Books on General Botany
(M-Z) (Cat 115)
(updated 1 December 2008 )
(updated 1 December 2008 )
Maarel, E. van der & V.
Westhoff, 1964. The vegetation of the dunes near Oostvoorne (The
Netherlands) with a vegetation map. 61 p., 9 tables, folding map in backcover,
wrps (reprint Wentia 12); BA00002 € 10
Maas, P.J.M. et al., 1988. Handleiding bij
de cursus “Tropische Flora”. 269 p., num. ills, spiralbound; BA42143 € 10
Machlis, L. & W.R.
Briggs (eds), 1963. Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Vol. 14. 494 p.,
frontispiece, num. figs, cloth; BA42379 € 16
Macoun, J., 1883/1884. Catalogue of
Canadian Plants. Part I. Polypetalae. Part II. Gamopetalae. 394 p., paperbound.
Binding & wrps partly loose. Good working copy; BA42468 € 22
MacRoberts, D.T.,
1979/1980. Two papers: 1) Checklist of the plants of Caddo
Parish, Louisiana. 54 p.; 2) Notes on Tradescantia (Commelinaceae) V.
Tradescantia of Louisiana. 15 p., wrps ; BA42630 € 16
Mägdefrau, K., 1942. Paläobiologie der
Pflanzen. vii,. 396 p., 305 figs, cloth; BA07765 € 35
Maheas, M.-R. de, 1962. Étude des
constituants triterpéniques de Jacquinia armillaris Jacq. 43 p., paperbound
(mnhnns1(3). Unopened (The roots of Jacquinia a. are used as fish poison by the
aboriginal Middle American indians); BA42106 € 10
Mahn, E.-G. & F. Tietze
(eds), 1991. Agro-Ökosysteme und Habitatinseln in der Agrarlandschaft.
p., figs, paperbound; BA43493 € 25
Mahn, E.-G. et al. (eds),
1988. Belastung von Ökosystemen und Organismen durch abiotische Umweltfaktoren. 133
p., figs, paperbound; BA43492 € 12
Maier, R. & K. Sänger,
1985. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Gustav Wendelberger. 414 p., figs &
tables, paperbound (Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 123); BA43614 € 25
Malanson, G.P. (ed.), 1989. Natural areas
facing climate change. 100 p., 26 figs, paperbound; BA00021 € 19
Malme, G.O., 1899. Ex Herbario
regnelliana. Adjumenta ad floram phanerogamicam Brasiliae terrarumque
adjacentium cognoscendam. Part Secunda. (Apocynaceae). 37 p., 3 pls, wrps;
BA42969 € 12
Manoir, P. du, 1939. Ce qu’il faut savoir
des Plantes des Montagnes. 54 p., 120 col. figs, wrps; BA43811 € 10
Maout, Emm. Le & J.
Decaisne, 1868. Traité général de botanique. Descriptive et
analytique. viii, 745 p., 5500 figs, hardbound (spine missing); BA08611 € 150
Maquenne, L. & E.
Demoussy, 1913. Nouvelles recherches sur les échanges gazeux des
plantes vertes avec l’atmosphère. 166 p., 4 pls, paperbound. Unopened; BA42622
€ 16
Marcelle, R. et al. (eds),
1979. Photosynthesis and plant development. 386 p., hardbound; BA07420 € 40
Marchal, E. & V.
Lathouwers, 1950. Éléments de physiologie végétale. xiv, 352 p., 131
figs, paperbound; BA42556 € 16
Margaris, N.S. & H.A.
Mooney (eds), 1981. Components of productivity of Mediterranean-climate
regions. Basic and applied aspects. Proceedings of the International symposium
on photosynthesis, primary production and biomass utilization in
Mediterranean-type ecosystems, held in Kassandra, Greece, September 13-15,
1980. viii, 279 p., num. figs, 4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 4); BA43358 €
Margaris, N.S. et al.
