., 211 figs, cloth (spine worn & hinges partly loose
& weak); BA42509 € 14
Fremstad, E., 1981. Flommarksvegetasjon
ved Orkla, Sør-Trøndelag. 89 p., 24 figs, 11 tables, wrps. In Norwegian with
English summary; BA42885 € 14
Frey-Wyssling, A., 1945. Ernährung und
Stoffwechsel der Pflanzen. 295 p., 66 figs, cloth (d.j., worn); BA08602 € 12
Freysen, A.H.J. & J.W.
Woldendorp (eds), 1978. Structure and functioning of plant populations.
323 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound (d.j.); BA43455 € 16
Friedberg, C., 1990. Le savoir
botanique des Bunaq: percevoir et classer dans le Haut Lamaknen (Timor,
Indonesie). 304 p., 61 figs, 20 tables, paperbound (memb32); BA08418 € 64
Fries, M., 1951. Pollenanalytiska
vittnesbörd om senkvartär vegetationsutveckling, särskilt skogshistoria, i
nordvästa Götland. 216 p., 43 figs, 1 plte, num. tables, wrps (summary in
German); BA42890 € 18
Frödin, J., 1918. Über das Verhältnis
zwischen vegetation und Erdfliessen in den alpinen Regionen des Schwedischen
Lappland. 31 p., 9 figs, 4 pls, wrps (binding loose & weak); BA43030 € 16
Gaertner, C.F., 1838. Verhandeling ter
beantwoording der Vraag: “Wat leert de ondervinding aangaande het ontstaan van
nieuwe soorten of bijsoorten van planten door kunstige bevruchting van bloemen
van de eene met het bloemstof van andere soorten? En weklke nieuwe, nuttige of
fraaije plantgewassen kunnen op die wijze worden voortgebragt en
vermenigvuldigd?” 202 p., boards, unopened, library sticker on spine
(Natuurk. Verhand. Holl. Mij Wetensch. Haarlem 24e deel, eerste stuk); BA43799 €
Gärtner, J. & C.F.
Gärtner, 1788-1807 (reprint 1974). De fructibus et seminibus
plantarum. Accedunt seminum centuriae XII. 3 vols (complete). 1400 p., 225 pls,
cloth; BA06626 € 300
Galston, A.W., 1964. Physiologie der grünen
Pflanze. 128 p., 74 figs, paperbound; BA41869 € 8
Gassner, G., 1912. Untersuchungen über
die Wirkung des Lichtes und des Temperaturwechsels auf die Keimung von Chloris
ciliata. 120 p., 3 figs, paperbound, wrps; BA42565 € 12
Gauba, E., 1951-1955. 4 papers (Botanische
Reisen persischen Dattelregion [3} und Nordpersien). 66 p., disbound; BA44054 €
Gauckler, K., 1957. Die Gipshügel in
Franken, ihr Pflanzenkleid und ihre Tierwelt. 92 p., 17 b&w photographs, 9
maps, paperbound; BA41920 € 8
Gaussen, H., 1933. Géographie des
Plantes. 222 p., 1 fig., 7 maps, boards; BA43810 € 10
Gauthé, J. et al.,
1965-1968. Contribution à la caryologie de quelques végétaux
cultivés dans les serres du Muséum. Essais de Caryo-Taxinomie I-II. 2 vols. 295
p., 39 pls, paperbound. Unopened (mnhnb16#1+18); BA08343 € 34
Geerts, J.M., 1923. Leerboek der
Plantkunde. 281 p., 256 figs, cloth (spine torn & loose); BA42629 € 8
Gehu, J.-M. (ed.),
1974. Documents phytosociologiques fasc. 7-8. 117 p., wrps; BA43632 € 15
Gehu, J.-M. (ed.),
1975. La végétation des Forêts caducifoliées acidiphiles d’Europe occidentale.
395 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound (Coll. Phytosociol. III); BA43441 €
Gehu, J.-M. (ed.),
1976. La végétation des vases salées. 520 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound
(Coll. Phytosociol. IV); BA43439 € 60
Gehu, J.-M. (ed.),
1985. Végétations nitrophiles et anthropogènes / Séminaire mégaphorbiaies. 876
p., num. figs & tables, hardbound (Coll. Phytosociol. XII); BA43460 € 90
Gehu, J.-M. (ed.),
1986. Végétation et géomorphologie. 876 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound
(Coll. Phytosociol. XIII); BA43459 € 90
Gelin, O.E.V., 1932. Nymphaea
Daubenyana. Eine zytologische Studie. 9 p., 4 figs, wrps; BA42227 € 4
Gelin, O.E.V., 1934. Embryologische
und cytologische Studien in Heliantheae - Coreopsidinae. 30 p., 20 figs, wrps;
BA42226 € 6
Genderen, H. van et al., 1997
(2nd ed.). Chemisch-ecologische flora van Nederland en België. Een inleiding over aard
en ecologische betekenis van secundaire plantestoffen. xii, 299 p., num. figs,
hardbound; BA08021 € 35
Genders, R., 1956. The Flower grower’s
handbook. Growing and marketing outdoor flowers. 248 p., frontispiece, 30 b&w
photographs, hardbound (d.j.); BA42722 € 12
Gérardin, S., 1888. Herbier pour le
classement et la conservation de trente-deux types végétaux. 84 p., 280 figs,
folio, decorated cloth; BA06694 € 78
Gérardin, S., 1910. Essai de physiologie
végétale. 2 vols. lxxiii, 916 p., 54 pls,
paperbound (contemporary
wrps); BA06625 € 250
Gerth, H., 1978. Wirkungen einiger Landschaftspflegeverfahren
auf die Pflanzenbestände und Möglichkeiten der Schafweide auf feuchten
Grünlandbrachen. 206 p., 46 figs, 36 tables, paperbound. Thesis; BA43472 € 10
Gertz, O., 1927. Untersuchungen über
die Verbreitung der Jodidoxydasen. 59 p., wrps (reprint Botan. Not. 1927);
BA42819 € 10
Gertz, O., 1929. Über die Jodidoxydasen
der Angiospermen, ihre Verbreitung und Eigenschaften. Biochemische Studien. 61
p., wrps. Unopened (reprint Lunds Univ. Arsskr. NF Avd. 2 25#14); BA00008 € 14
Ghouse, A.K.M. & M.
Yunus (eds), 1972. Research trends in Plant anatomy (K.A. Chowdhury
commemoration volume). xviii, 187 p., portrait, num. figs, 33 pls, cloth (d.j.)
; BA43677 € 30
Gilibert, J.E., 1787. Démonstrations
élémentaires de Botanique. Vols. 1-3. lii, 482; lxxxviii, 580; 720 p., 13
fold. pls, contemporary marbled calf (worn, outer ends spines damaged); BA08035
€ 300
Gilles, E., 1905. Étude
morphologique et anatomique du Sablier (Hura Crepitans). 87 p., 72 figs, 3 pls,
wrps (partly loose). Unopened; BA42601 € 12
Gillet, H., 1968. Le peuplement
végétal du Massif de l’Ennedi (Tchad). 206 p., 36 pls, figs, 2 maps,
paperbound. Unopened (mnhnb17); BA08333 € 36
Gindel, I., 1973. A new
ecophysiological approach to forest-water relationships in arid climates. iv,
142 p., 54 figs, 29 tables, cloth (d.j.); BA07286 € 20
Givnish, T.J. (ed.),
1986. On the economy of plant form and function. Proceedings of the Sixth
Maria Moors Cabot Symposium, “Evolutionary constraints on primary productivity:
Adaptive patterns of energy capture in plants”, Harvard Forest, August 1983.
xvii, 717 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound (d.j.); BA43462 € 60
Gleason, H.A. & A.
Cronquist, 1964. The natural geography of Plants. viii, 420 p., num.
figs, cloth; BA07817 € 50
Goebel, K., 1898-1901 (1st
ed.). Organographie der Pflanzen. Insbesondere der Archegoniaten und
Samenpflanzen. 2 parts in 1 volume: 1. Allgemeine Organographie, 2. Specielle
Organographie, xviii, 840 p., 539 figs, hcalf, back cover loose (needs
rebacking), complete in two volumes; BA08178 € 80
Goebel, K., 1913-1918 (2nd
ed.). Organographie der Pflanzen. Insbesondere der Archegoniaten und
Samenpflanzen. 2 vols. 1. Allgemeine Organographie. 2. Spezielle Organographie.
xxvii, 1208 p., 1190 figs, cloth; BA06627 € 150
Goebel, K.I.E., 1924-1933 (3rd
ed.). Organographie der Pflanzen. Including the “Ergänzungsbanden”: Die
Entfaltungsbewegungen der Pflanzen und deren teleologische Deutung &
Blütenbildung und Sprossgestaltung (Anthokladien und Infloreszenzen). 5 vols. 2885 p.,
2608 figs, cloth; BA08015 € 275
Goldammer, J.G. & M.J.
Jenkins (eds), 1990. Fire in ecosystem dynamics. Mediterranean and Northern
perspectives. viii, 199 p., 81 figs, 35 tables, paperbound; BA06628 € 32
González Guzmán, A.E.,
1967. A palynological study on the upper Los Cuervos and Mirador Formations
(Lower and Middle Eocene; Tibú area, Colombia). ix, 68 p., 10 figs, 30 pls, 1
folded map, paperbound. Thesis; BA41930 € 20
Good, R., 1947. The geography of
the flowering plants. 403 p., 71 figs, 16 pls, 9 col. maps, cloth (d.j., worn);
BA43302 € 10
Good, R., 1956. Features of
evolution in the flowering p. 405 p., 162 figs, cloth (d.j.); BA06629 € 45
Goodspeed, T.H. et al.,
1935. Application of the Altmann freezing-drying technique to plant cytology.
II. Character of the fixation. III. Chromosome structure in Lilium longiflorum.
22 p., 2 pls, wrps; BA42950 € 10
Goodspeed, T.H.,
1945. Studies in Nicotiana III. A taxonomic organization of the genus.
Chromosome number and morphology in Nicotiana. VII. Karyotypes of fifty-five
species in relation to a taxonomic revision of the genus. 10 p., 24 p., 7 figs,
wrps; BA43034 € 8
Goodspeed, T.H.,
1954. The genus Nicotiana. xxii, 536 p., 118 figs, 50 tables, cloth (Chron.
Bot. 16(1/6); BA08481 € 60
Gorter, A. et al.,
1941. Planten van Amsterdam. 52 p., wrps; BA42812 € 8
Gotoh, K., 1931. Physiological
researches on pollen, with special reference to the artificial germination of
Gramineae Pollen. 136 p., 2 pls, paperbound; BA42937 € 30
Gouda, E. & R. (eds),
2003 (3rd ed.). Backer’s Dutch-English Taxonomic-Botanical Lexicon. 95
p., oblong, paperbound; BA43970 € 8
Graaf, N.R. de, 1986. A silvicultural
system for natural regeneration of tropical rain forest in Suriname. 250 p.,
num. figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis. Several annotations and underlinings
in pencil; BA43555 € 38
Graebner, P., 1909. Die Pflanzenwelt
Deutschlands. Lehrbuch der Formationsbiologie. xi, 374 p., 129 figs, boards
(spine taped); BA41999 € 18
Graebner, P., 1910. Lehrbuch der
allgemeinen Pflanzengeographie. viii, 303 p., 150 figs, boards (spine damaged,
hinges weak); BA42424 € 16
Graebner, P., 1925. Die Heide
Norddeutschlands und die sich anschliessenden Formationen in biologischer
Betrachtung. Eine Schilderung ihrer Vegetationsverhältnisse, ihrer
Existenzbedingungen und ihrer Beziehungen zu den übrigen Formationen,
besonderes zu Wald und Moor. (Die Vegetation der Erde Bd.V.). xxvi, 277 p., 78
figs, 1 col. map, wrps; BA08028 € 36
Graebner, P., 1929. Lehrbuch der
allgemeinen Pflanzengeographie. 320 p., 130 figs, 24 tables, cloth (d.j.);
BA07813 € 40
Graf, A.B., 1978 (9th
ed.). Exotica Series 3. Pictorial Cyclopedia of Exotic Plants from Tropical
and Near-tropic Regions. 1833 p., 12000 illustrations, 204 col. photographs,
hardbound. As new; BA42659 € 145
Graf, A.B., 1981 (2nd
ed.). Tropica. Color Cyclopedia of Exotic Plants and Trees for Warm-Region
Horticulture - in Cool Climate the Summer Garden or Sheltered Indoors. 1136 p.,
7000 col. photographs, 4to, hardbound. As new; BA42656 € 280
Graf, A.B., 1992 (1st
ed.). Hortica. A Color Cyclopedia of Garden Flora in all Climates and Indoor
Plants. 1216 p., 8100 col. photographs, 4to, hardbound. As new; BA42655 € 212
Greig-Smith, P.,
1964. Quantitative plant ecology. 256 p., figs, tables, cloth; BA07814 € 35
Grime, J.P., 1979. Plant strategies
& vegetation processes. xi, 222 p., 63 figs, 35 pls, 21 tables, paperbound;
BA43353 € 40
Groenendael, J. van & H.
de Kroon (eds), 1990. Clonal growth in plants: regulation and function. 205
p., 57 figs, 12 tables, paperbound; BA08370 € 39
Grootjans, A.P. et al. (eds), 1995. Kalkrijke duinvalleien
op de Waddeneilanden. Ecologie en regeneratiemogelijkheden. 175 p., num. figs
& col. photographs, hardbound (KNNV); BA41973 € 20
Guédès, M., 1972. Contribution à
la morphologie du Phyllome. 179 p., 60 pls, paperbound. Unopened (mnhnb21);
BA08344 € 20
Guersent, L.B., 1803. Quels sont les
caractères des propriétés vitales dans les végétaux. [4], 84 p., wrps; BA06630
€ 32
Guevara Sada, S.A.,
1986. Plant species availability and regeneration in Mexican tropical rain forest.
ca. 130 p., num. figs, paperbound; BA43643 € 10
Gustafsson, M., 1975. Evolutionary
trends on the Atriplex prostrata group of Scandinavia IV. Taxonomy and
morphological variation (in manuscript). 128 p., 38 figs, paperbound;
BA08235 € 12
Haberlandt, G., 1910 (2nd
ed.). Eine Botanische Tropenreise. Indo-Malayische Vegetationsbilder und
Reiseskizzen. viii, 296 p., 48 figs, 9 pls, 3 col. pls, hleather; BA43660 € 70
Hacket, C., 1991. Plantgro. A
software package for coarse prediction of Plant growth. xiii, 242 p., several
figs, paperbound. Including 6 floppydisks; BA06631 € 62
Hadac, E., 1944. Die Gefässpflanzen des
“Sassengebietes” Vestspitsbergen. 72 p., 24 figs, 14 pls, paperbound. Library
stamp; BA42985 € 18
Haderlapp, P., 1982. Alpine
Vegetation der Steiner Alpen. 56 p., 11 figs, 1 fold. table, paperbound;
BA07791 € 10
Haeupler, H., 1974. Statistische
Auswertung von Punktrasterkarten der Gefäßpflanzenflora Süd-Niedersachsens. 141 p., 36 figs,
26 tables, paperbound (Scripta Geobot. 8); BA43524 € 16
Hafsten, U., 1956. Pollen-analytic
investigations on the late Quaternary development in the inner Oslofjord area.