(eds), 1984. Being alive on land. Proceedings of the international
symposium on adaptations to the terrestrial environment, 1982. x, 322 p., num.
figs, 4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 13); BA07370 € 40
Marion, F., 1872. Les merveilles
de la végétation. 316 p., figs, cloth; BA08044 € 60
Marshall, R., 1909. The vegetation
of Twin Island. 116 p., disbound; BA07808 € 16
Martin, H., 1928. The scientific
principles of plant protection. xii, 316 p., cloth; BA42218 € 38
Martinet, J., 1872. Mémoire sur les
organes de sécrétion des Végétaux. 142 p., 14 pls, hcalf; BA08166 € 60
Martinet, J., 1872. Mémoire sur les
organes de sécrétion des Végétaux. 142 p., 14 pls, paperbound (some pages
foxed); BA08184 € 40
Martins-Loução, M.A. &
S.H. Lips (eds), 2000. Nitrogen in a sustainable ecosystem - from the
cell to the plant. 442 p., 176 figs, 77 tables, hardbound; BA08407 € 133
Massart, J., 1908. Essai de
géographie botanique des districts littoraux et alluviaux de la Belgique. Part
Annexe. 121 p., listes de plantes, 32 pls, 14 maps, hcloth (library stamp);
BA42913 € 30
Massart, J., 1921-1923. Éléments de Biologie
Générale et de Botanique. 2 vols. I. La Biologie Générale-Les Protistes. II.
Les Métaphytes-La Physiologie et l’Éthologie-La Paléobotanique et la
Géobotanique. xv, 378, xi, 406 p., 380, 563 figs, wrps; BA43890 € 30
Mastenbroek, O., 1983. Patterns of
variation in European Silene pratensis. 136 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis;
BA42049 € 12
Matuskiewicz, W., 1950. Phytosociological
researches on the beech-forests in the Sudetts-Mnts. 196 p., paperbound. In
Polish with an English summary; BA42141 € 8
McLean, R.C. & W.R.
Ivimey-Cook, 1951-1967. Textbook of theoretical Botany. Vols I, II,
III. 3313 p., num. figs, photographs, cloth; BA08047 € 150
Mededelingen van het Botanisch
Museum & Herbarium van de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1961. Two articles: On
the vegetation of former river beds in the Netherlands by J. van Donselaar / An
ecological study of the vegetation in three former river beds by W.A.E. van
Donselaar-ten Bokkel Huinink. 85, 51 p., 1, 7 figs, 25, 3 tables, paperbound.
Library stamps; BA42364 € 12
Medeiros, M.F.T. et al.,
2005. Flora medicinal dos sitiantes da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio
Natural Rio das Pedras, Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Taxonomia e
aspectos etnobotânicos. 24 p., 2 tables, wrps; BA43280 € 5
Meelker, R., no date. Wegbeplanting.
95 p., various pls, wrps (soiled & frayed); BA00006 € 10
Meeteren, W. van, 1883. Surinaamsche Planten
en Cultuurgewassen, Bomen en Houtsoorten. Korte opsomming der tot heden bekende
en gebruikt wordende soorten. (iv), 52 p., orig. wrps (loose). Unopened. Scarce;
BA02093 € 50
Meltzer, J. & V.
Westhoff, 1942. Inleiding tot de plantensociologie. 326 p., 37 photos,
cloth; BA08627 € 10
Meltzer, J. & V. Westhoff,
1944. Inleiding tot de plantensociologie. 326 p., 37 photos, hcloth (back
broken); BA42337 € 8
Mengel, K., 1979 (5th ed.). Ernährung und
Stoffwechsel der Pflanze. 466 p., 144 figs, 20 pls, 102 tables, cloth (d.j.);
BA43444 € 30
Mennema, J. et al. (eds),
1980-1989. Atlas of the Netherlands Flora. 1-3. 1: Extinct and
very rare species. 2: Zeldzame en vrij zeldzame planten. 3: Minder zeldzame en algemene
soorten. 226, 349, 264 p., num. maps, cloth; BA43355 € 220
Menzel-Tettenborn, H., 1975. Rororo
Pflanzenlexikon. Band 3: Systematische Darstellung des gesamten Pflanzenreichs.
p., 190 figs, 73 col. photos, paperbound; BA42430 € 6
Merrill, E.D., 1946. Merrilleana. A
Selection from the General Writings of Elmer Drew Merrill. 263 p., several
figs, portrait, paperbound (Chron. Bot. 10(3/4); BA08482 € 35
Merrill, E.D., 1954. The botany of
Cook’s Voyages and its unexpected significance in relation to anthropology,
biogeography and history. 222 p., 22 figs, 14 pls, paperbound (Chron. Bot.
14(5/6); BA08487 € 35
Meulen, F. van der et al.