161 p., 16 figs, 16 pls, paperbound; BA41958 € 18
Hagberg, K. (ed.),
1955. Carl Linnaeus Skrifter. 280 p., 9 (1 col.) pls, hcloth. In Swedish; BA41943
€ 25
Hagberg, K., 1944. Carl Linnaeus,
de bloemenkoning. 218 p., 8 pls, hcloth; BA41946 € 22
Hagberg, K., 1957. Carl Linnaeus.
237 p., hcloth. In Swedish. Portrait of Linnaeus from d.j. pasted opposite
halftitle. Some pencil annotations; BA41942 € 22
Hagerup, O., 1934. Zur Abstammung einiger
Angiospermen durch Gnetales und Coniferae. 83 p., 117 figs, wrps missing;
BA41879 € 8
Håkansson, A., 1942. Zytologische Studien
an Rassen und Rassenbastarden von Godetia whitneyi und verwandten Arten. 70 p., 7 figs, 7
tables, wrps; BA42909 € 10
Hall, D.O. et al. (eds),
1985. Economics of ecosystem management. x, 244 p., num. figs, 4to, hardbound
(Tasks Veget. Sci. 14); BA07373 € 40
Hallberg, H.P., 1971. Vegetation auf den
Schalenablagerungen in Bohuslän, Schweden. 136 p., 73 figs, 20 tables,
cloth. In German with English summary; BA07800 € 28
Hammen, L. van der,
1972-1975. Drie papers. 1) Kleurwaarnemingen aan planten; 2) Botanische
geurbeschrijvingen; 3) Aanvullende gegevens over geuren, de reuk en de
geurbeschrijving. 28 p., wrps; BA43018 € 5
Hammen, T. van der (ed.),
1973. The Quaternary of Colombia. El cuaternario de Colombia. Vol. 1. 92 p., 8
figs, 1 tab., paperbound (Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol.Palaeoecol. 14#1);
BA43610 € 10
Hammen, T. van der (ed.),
1973. The Quaternary of Colombia. El cuaternario de Colombia. Vol. 2. 122 p.,
24 figs, 10 pls, paperbound (Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 16#1);
BA43611 € 10
Hansen, A., 1914 (9th
ed.). Repetitorium der Botanik für Mediziner, Pharmazeuten, Lehramts-Kandidaten
und Studierende der Forst- und Landwirtschaft. 224 p., 41 figs, 8 pls, boards
(spine loose); BA42786 € 10
Hansen, A., 1920. Het Plantenkleed der
Aarde. Algemeene Plantengeographie. 316 p., 24 photos, 1 col. map, cloth; BA08624
€ 10
Hanson, H.C. & E.D. Churchill,
1961. The Plant community. xii, 218 p., num. figs, hardbound; BA07799 € 35
Harger, E.B. et al.,
1930. Additions to the Flora of Connecticut (First Supplement to Bulletin No.
14). vii, 94 p., wrps (partly loose) (St. Conn. St. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv.
Bull. 48); BA42300 € 12
Hariot, P., 1889. Des
transformations réelles ou apparentes des végétaux et des végétations. 33 p.,
wrps (loose); BA42288 € 8
Harling, G.,
1950/1951. Embryological studies in the Compositae. Part I.
Anthemidae - Anthemidinae. Part II. Anthemideae - Chrysantheminae. Part III.
Astereae. 32, 56, 46 p., num. figs, each part wrps; BA42934 € 24
Hartz, N. & Ch. Kruuse,
1911. The vegetation of Northeast Greenland. 98 p., 28 photos, wrps; BA42783 €
Hartz, N., 1895. Ostgronlands
Vegetationsforhold. 122 p., hcloth; BA42460 € 26
Haupt, A.W., 1953. Plant
morphology. ix, 464 p., 338 figs, cloth; BA08226 € 40
Havas, P., 1961. Vegetation und
Ökologie der Ostfinnischen Hangmoore. 188 p., 29 figs, paperbound; BA07805 € 30
Haygood, T.M., 1987. Henry William
Ravenel, 1814-1887. South Carolina Scientist in the Civil War Era. xii, 205 p.,
cloth (d.j.); BA08259 € 20
Heath, F.G., 1885 (3rd
ed.). Autumnal leaves. 352 p., 12 col. pls, decorated cloth; BA06632 € 45
Hedge, I.C. (ed.),
1986. Plant life of South-West Asia. Proceedings of the Symposium held at
Edinburgh, 1985. 322 p., num. figs, tables, paperbound; BA08019 € 30
Heerink, N.B.M. et al.,
1993. International trade and the environment: theory and policy issues. x, 79
p., 11 figs, wrps; BA44075 € 10
Heilmeier, H., 1988. Das Wachstum einer
biennen Pflanze unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bedeuting von Stickstoff
am Beispiel von Arctium, Compositae. iv, 172 p., num. figs & tables,
paperbound; BA43537 € 15
Heim, R. et al., 1963. Michel Adanson 1727-1806.
contributions on the life and works of Adanson. 40 p., num. figs, wrps;
BA08342 € 10
Heinrich, W. & L. Finke,
2002. Reinhard Richter (1813-1884), Franz Ferdinand Meurer (1809-1882) und
weitere Floristen-Betrachtungen über die Pflanzenwelt und die Landschaft um
Saalfeld und Rudolstadt. 132 p., 16 (12 col.) figs, paperbound (Rudolstädter
Nat.hist. Schr., Suppl. 5); BA41961 € 12
Held, J.J. den & A.J. den
Held, 1973. Beknopte handleiding voor vegetatiekundig onderzoek. 39 p., num.
ills, wrps. Library stamps (WMKNNV97); BA43717 € 6
Held, J.J. den & A.J.
den Held, 1979 (3rd ed.). Beknopte handleiding voor vegetatiekundig
onderzoek. 39 p., num. ills, wrps (WMKNNV97); BA42386 € 6
Held, J.J. den, 1979. Beknopt overzicht van
Nederlandse plantengemeenschappen. 87 p., num. figs, wrps (WMKNNV134); BA42390 €
Hepper, F.N. (ed.),
1982. Kew. Gardens for Science & Pleasure. 195 p., num. col. photographs
& ills, 4to, hardbound (d.j.); BA08034 € 26
Hérail, J., 1886. Recherches sur
l’anatomie comparée de la tige des dicotylédones. 112 p., 6 pls, wrps; BA42988
€ 26
Herail, J., 1889. Traité
élémentaire de Botanique, d’après la deuxième édition du Methodisches Lehrbuch
der allgemeinen Botanik de W.J. Behrens. xx, 539 p., 452 figs, wrps (partly
loose and foxed, not affecting text and figs); BA42348 € 22
Herbarium, 1908-1919. Organ zur Förderung
des Austausches wissenschaftlicher Exsiccatensammlungen Band I: Nr. 1-50. 522
p., hleather; BA42957 € 24
Heribert-Nilsson, N.,
1915. Die Spaltungserscheinungen der Oenothera lamarckiana. 131 p., 17 figs,
paperbound (wrps torn & loose); BA42916 € 20
Hertog, J. den, 1997. Functioning of
Plantago major and Urtica dioica exposed to elevated CO2. Analysis of growth
pattern in relation to C and N allocation. 137 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound.
Thesis; BA43107 € 10
Heslop-Harrison, J.,
1963. New concepts in flowering-plant taxonomy. viii, 134 p., 12 figs,
hardbound (d.j.); BA08390 € 16
Heukels, H., 1907. Woordenboek der
Nederlandsche volksnamen van planten uit de gegevens, verzameld door de
Commissie voor Nederlandsche Plantennamen. viii, 332 p., hcloth (spine broken).
stamp in front; BA43901 € 64
Hewson, H., 1999. Australia. 300
years of botanical illustration. (x), 228 p., 2 col. frontispieces, over 160
(mainly col.) ills, hardbound (d.j.). As new; BA42206 € 44
Heyligers, P.C.,
1963. Vegetation and soil of a white-sand savanna in Suriname. 148 p.,
frontispiece, 31 figs, 15 pls, 5 tables, wrps. Library stamp on front cover;
BA42374 € 16
Heyligers, P.C.,
1963. Vegetation and soil of a white-sand savanna in Suriname. 148 p., 30
figs, 4 tables, 14 pls, paperbound; BA42425 € 16
Heywood, V.H. (ed.), 1975
(2nd printing). Taxonomy and ecology. Proceedings of an International
Symposium held at the Department of Botany, University of Reading. x, 370 p.,
num. figs & tables, 7 pls, hardbound; BA43437 € 32
Hilbig, W. et al.,
1977-1979. Mitteilungen aus dem Wissenschaftsbereich Geobotanik 14. 7 Separata aus der
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin Luther Universität, Halle-Wittenberg. Ca. 120 p.,
wrps; BA43633 € 10
Hilbig, W., 1995. The vegetation
of Mongolia. 260 p., 142 figs, paperbound; BA06634 € 60
Hintz, R., 1889. Ueber den mechanischen
Bau des Blattrandes mit Berücksichtigung einiger Anpassungsverscheinungen zur
Verminderung des localen Verdunstung. (iv), 120 p., 3 pls, roy. 4to, disbound (from
Noca Acta Leopoldina 54#2); BA43981 € 25
Hjelmqvist, H. (ed.),
1963. Festskrift tillägnad Henning Weimarck den 22 maj 1963. 241 p.,
frontispiece, num. figs, paperbound. Text in English. Unopened (Botan. Not. Lund 116-2);
BA42000 € 14
Hjelmqvist, H., 1944. Studien über
Pflanzenchimären. 68 p., 19 figs, boards; BA42625 € 26
Höhn, R., 1980. Curiosities of
the Plant Kingdom. 212 p., num. b&w & col. figs, cloth (d.j.); BA42712
€ 22
Hoffmann, P., 1968. Zur Physiologie der
Photosynthese bei höheren Pflanzen. 151 p., 35 figs, 17 tables, 6 pls, paperbound;
BA42133 € 14
Holm, E., 1979. The biology of
Flowers. 140 p., num. col. figs, hardbound; BA42044 € 6
Holmgren, P.K. et al., 1990
(8th ed.). Index Herbariorum. Part I: The Herbaria of the world.
x, 693 p., cloth; BA08214 € 60
Holmsen, H.R., 1913. Exploration du
nord-ouest du Spitsberg. Cinquième partie. Observations Botaniques. 81 p., 9
pls, folio, paperbound (Rés. camp. Scientif. Albert Ier); BA06696 € 42
Holtermann, C., 1907. Der Einfluss des
Klimas auf den Bau der Pflanzengewebe. Anatomisch-physiologische Untersuchungen
in den Tropen. viii, 249 p., 1 fig., 6 photos, 16 pls, hleather; BA43698 € 45
Hotchkiss, N., 1932. A botanical
survey of the Tug Hill plateau. 123 p., 15 figs, wrps (NY State Mus. Bull.
287); BA42065 € 8
House, H.D., 1941. Bibliography of
the botany of New York State 1751-1940. Part I. 174 p., wrps (NY State Mus.
Bull. 328); BA42064 € 10
Houttuyn, M.,
1777-1779. Natuurlijke historie of uitvoerige beschrijving der dieren, planten en
mineraalen, volgens het samenstel van den Heer Linnaeus. Tweede deel, zevende,
achtste, negende, tiende, elfde stuk. De Kruiden. 5 vols. [40], 3660 p.,
[29], 39 folded handcol. pls, contemporary hcalf (2nd and 3rd part have upper
ends of spine missing). Small library stamps, Vignette of titlepage of part 4
damaged. Complete flower/herb section of this classic work with the plates
handcoloured; BA06635 € 900
Houttuyn, M., 1782. Natuurlijke historie
of uitvoerige beschrijving der dieren, planten en mineraalen, volgens het
samenstel van den Heer Linnaeus. Tweede deel, dertiende stuk. De Grasplanten.
[8], 616 p., [6] p., 7 folded handcol. pls, contemporary hcalf (one inner joint
loose, top end spine split). Small library stamp. Coloured copies are very
scarce; BA06636 € 185
Houttuyn, M., 1782. Natuurlijke historie
of uitvoerige beschrijving der dieren, planten en mineraalen, volgens het
samenstel van den Heer Linnaeus. Tweede deel, veertiende stuk. De Varens,
Mossen, enz. [10], 698, [14] p., 12 folded handcol. pls, contemporary hcalf
(spine and one cover loose), small hole in page 19. Coloured copies are very
scarce; BA06637 € 185
Howard, W.L.,
1945-1946. Luther Burbank. A Victim of Hero Worship. 222 p.,
several figs & pls, paperbound (Chron. Bot. 9(5/6); BA08480 € 25
Huber, O., 1974. The Neotropical
Savannas. xlii, 853 p., paperbound. Text in English, French, Spanish, German
& Italian; BA43540 € 45
Hubert, B., 1935. The physical
state of chlorophyll in the living plastid. 79 p., 23 figs, wrps. Thesis;
BA41886 € 8
Hüppe, J. et al., 1989. Landschaftsökologisch-vegetationsgeschichtliche
Studien im Kiefernwuchsgebiet der nördlichen Senne. 77 p., 29 figs, 4 tables,
paperbound; BA42815 € 8
Hulton, P. et al.,
1991. Luigi Balugani’s Drawings of African Plants. From the collection made by
James Bruce of Kinnaird on his travels to discover the source of the Nile
1767-1773. viii, 140 p., 345 (48 col.) figs, 2 maps, 1 table, cloth (d.j.);
BA07921 € 60
Hunger, W., 1899. Ueber die Funktion der
oberflächlichen Schleimbildungen im Pflanzenreiche. 80 p., disbound; BA42746 €
Hylander, N., 1943. Die
Grassameneinkömmlinge Schwedischer Parke mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der
Hieracia silvaticiformia. xiv, 432 p., 24 pls, paperbound (hinges weak);
BA42463 € 20
Idrobo, J.M., 1969. Il simposio y
foro de biologia tropical Amazonica. 496 p., paperbound Most papers in Spanish
& some in English; BA43594 € 40
Iqbal, M. (ed.),
1994. Growth patterns in vascular plants. 480 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.);
BA07869 € 40
Iterson, G. van, 1964. Nieuwe studiën over
bladstanden. I. 151 p., 28 figs, paperbound; BA42616 € 10
Iversen, Johs., 1940. Blütenbiologische
Studien. I. Dimorphie und Monomorphie bei Armeria. 40 p., 10 pls, wrps. With
English summary; BA42224 € 8
Jackson, M.B. et al. (eds),
1990. Plant life under oxygen deprivation. Ecology, physiology and
biochemistry. 348 p., 88 figs, 47 tables, hardbound; BA06639 € 66
Jacob, F. et al., 1983 (2nd
rev. ed.). Kompendium der Botanik. 494 p., 194 figs, 32 tables, hardbound; BA43504 €
Jahn, G. (ed.), 1982. Application of
vegetation to forestry. xi, 405 p., num. figs & tables, cloth (bottom edge
slightly waterstained) (Handbook veget. sci. vol. 12); BA43383 € 42
Jalink, M.H. & A.J.M.