(eds), 1989. Perspectives in coastal dune management. Proceedings
of the European Symposium Leiden, September 7-11, 1987. 343 p., 120 figs, 24
tables, paperbound; BA07819 € 53
Mevius, W., 1947 (9th ed.). Miehes Taschenbuch der
Botanik. Zweiter Teil. Systematik. 130 p., 254 figs, paperbound (upper ends of
spine missing); BA41978 € 10
Meyen, F.J.F., 1836. Ueber die neuesten
Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie der Gewachse. viii, 319 p., 21 pls,
4to, hcloth. Plates slightly foxed. Eine von Teylerischen Gesellschaft zu
Haarlem im Jahre 1835 gekrönte Abhandlung; BA06664 € 180
Meyen, F.J.F., 1836. Grundriss der Pflanzengeographie
mit ausführlichen Untersuchungen über das Vaterland, den Anbau und den Nutzen
der vorzüglichsten Culturpflanzen, welche den Wohlstand der Völker begründen.
x, 478 p., 1 table, boards. Partly faded, library stamp in front; BA43875 € 60
Meyer, B.S. & D.B.
Anderson, 1950 (1st ed., 13th printing). Plant physiology. A
textbook for colleges and universities. x, 696 p., 151 figs, cloth; BA08228 €
Meyer, B.S. & D.B.
Anderson, 1952 (2nd ed.). Plant physiology. 784 p., 183 figs, 49 tables,
cloth; BA08083 € 30
Meyer, E.H.F., 1854-1857
(reprint 1965). Geschichte der Botanik (with an introductory essay by
Frans Verdoorn) (4 vols). 63 p, portrait; x, 406 p.; x, 430 p.; xvi, 554 p.;
viii, 451 p., cloth; BA41898 € 150
Meyer, M., 1976. Pflanzensoziologische
und ökologische Untersuchungen an insubrischen Trockenwiesen karbonathaltiger
Standorte. 145 p., 32 figs, tables, paperbound. Thesis; BA43619 € 12
Micevski, K., 1962-1967. 3 papers. 80 p.,
disbound; BA44053 € 10
Midgley, P.M. & M. Reuther
(eds), 2003. Transport and chemical transformation in the
troposhere (Proceedings of the EUROTRAC symposium 2002, Garmisch
Partenkirchen). 310 p., hardbound (+ CD); BA44079 € 50
Mikkelsen, V.M., 1949. Ecological
studies of the salt marsh vegetation in Isefjord. 48 p., 7 figs, 8 tables,
wrps; BA42733 € 8
Mitchell, Ph.H., 1938 (3rd
ed.). A text book of general physiology. xviii, 853 p., 199 figs, cloth;
BA08225 € 30
Mörnsjö, T., 1969. Studies on
vegetation and development of a peatland in Scania, South Sweden. 187 p., 48
figs, 24 tables, 8 folded pls, paperbound (back cover partly loose) (Opera
Botanica 24); BA42306 € 30
Molenaar, J.G. de, 1974. Vegetation of
Angmagssalik district southeast Greenland. 80 p., 27 figs, 6 tables, wrps. Unopened; BA42586 € 12
Molisch, H., 1926. Pflanzenbiologie in
Japan auf Grund eigener Beobachtungen. x, 270 p., 84 figs, cloth. Some pages with
very small marginal tear; BA06665 € 48
Moll, J.W., 1934. Phytography as a
fine art. Comprising Linnean description, micrography and penportraits.
xix, 534 p., 7 pls, cloth; BA43661 € 36
Monnier, G. le, 1888. Anatomie et
physiologie végétales. Botanique générale. 212 p., 170 figs, disbound;
BA42606 € 12
Mora-Osejo, L.E., 2001. Contribuciones
al estudio comparativo de la conductancia y de la transpiracion foliar de
especies de plantas del Paramo. xi, 281 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound;
BA43615 € 15
Moran, R., 1968/1969. Three papers on
new species from Baja California, Mexico. 5 new taxa of Haplopappus;
twelve new dicots; on Castela polyandra. ca. 54 p., num. figs, 1 col. plate,
wrps; BA42980 € 14
Morren, Ch., 1841. Recherches sur
le mouvement et l’anatomie des étamines du Sparrmannia africana. 42 p., 1 col.