Jansen, 1995. Indicatorsoorten voor verdroging, verzuring en
eutrofiëring van grondwaterafhankelijke beekdalgemeenschappen. 2 parts. Part I:
145 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound. Part II: Veldversie. 34 p., num. tables,
wrps (Staatsbosbeh. Driebergen, Serie Indicatorsoorten, Deel 2); BA43620 € 15
Jalink, M.H., 1996. Indicatorsoorten voor
verdroging, verzuring en eutrofiëring in laagveenmoerassen. 2 parts. Part I:
178 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound. Part II: Veldversie. 50 p., num. tables,
wrps (Staatsbosbeh. Driebergen, Serie Indicatorsoorten, Deel 3); BA43621 € 20
James, W.O., 1952 (3rd
ed.). Elements of plant biology. x, 388 p., 237 figs, cloth; BA08193 € 20
Jansen, M.T. & D.T.E. van
der Ploeg, 1977. Stinzeplanten in Nederland. 44 p., figs, wrps (KNNV122);
BA43731 € 8
Jaussaud, P. & E.-R.
Brygoo, 2004. Du Jardin au Muséum en 516 biographies. 632 p., 159 (42
col.) figs, paperback (Coll. Archives 7). A historical perspective of the
scientists who worked in these institutions; BA07545 € 42
Jeanpert, H.-E., 1911. Vade-mecum du
Botaniste dans la région Parisienne. xii, 473 p., 1634 figs, cloth; BA43843 €
Jéhan, L.-F., 1847. Botanique et
physiologie végétale. 420 p., 55 figs, hcalf; BA07961 € 35
Jessen, K., 1931. The distribution
within Denmark of the higher plants. II. The distribution of the Papilionaceae
within Denmark. 94 p., 9 pls, 4to, wrps; BA42769 € 12
Jessen, K.F.W., 1864 (reprint
1948). Botanik der Gegenwart und Vorzeit in Culturhistorischer Entwicklung. Ein
Beitrag zur Geschichte der abendländischen Völker. 495 p., paperbound (Chron.
Bot.); BA08479 € 35
Jeswiet, J. et al. (eds),
1942. Gedenkboek J. Valckenier Suringar. 272 p., num. pls, paperbound; BA06937 €
Jochimsen, M., 1986. Zum Problem des
Pollenfluges in den Hochalpen. 240 p., 16 figs (in endpocket), 14 photos, 5 tables,
paperbound (Dissert. Botan. 90); BA43585 € 46
Johansen, D.A., 1940. Plant
microtechnique. xi, 523 p., 110 figs, cloth; BA08202 € 50
John, F.F., 1817. Verhandeling over den
oorsprong der Potasch in de planten. 120 p., disbound (Verh. Holl. Mij
Wetensch.); BA44080 € 20
Jolivet, P. & T.J.
Hawkeswood, 1995. Host-Plants of Chrysomelidae of the World. 281 p., 17
(4 col.) pls, hardbound; BA06640 € 71
Jolivet, P., 1996. Ants and Plants
- an example of coevolution. 304 p., 51 figs, 32 col. pls, hardbound; BA06641 €
Jolyclerc, N., 1810 (2nd
ed.). Systême sexuel des végétaux, suivant les classes, les ordres, les genres
et les espèces, avec les caractères et les différences, par Charles Linné. 2
vols. 449, 482 p., hcalf (worn); BA06642 € 260
Jordan, M., 1976. A guide to wild
plants. The edible and poisonous species of the Northern Hemisphere. 240 p.,
num. col. photographs, paperbound; BA42602 € 10
Joss, P.J. et al. (eds),
1986. Rangelands: a resource under siege. Proceedings of the Second
International Rangeland Congress. xv, 634 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound
(covers discoloured); BA43566 € 68
Jost, L., 1913. Plant
physiology. Authorized English translation by R.J.H. Gibson. Supplement
incorporating the alterations of the second edition of the German original. 168
p., paperbound; BA42507 € 30
Jovet, P., 1949. Le Valois.
Phytosociologie et Phytogéographie. (Sous-genre Lachnopylis). 389 p., 66 figs,
20 b/w photos, 28 maps, wrps; BA43827 € 48
Kaaret, P., 1953. Wasservegetation der
Seen Orlången und Trehörningen. 64 p., 5 figs, 16 pls, 3 maps, wrps; BA41881 €
Kakes, P., 1980. Genecological
investigations on zinc plants. 108 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound.
Thesis; BA08022 € 8
Kalkman, C. & P. Smit
(eds), 1979. Rijksherbarium 1829-1979. A jubilee volume. 140 p., num.
figs & portraits, paperbound (Blumea 25); BA06643 € 13
Kalliola, R., 1992. Abiotic control
of the vegetation in Peruvian Amazon Floodplains: Environment change and
pioneer species. 114 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; BA43543 € 18
Kappert, H., 1953 (2nd
ed.). Die vererbungswissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Züchtung. viii, 335 p., 100
figs, cloth (d.j.); BA08606 € 14
Karstens, W.K.H. & H.
Kleibrink, 1982. De Leidse Hortus, een botanische erfenis. 191 p., num.
photographs (many col.), 4to, hardbound (d.j.). Ex-library; BA43244 € 30
Kay, E.A. (ed.),
1983. Canopy dieback and dynamic processes in Pacific forests. 184 p., num.
figs, paperbound (Pacific Science 37#4); BA43625 € 12
Kefeli, V.I., 1978. Natural plant
growth inhibitors and phytohormones. 277 p., 58 figs, hardbound; BA06645 € 40
Keller, B.A., 1914. In Berg und Thal des
Altai. Pflanzengeographische Studien. Band I. xvi, 446 p., 15 pls, paperbound. In Russian with
German summary; BA06661 € 60
Kendrick, R.E. & G.H.M.
Kronenberg (eds), 1994 (2nd ed.). Photomorphogenesis in
Plants. xxxiv, 828 p., num. figs, hardbound; BA43510 € 220
Kerner von Marilaun, A.,
1887-1891. Pflanzenleben. 2 vols. Vol. 1. Gestalt und Leben der Pflanze. x, 734 p., 553
figs, 20 col. pls. Vol. 2. Geschichte der Pflanzen. viii, 896 p., 1547 figs, 20
col. pls, hcalf (front cover vol. 1 loose, spine partly missing), scarce;
BA08182 € 200
Kerner von Marilaun, A.,
1902. Het leven der planten. 4 vols. xxxvii, 490, 560, 613, 496 p., ca. 500 figs, 1
col. pl., hcloth. Beautifully illustrated work translated from the 2nd German
edition by V. Bruinsma; BA06646 € 112
Kessell, S.R., 1979. Gradient
modeling. resource and fire management. 432 p., 175 figs, 27 tables, cloth
(bottom margin minor waterstained); BA43549 € 20
Kew Gardens, 1951. Illustrated
guide of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 134 p., paperbound; BA42134 € 6
Khakhina, L.N., 1992. Concepts of
symbiogenesis. A historical and critical study of the research of Russian
botanists. (English translation of: Problema simbiogeneza (1979) edited by L.
Margulis & M.A. McMenamin). 177 p., cloth (d.j.); BA07958 € 30
King, R.C. (ed.),
1974. Handbook of genetics. Vol. 2: Plants, plant viruses, and protists. xi,
631 p., cloth (d.j.); BA08561 € 20
Kinzel, H., 1982. Pflanzenökologie und
Mineralstoffwechsel. 534 p., 178 figs, 96 tables, cloth (d.j.); BA43370 €
Klingenstein, F. & R.
Wingender (eds), 2000. Erfassung und Schutz der genetischen Vielfalt von
Wildpflanzenpopulationen in Deutschland. xvi, 188 p., num. figs & tables,
paperbound (Schriftenreihe Vegetationsk. 32); BA43479 € 16
Klingenstein,F. & G.