plate, 4to, wrps (loose); BA42923 € 20
Morren, Ch., 1841. Recherches
physiologiques sur les hydrophytes de Belgique. 4e Mémoire. Recherches sur la
Rubéfaction des eaux, suivies d’observations sur les apparences végétales que
prennent les animalcules des familles des Monadines, Cryptomonadines et
Astasiées. 50 p., 1 col. plate, wrps; BA42925 € 20
Morren, Ch., 1841. Recherches
physiologiques sur les hydrophytes de Belgique. 6e Mémoire. Histoire du Genre
Tessararthra d’Ehrenberg. 15 p., 1 col. plate, wrps (loose); BA42926 € 20
Morren, E. & A. de Vos,
1887. Index bibliographique de l’Hortus Belgicus. Catalogue méthodique des
plantes ornementales qui ont été décrites, figurées ou introduites en Belgique
de 1830 à 1880. xxiv, 617 p., cloth. Ex library copy; BA43144 € 70
Møller, I.M. et al. (eds),
1998. Plant mitochondria: From gene to function. xiv, 604 p., 234 figs, 57
tables, hardbound; BA08412 € 145
Müller, E., 1961. Beiträge zur
Physiologie und Biochemie des Harnstoffes bei Pflanzen. 74 p., 19 figs,
11 tables, wrps. Unopened (Nova Acta Leopold. NF 24#155); BA43939 € 10
Müller, H., 1953. Zur spät- und
nacheiszeitlichen Vegetationsgeschichte des mitteldeutschen Trockengebietes. 67 p., 11 figs,
wrps (Nova Acta Leopold. NF 16#110); BA41956 € 10
Müller, H.W., 1966 (4th
ed.). Pflanzenbiologisches Experimentierbuch. Physiologische und bodenkundliche
Versuche. 129 p., 51 figs, paperbound; BA42514 € 8
Müller, P., 1949. Die Geschichte der
Moore und Wälder am Pilatus. 94 p., 28 figs, paperbound; BA42570 € 8
Müller, P., 1955. Verbreitungsbiologie
der Blütenpflanzen. 152 p., 43 figs, paperbound; BA42037 € 14
Müller, P., 1981. Arealsysteme und
Biogeographie. 704 p., 276 figs, 288 tables, cloth (d.j.); BA43563 € 85
Muller, S. (Ed.), 2004. Plantes
invasives en France. État des connaissances et propositions d’actions. (ii),
168 p., 2 text figs, 8 tables, 38 col. figs & maps, A4, paperbound (CPN62);
BA02085 € 40
Murbeck, Sv., 1914. Über die Baumechanik
bei Änderungen im Zahlenverhältnis der Blüte. 36 p., 6 figs, 8 pls, wrps.
Ex-library; BA43996 € 20
Napp-Zinn, K., 1984. Anatomie des Blattes
II. Blattanatomie der Angiospermen. B. Experimentelle und ökologische Anatomie
des Angiospermblattes, 1. Lieferung. xiv, (ii), 519 p., 129 figs, 168 tables,
cloth (d.j.); BA43538 € 48
Natuurcompendium, 2003. Natuur in
cijfers. 494 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound Plus CD BioBase; BA43572 €
Nees von Esenbeck, Th.Fr.L.
& W. Sinning, 1825 (1831). Sammlung Schön-Blühender Gewächse in
lithografierten Abbildungen für Blumen- und Garten-Freunde. Mit Beschreibungen
und vollständiger Angabe der Cultur. (ii), 1-2, (2), 3-223 p., quarter leather,
spine gold-embossed. Spine loose, outer edges scuffed, contents foxed. Text
volume only! Scarce; BA02090 € 500
Neger, F.W., 1913. Biologie der Pflanzen
auf experimenteller Grundlage (Bionomie). xxix, 775 p., 315 figs, cloth;
BA07911 € 60
Neger, F.W., 1913. Biologie der Pflanzen
auf experimenteller Grundlage (Bionomie). xxix, 775 p., 315 figs, disbound
(bookblock split), working copy; BA42520 € 15
Neuhäusl, R. et al. (eds),
1985. Chorological phenomena in plant communities. Proceedings of the 26th
International Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation
Science, 1982. 270 p., num. figs & tables, cloth (Adv. Veg. Sci. 5/
reprinted from Vegetatio 59); BA43488 € 110
Neuhäusl, R. et al., 1965. Synökologische Studien
über Röhrichte, Wiesen und Auenwälder. 328 p., 32 figs, 66 tables,
wrps; BA43044 € 10
Newman, E.I. (ed.), 1982. The plant
community as working mechanism. A tribute to A.S. Watt. 128 p., paperbound;
BA08227 € 10
Nijland, G. & H.M.
Klees, 1974-1982. Nieuw overzicht van de Nederlandse vegetatiekaarten. I (till 1974)
& II (1974-1978). 2 parts. 99, 79 p., 2 maps, wrps (Med. Landb.hog.