Ludwig (eds), 1998. Ursachen des Artenrückgangs von Wildpflanzen und
Möglichkeiten zur Erhaltung der Artenvielfalt. xvi, 444 p., num. figs &
tables, paperbound (Schriftenreihe Vegetationsk. 29); BA43477 € 20
Kloete Nortier, H.,
1848. Catechismus der plantkunde, bevattende de eerste beginselen dezer
wetenschap. 85 p., 57 figs, wrps (loose). Library stamp in front, sticker on spine;
BA43870 € 12
Klokk, T., 1980. River bank
vegetation along lower parts of the Rivers Gaula, Orkla and Stjørdalselva,
central Norway. 70 p., 22 figs, 14 tables, wrps; BA42978 € 10
Klokk, T., 1981. Classification
and ordination of River bank vegetation from middle and upper parts of the
River Gaula, Central Norway. 39 p., 15 figs, 1 table, wrps; BA42979 € 8
Klokk, T., 1982. Mire and forest
vegetation from Klaebu, central Norway. 71 p., 10 figs, 22 tables, wrps;
BA42884 € 14
Knapp, G. & R. Knapp,
1952-1959. Collection of 6 reprints on plant sociology &
vegetation science. Ca. 100 p., paperbound in one volume. In German; BA42466 €
Knapp, R. (ed.),
1974. Vegetation dynamics. x, 366 p., 37 figs, 8 tables, cloth (d.j.)
(Handbook Veget. sci. 8); BA43388 € 68
Knapp, R. (ed.),
1984. Sampling methods and taxon analysis in vegetation science. Relevé
surveys, Vegetationsaufnahmen, Floristic analysis of plant communities. xii,
370 p., figs & tables, cloth (Handbook veget. sci. vol. 4); BA43380 € 96
Knapp, R., 1957. Über die Gliederung
der Vegetation von Nordamerika. Höhere Vegetations-Einheiten. 63 p., wrps;
BA41874 € 8
Knapp, R., 1967 (2nd
ed.) Experimentelle Soziologie und gegenseitige Beeinflussung der Pflanzen. 266 p., 151
figs, 62 tables, cloth (d.j.). With annotations and underlinings in pencil;
BA43445 € 12
Knoll, Fr., 1956. Die Biologie der
Blüte. 164 p., 79 figs, paperbound; BA42679 € 10
Knuth, P., 1899. Handbuch der
Blütenbiologie. Unter Zugrundelegung von Hermann Müllers Werk: “Die Befruchtung
der Blumen durch Insekten”. II. Band: Die bisher in Europa und im arktischen
Gebiet gemachten blütenbiologischen Beobachtungen. 2. Teil: Lobeliaceae bis
Gnetaceae. 705 p., portrait, 210 figs, boards (spine cracked/torn, covers &
some first and end pages loose). Library stamps; BA43267 € 60
Kobendza, R. & J.
Motyka, 1929. La végétation des éboulis des Monts de Ste Croix. 33
p., 11 figs, wrps; BA43040 € 10
Königsson, L.-K.,
1968. The Holocene history of the Great Alvar of Öland. 172 p., 115 figs, 2
folded col. maps, cloth; BA42191 € 26
Kohler, A. & R. Böcker,
1993. Die Zukunft der Kulturlandschft. (x), 337 p., num. figs, graphs &
photographs, paperbound; BA43222 € 22
Kok, L.J. De & I. Stulen,
1998. Responses of plant metabolism to air pollution and global change. xx,
520 p., 126 figs, 80 tables, hardbound; BA08417 € 120
Kok, L.J. De et al.,
1993. Sulfur nutrition and assimilation in higher plants - regulatory,
agricultural & environmental. 338 p., 65 figs, 31 tables, hardbound;
BA06647 € 68
Koloniaal Instituut
Amsterdam, 1942. Hortus Botanicus Bogoriensis. Bijeenkomst op initiatief van
het Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam op 18 mei 1942 ter gedenking van het
125-jarig bestaan van ‘s Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg. 53 p., 28 b/w
photos, 4to, wrps; BA43275 € 15
Koning, J. de, 1993. Checklist of
vernacular plant names in Moçambique/Registo de nomes vernaculos de plantas em
Moçambique. 274 p., 2 maps, paperbound (WAUP93.2); BA08369 € 55
Koningsberger, J.C.,
1891. Bijdrage tot de kennis van zetmeelvorming bij de Angiospermen. x, 100
p., wrps (partly loose). Thesis; BA42124 € 8
Koningsberger, V.J. & E.
Reinders (eds), 1947 (2nd ed.). Leerboek der algemeene plantkunde deel II.
Physiologie en erfelijkheid. xvi, 684 p., 227 figs, cloth; BA42993 € 20
Koningsberger, V.J.,
1963. Inleiding tot de plantenphysiologie 2. 229 p., 70 figs, paperbound; BA08626
€ 8
Koningsberger, V.J., 1965 (2nd
ed.). Inleiding tot de plantenphysiologie 1. 147 p., 24 figs, paperbound; BA42083
€ 6
Koopowitz, H. & H. Kaye,
1990 (2nd ed.). Plant extinction. A global crisis. x, 208 p., 4 col.
pls, 1 map, paperbound; BA06648 € 16
Korsch, H., 1999. Chorologisch-ökologische
Auswertungen der Daten der Floristischen Kartierung Deutschlands. xvi, 200 p.,
114 col. figs, paperbound (Schriftenreihe Vegetationsk. 30); BA43478 € 16
Kostytschew, S., 1926. Lehrbuch der
Pflanzenphysiologie. Erster Band. Chemische Physiologie. vii, 567 p., 44 figs,
cloth; BA42893 € 26
Krahulec, F. et al.,
1990. Spatial processes in plant communities. 269 p., 122 figs, 34 tables,
hardbound; BA06649 € 44
Krajina, V., 1933. Die
Pflanzengesellschaften des Mlynica-Tales in den Vysoké Tatry (Hohe Tatra). I.
Teil. 180 p., 11 figs, 5 pls, wrps; BA42612 € 12
Kratochwil, A., 1983. Zur Phänologie von
Pflanzen und blütenbesuchenden Insekten (Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera,
Coleoptera) eines versaumten Halbtrockenrasens im Kaiserstuhl, ein Beitrag zur
Erhaltung brachliegender Wiesen als Lizenz-Biotope gefährdeter Tierarten. 52
p., 34 (12 col.) figs, paperbound; BA43609 € 12
Krause, A., 1989. Rasenansaaten und ihre
Forentwicklung an Autobahnen. Beobachtungen zwischen 1970 und 1988. 125 p., 64
col. photos, 31 tables, paperbound (Bundesforschungsanstalt für Naturschutz und
Landschaftsökologie, Schriftenreihe Vegetationsk. 20); BA43454 € 12
Krause, W. (ed.),
1977. Application of vegetation science to grassland husbandry. xx, 537 p., 87
figs, 30 tables, cloth (d.j.) (Handbook veget. sci. vol. 13); BA43387 € 110
Kreeb, K., 1983. Vegetationskunde.
Methoden und Vegetationsformen unter Berücksichtigung ökosystemischer Aspekte. 331 p., 84 figs,
22 tables, hardbound; BA43448 € 40
Kreeb, K.H., H. Richter
& T.M. Hinckley (eds), 1989. Structural and functional
responses to environmental stresses: water shortage. xiv, 308 p., num. figs,
graphs & photographs, paperbound; BA43188 € 50
Krekule, J. & F. Seidlová
(eds), 1989. Signals in plant development. 191 p., 78 figs, 24
tables, paperbound; BA06650 € 25
Kronfeld, M., 1899. Bilder-Atlas zur
Pflanzengeographie. 192 p., 216 beautiful illustrations, of which many
full-page, cloth; BA06651 € 45
Küchler, A.W. (ed.), 1980
(2nd ed.). International bibliography of vegetation maps. Section
1. South America. xi, 324 p., paperbound; BA43514 € 40
Küchler, A.W. & I.S.