Wageningen 74-20 & 82-5); BA41996 € 12
Nilsson, C., 1981. Dynamics of the
shore vegetation of a north Swedish hydro-electric reservoir during a 5-year
period. 94 p., 42 figs, 11 tables, cloth; BA08616 € 18
Nilsson, E., 1924-1933. Collection of 18
papers, including Erblichkeitsversuche mit Pisum I-VIII; BA06666 € 46
Nilsson, O. & S.
Snogerup, 1971/1972. Drawings of Scandinavian Plants 45-80. Juncus L. 211
p., 80 figs, paperbound; BA42963 € 10
Nilsson, Ö., 1967. Studies in
Montia and Claytonia and allied genera. III. Pollen morphology. 85 p., 10 figs, wrps;
BA41888 € 8
Nöldner, W., 1937. Aus Wald und Flur. Pflanzen
unserer Heimat. 128 p., 175 col. card pasted in, paperbound; BA42652 € 20
Noirfalise, A., 1952. Étude d’une biocénose.
La Frênaie a Carex (Cariceto remotae - Fraxinetum Koch, 1926). 184 p., 2 pls,
paperbound; BA07794 € 48
Nordhagen, R., 1939/1940. Studien über die
maritime Vegetation Norwegens I. Die Pflanzengesellschaften der Tangwälle. 116 p., 14 figs,
2 tables, 18 pls, disbound. Unopened; BA42758 € 12
North, P., 1967. Poisonous Plants
and Fungi in colour. 161 p., 7 figs, ca. 250 col. photographs, hardbound
(d.j.); BA42146 € 10
Nougarède, A. et al., 1969. Biologie végétale I.
Cytologie. II. Nutrition et métabolisme. III. Croissance, morphogenèse,
reproduction. xii, 598, 578, 510 p., 267, 255, 325 figs, cloth; BA06667 € 120
Nougarède, A., 1969. Biologie
végétale I. Cytologie. xii, 598 p., 267 figs, cloth; BA08574 € 20
Novak, F.A., 1971. Encyclopédie
illustrée du monde végétal. 583 p., 1072 figs, cloth (d.j.); BA08205 € 60
Novak, F.A., 1972. The Pictorial
Encyclopedia of plants and flowers. 589 p., num. (col.) photos, cloth (d.j.);
BA42525 € 12
Oberdorfer, E. (ed.),
1977-1992 (2nd ed.). Süddeutsche Pflanzengesellschaften. Vols I-IV. 311, 355,
455, 282, 580 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; BA43356 € 220
Ogden, E.C., 1974. Anatomical
patterns of some Aquatic vascular plants of New York. 133 p., frontispiece, 67
pls, 208 distribution maps, paperbound (NY State Mus. & Sci. Serv. Bull. 424);
BA42169 € 8
Olberg, G. & J. Zabel,
1943. Die Pflanze im Kampf ums Dasein. 188 p., 64 figs, boards (spine broken &
loose); BA07767 € 18
Olsson, H., 1974. Studies on south
Swedish sand vegetation. 170 p., num. figs & tables, cloth; BA08615 € 22
Oosting, H.J., 1956. The study of
plant communities. An introduction to plant ecology. 440 p., 198 figs, cloth;
BA07815 € 35
Orloci, L., 1991. Conapack:
program for canonical analysis of classification tables. 126 p., paperbound;
BA44070 € 18
Orloci, L., 1991. Entropy and
information. (ix), 72 p., paperbound; BA44071 € 20
Orloci, L., 1991. Ecological
programs for instructional computing on the Macintosh. (ix), 131 p., paperbound;
BA44073 € 20
Ostenfeld, C.H., 1906. Plantenvaexten paa
Faerøerne. 141 p., 29 figs, boards. In Danish; BA41964 € 30
Ostenfeld, C.H., 1931. The distribution
within Denmark of the higher plants. I. A brief historical survey of the
investigation. 15 p., 1 plate, 4to, wrps; BA42768 € 6
Osvald, H., 1933. Vegetation of
the Pacific coast bogs of North America. 33 p., 5 figs, 4 pls, wrps. Unopened;
BA42730 € 10
Ott, E.C.J. (ed.), 1992. De vegetatie van
Wageningen en omgeving. Toelichting op de vegetatiekaart van Wageningen en
omgeving, kaartblad 39F, schaal 1 : 25 000. 153 p., 13 figs, 18
photographs, col. folding map in back, paperbound; BA08434 € 18
Oudemans, A.C., 1902. Leerboek der
natuurlijke historie. II. Plantkunde. 274 p., 408 figs. III. Delfstof- en
aardkunde. 160 p., 216 figs, 2 parts bound together in hleather; BA42790 € 16
Oudemans, A.C., 1919 (2nd
ed.). Onze Flora. Beschrijvingen en afbeeldingen van in het wild groeiende en
van veel gekweekte planten, naar den 2e druk van Carl Hoffman’s Botanischer
Bilder-Atlas, met een aanbevelend woord van Prof. Dr. C.A.J.A. Oudemans. xxxi,
(3), 193, xviii p., 364 figs, 86 lithographic col. pls, roy. 4to, hardbound. Lovely
jugendstil binding, small tear (1 cm) in top of front hinge, otherwise fine;
BA42293 € 175
Oudemans, C.A.J.A.,
1866-1870. Leerboek der Plantenkunde. 2 vols. I. Morphologie, anatomie, physiologie. II.