Zonneveld (eds), 1988. Vegetation mapping. ix, 635 p., num. (col.)
figs & tables, hardbound (Handb. veget. sci. vol. 10); BA43391 € 140
Kuijlen, J. et al., 1983. Paradisus
Batavus. Bibliografie van plantencatalogi van onderwijstuinen, particuliere tuinen
en kwekerscollecties in de Noordelijke en zuidelijke Nederlanden (1550-1839). 232 p., 12 figs,
paperbound. A very handy reference; BA06652 € 20
Kunkel, G. (ed.),
1976. Biogeography and ecology in the Canary Islands. xvi, 511 p., 230 figs,
37 tables, cloth (d.j.) (bottom of last pages a little waterstained); BA43446 €
Kunkel, G., 1990. Geography
through botany. A dictionary of plant names with a geographic meaning. 364 p.,
1 fig., 14 maps, 4to, hardbound; BA06653 € 74
Kunkel, G., 1996. Geography
through botany. Supplementum. 77 p., 4to, paperbound; BA06654 € 28
Kurz, H. & K. Wagner,
1954. Tidal marshes of the Gulf and Atlantic coasts of northern Florida, and Charleston,
South Carolina. (Elevations, soil factors, water relations, plant zonation and
succession). 171 p., 21 figs, wrps; BA08610 € 12
Kutácek, M. et al.,
1988. Physiology and biochemistry of auxins in plants. 450 p., 178 figs, 76
tables, hardbound; BA06655 € 100
Kutácek, M. et al.,
1990. Molecular aspects of hormonal regulation of plant development. 261 p.,
89 figs, 32 tables, paperbound; BA06656 € 34
L’Héritier de Brutelle,
1788 (Fasc. reprint 1963). Sertum Anglicum. Facsimile with critical
studies and translation. xcviii, 36, 11 p., 35 pls, 4to, marbled boards (Hunt
Facs.Series 1); BA43696 € 40
Laborie, E., 1888. Recherches sur
l’anatomie des axes floraux. 196 p., 19 pls, wrps. Thesis; BA42773 € 14
Lam, H.J. et al.,
1947-1962. Collection of four papers. 89 p., wrps. 1) Burckella
Pierre; 2) A new system of the Cormophyta; 3) De nieuwe morfologie en haar
invloed op onze inzichten in het systeem der Kormofyten.; 4) Aftreerede;
BA43019 € 8
Lam, H.J., 1945. Fragmenta
Papuana (Observations of a Naturalist in Netherlands New Guinea). iv, 196 p.,
32 figs, 2 maps, wrps (back broken and partly loose, front cover and first
pages loose); BA41970 € 14
Lambers, H. & L.H.W.
van der Plas (eds), 1992. Molecular, biochemical and physiological
aspects of plant respiration. 649 p., 269 figs, 107 tables, hardbound; BA06657
€ 120
Lambers, H. et al. (eds),
2001. Inherent variation in plant growth. Physiological mechanisms and
ecological consequences. viii, 592 p., 159 figs, 56 tables, 1 col. pl.,
paperbound; BA08404 € 118
Lambers, H., 1979. Energy
metabolism in higher plants in different environments. 176 p., num. figs &
tables, paperbound. Thesis; BA43740 € 15
Lambert, J., 1963. Recherches
phytosociologiques sur les prairies de la moyenne Ardenne. 198 p., 25 tables,
wrps; BA42821 € 14
Lamprecht, H. (ed.),
1943-1947. Agri Hortique Genetica vols I-V. 527 p., num. figs
& tables, nicely buckram bound. In Swedish; BA42488 € 20
Lance, A., 1958. Infrastructure
des cellules du méristème apical et des jeunes Ébauches foliaires de Chrysanthemum
segetum L. (Composés). 36 p., 24 pls, disbound; BA42960 € 14
Lanessan, J.-L. De,
1876. Du protoplasma végétal. 150 p., wrps (a few pages with minor foxing); BA42627
€ 20
Lanessan, J.-L. De,
1883. La Botanique. 563 p., 142 figs, cloth; BA08603 € 30
Lange, O.L. et al. (eds),
1981. Physiological Plant Ecology I. Responses to the physical environment.
xv, 625 p., 110 figs, hardbound (Encyclop. Plant Physiol, NS Vol. 12A); BA43399
€ 120
Lange, O.L. et al. (eds),
1982. Physiological Plant Ecology II. Water relations and carbon assimilation.
xi, 747 p., 153 figs, hardbound (Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, NS Vol.
12B); BA43398 € 120
Lange, O.L. et al. (eds),
1983. Physiological Plant Ecology III. Responses to the chemical and
biological environment. xi, 799 p., 104 figs, hardbound (Encyclop. Plant
Physiol., NS Vol. 12C); BA43400 € 120
Lange, O.L. et al. (eds),
1983. Physiological Plant Ecology IV. Ecosystem processes: Mineral cycling,
productivity and man’s influence. xi, 644 p., 61 figs, hardbound (Encyclop.
Plant Physiol., NS Vol. 12D); BA43461 € 120
Lanjouw, J. et al. (eds),
1966. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. 402 p., cloth. In English,
French and German; BA06658 € 24
Lanjouw, J. et al.,
1968. Compendium van de Pteridophyta en Spermatophyta. 342 p., paperbound;
BA42667 € 8
Larcher, W., 1973. Ökologie der Pflanzen.
320 p., 150 figs, 40 tables, paperbound; BA07924 € 10
Lauener, L.A. (D.K. Ferguson,
ed.), 1996. The introduction of Chinese plants into Europe. xii,
270 p., 162 figs, 4to, hardbound; BA06933 € 66
Laurent, J., 1903. Recherches sur
la nutrition carbonée des plantes vertes à l’aide de matières organiques. 127
p., 7 pls, wrps (unopened); BA42461 € 24
Lawrence, G.H.M. (ed.),
1963-1964. Adanson. The Bicentennial of Michel Adanson’s “Familles
des plantes”. Part One & Two (complete). xxii, 635 p., 48 figs, paperbound
(covers partly discoloured); BA43884 € 60
Lawrence, G.H.M. (ed.),
1963. Adanson. The Bicentennial of Michel Adanson’s “Familles des plantes”.
Part One. xi, 391 p., 38 figs, paperbound (covers partly discoloured) ; BA43330
€ 35
Lawrence, G.H.M. & K.F.
Baker, 1965. History of botany. Two papers presented at a symposium
held at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Dec. 7, 1963. 70 p., 4
figs, wrps; BA42103 € 8
Lawrence, G.H.M. et al.,
1953. Plant genera. Their nature and definition. 72 p., several figs,
paperbound (Chron. Bot. 14(3/4); BA06659 € 12
Leal, M.E., 2004. The African rain
forest during the last Glacial Maximum, an archipelago of forests in a sea of
grass. xiii, 95 p., frontispiece, num. figs, paperbound. Thesis; BA42186 € 16
Lebrun, J., 1955. Exploration du
Parc National de la Kagera Mission J. Lebrun (1937-1938). Fasc. 2. Esquisse de
la Végétation du Parc National de la Kagera. 89 p., 6 figs, 6 pls, 35 tables,
wrps. Unopened; BA43893 € 22
Lebrun, J.P., 1969. Bibliographie
botanique de la région parisienne. Distribution et écologie des plantes
vasculaires (1635-1965). 70 p., wrps; BA42966 € 16
Leclerc du Sablon,
1911. Traité de Physiologie végétale. vii, 610 p., 136 figs, boards (loose);
BA08608 € 30
Lecoq, H., 1862. De la
fécondation naturelle et artificielle des végétaux et de l’hybridation. xx, 425
p., 106 figs, 2 col. pls, paperbound (spine loose); BA07959 € 100
Legault, A., 1908. Recherches
anatomiques sur l’appareil végétatif des Géraniacées. 239 p., 4 pls, wrps
(bookblock broken); BA42958 € 8
Leliveld, J.A., 1931. Cytological
studies in some species of the genus Oenothera. xvi, 62 p., 5 pls (112 figs),
wrps (covers loose & worn); BA43063 € 20
Lemberg, B., 1946. Studier över
Stor-Pernåvikens strandvegetation. I. Stensträndernas vegetation. 177 p., 19
tables, disbound. Unopened; BA42731 € 12
Lenssen, J.P.M., 1998. Species richness
in reed marshes. 148 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis; BA43007 €
Lent, H. (ed.), 1967. Atas do simpósio
sôbre a Biota Amazônica. Vol. 4: Botânica. (viii), 280 p., num. figs &
tables, paperbound; BA43062 € 40
Leroux, L., 1938. Contribution à
l’étude de l’aldéhyde formique. 68 p., wrps. Unopened (mnhn10(1); BA42208 € 10
Letouzey, Y., 1989. Le Jardin des
plantes à la croisée des chemins avec André Thouin, 1747-1824. 680 p., 49 figs,
19 pls, paperbound; BA42304 € 30
Leys, H.N., 1978. Handleiding ten
behoeve van vegetatiekarteringen. 52 p., 28 figs, wrps (WMKNNV130); BA42041 € 6
Lieth, H. (ed.),
1974. Phenology and seasonality modeling. xv, 444 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.)
(Ecol. Stud. 8); BA08208 € 45
Lieth, H. & A.A. Al
Masoom (eds), 1993. Towards the rational use of high salinity tolerant
plants volume 2: agriculture and forestry under marginal soil water conditions.
xx, 447 p., num. figs, 4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 28); BA07414 € 90
Lieth, H. & M.D.
Schwartz (eds), 1997. Phenology in seasonal climates I. viii, 143 p., 45
figs, 31 tables, paperbound (PiB12); BA43950 € 38
Lindeman, J.C., 1953. The vegetation
of the coastal region of Suriname. 135 p., 4 figs, 32 photos, folded tables in
backcover; BA08538 € 25
Lindqvist, K., 1960. Cytogenetic
studies in the serriola group of Lactuca. 77 p., 81 figs, 20 tables,
wrps; BA42882 € 10
Linkola, K., 1916. Studien über den
Einfluss der Kultur auf die Flora in den gegenden nördlich vom Ladogasee. I.
Allgemeiner Teil. vii, 429 p., 6 figs, 6 tables, 20 maps, wrps; BA42154 € 20
Linkola, K., 1922. Zur Kenntnis der
Überwinterung der Unkräuter und Ruderalpflanzen in der Gegend von Helsingfors. 138 p., 25 figs,
wrps (partly loose & missing); BA43002 € 14
Linnaeus, C., 1784. Systema
Vegetabilium. Editio decima quarta praecedente longe auctior et correctior
curante J.A. Murray. xx, 987, [17] p., modern hcalf. Library stamp on
titlepage; BA06698 € 348
Linnaeus, C., 1960. Carl von Linnés
Dalaresa iter Dalekarlicum. 165 p., hardbound. In Swedish; BA41938 € 15
Linnaeus, C., 1960. Carl von Linnés
Gotlanska resa förrättad 1741. 187 p., 1 folded map, several figs, hardbound. In
Swedish; BA41940 € 18
Linnaeus, C., 1961. Carl von Linnés
Västgötaresa förrättad 1746. 267 p., several figs, hardbound. In Swedish; BA41935 €
Linnaeus, C., 1961. Carl von Linnés
Lappländska resa. 192 p., hardbound. In Swedish; BA41939 € 18
Linnaeus, C., 1973. The Journey to
Gotland. The Journey from Gotland. 112, viii p., 9 pls, 2 maps, paperbound. English translation
(Biol. Jl Linn. Soc. 5#2); BA41937 € 22
Linsbauer, K. (ed.), 1917 (2nd
ed.). C.K. Schneiders illustriertes Handwörterbuch der Botanik. xxi, 824 p., 396
figs, hcloth; BA06660 € 44
Lippmaa, T., 1926. Pigmenttypen bei
Pteridophyta und Anthophyta. II. Spezieller Teil. 224 p., wrps (front wrp torn,
back wrp missing); BA42608 € 14
Lippmaa, T., 1937. E.V. Tartu
ülikooli botaanikaaia süstemaatilised ja taimegeograafilised kogud. Part 1
& 2. 368 p., 191 figs, paperbound (no covers). In Estonian; BA42787 € 20
Litzelmann, E., 1938. Pflanzenwanderungen im
Klimawechsel der Nacheiszeit. 104 p., 196 photographs, 18 maps, hardbound; BA07763
€ 19
Loew, E., 1904. Handbuch der
Blütenbiologie. III. Band: Die bisher in aussereuropäischen Gebieten gemachten
blütenbiologischen Beobachtungen. 1. Teil: Cycadaceae bis Cornaceae. vi, 570 p.,
portrait, 141 figs, boards (spine worn & partly loose). Library stamps;
BA43268 € 60
Londo, G., 1997. Natuurontwikkeling.
658 p., 192 figs, 28 col. ills, hardbound (BNN6); BA43952 € 62
Lothelier, A., 1893. Recherches
anatomiques sur les Épines et les Aiguillons des Plantes. 147 p. 8 pls, wrps
(bookblock broken); BA42609 € 14
Lothelier, A., 1893. Recherches
anatomiques sur les Épines et les Aiguillons des plantes. 147 p., 8 pls,
paperbound (bookblock broken). Thesis; BA42951 € 12
Lotsy, J., 1899. Contributions to
the life-history of the genus Gnetum. 68 p., 10 pls, wrps (loose); BA42802 € 12
Lotsy, J.P., 1906-1908. Vorlesungen ueber
Deszendenztheorien mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der botanischen Seite der
Frage gehalten an der Reichsuniversität zu Leiden. 2 vols. I: xii, 1-380 p.,
124 figs, 2 pls. II: vi, p. 381-799, 101 figs, 13 pls, hcloth; BA42991 € 40
Lotsy, J.P., 1907-1911. Vorträge über
botanische Stammesgeschichte. Gehalten an der Reichsuniversität zu Leiden. Bd.
I. Algen und Pilze. iv, 828p., 430 figs, hcalf. Bd. II. Cormophyta Zoidogamia.
901 p., 553 figs, hcalf. Bd. III. Cormophyta Siphonogamia. Erster Teil.
1055 p., 661 figs, hcalf; BA07914 € 160
Lounamaa, J., 1956. Trace elements
in plants growing wild on different rocks in Finland. A semi-quantitative
spectrographic survey. 196 p., 12 figs, paperbound; BA42462 € 10
Lüdi, W. (ed.), 1959. Ergebnisse der
Internationalen pflanzengeographischen Exkursion durch die Ostalpen 1956. 143
p., num. figs, paperbound; BA42751 € 16
Luerssen, C., 1882. Handbuch der
systematischen botanik. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Arzneipflanzen vol.
2: Phanerogamen. xii, 1229 p., 231 figs, hcalf; BA08625 € 40
Luijten, S.H., 2001. Reproduction and
genetics of fragmented plant populations. 119 p., num. figs & tables,
paperbound. Thesis; BA43106 € 10
Lundberg, G.W., 1957. Linné, botaniste
Suédois. Nomenclateur et poète de la nature. Exposition au Muséum National
d’Histoire Naturelle. 132 p., 13 pls, paperbound; BA42385 € 22
Lundegårdh, H., 1911. Über die Permeabilität
der Wurzelspitzen von Vicia faba unter verschiedenen äusseren Bedingungen. 254 p., 56 figs,
1 table, roy. 4to, paperbound (cover loose); BA08031 € 30
Lutz, B., 1926. Estudos sobre a
biologia floral da Mangifera indica L. 36 p., 4 pls with 15 figs, roy. 4to,
disbound (Arch. Mus. Nac. RdJ);
BA02097 € 30