Taxonomie (Phanerogamen) en planten-geographie. viii, 812, xii, 768 p., 562,
162 figs, quarter leather. Ex-library; BA43265 € 80
Oudemans, C.A.J.A., 1880
(2nd ed.). Handleiding tot de pharmacognosie van het planten- en dierenrijk. 663 p., 5 folded
maps, hcloth (spine damaged). Somewhat foxed; BA08252 € 30
Oudemans, C.A.J.A., 1880
(2nd ed.). Handleiding tot de pharmacognosie van het planten- en dierenrijk. 663 p., 5
folded maps, hcalf (spine loose). Bound with H. de Vries: Handleiding bij het
vervaardigen van microscopische praeparaten uit het plantenrijk voor eerstbeginnenden
(97pp.); BA08261 € 35
Oudemans, Th.C., 1948. Gedenkboek ter
gelegenheid van het 100-jarig bestaan van Schovenhorst 1848-20 Januari-1948. 3 parts. I: 358
p., II: 40 tipped-in photos; III: 10 folded maps in binder. All three parts in
original cloth ; BA43276 € 80
Palmgren, A., 1961. Studier över
havsstrandens Vegetation och flora på Aland I. Vegetationen. 268 p., 16 photos,
1 folding col. map, wrps; BA42464 € 30
Pandeya, S.C. & H.
Lieth, 1993. Ecology of Cenchrus grass complex. Environmental
conditions and population differences in Western India. vii, 234 p., num. figs,
4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 23); BA07372 € 40
Parent, G.H., 1987. La botanique de
terrain dans le district Lorrain. 1. Historique. 470 p., num. figs, paperbound.
Vol. 1 only (of 2); BA42249 € 14
Parlatore, Ph., 1874
(reprint 1992). Les collections botaniques du Musée Royal de physique
et d’histoire naturelle de Florence. 163 p., 17 pls, paperbound; BA08546 € 20
Patta Pillar, V. De &
L. Orloci, 1993. Character-based community analysis: the theory and an
application program. ix, 270 p., num. graphs, paperbound; BA44078 € 25
Pedrotti, F., 2004. Cartografia
geobotanica. viii, 236 p., 195 (num. col.) figs, paperbound; BA43427 € 30
Peet, R.K. (ed.), 1985. Plant community
ecology: Papers in honor of Robert H. Whittaker. vi, 332 p., num. figs &
tables, cloth (Adv. Veg. Sci. 7/ reprinted from Vegetatio); BA43487 € 90
Peirce, G.J., 1902. The
root-tubercles of Bur Clover (Medicago denticulata Willd.) and some other
leguminous plants. 34 p., 1 plate, wrps; BA42911 € 8
Perreau, J. et al., 1980. Entretiens du
Museum. Palynologie et climats. 302 p., num. figs, 9 pls, paperbound. Unopened
(mnhnb27); BA08248 € 55
Persson, H., 1975. Deciduous
woodland at Andersby, eastern Sweden: Field-layer and below-ground production. 71p.,
32 figs, 23 tables, cloth; BA08614 € 16
Persson, K., 1973. Biosystematic
studies in the Artemisia maritima complex in Europe. 166 p., 117 figs, 20 tables,
4to, wrps. Thesis; BA42669 € 14
Perttula, U., 1941. Untersuchungen über die
generative und vegetative Vermehrung der Blütenpflanzen in der Wald-,
Hainwiesen- und Hainfelsenvegetation. 388 p., 27 figs, wrps (front cover loose);
BA41865 € 16
Peter, H., 1863 (2nd ed.). Untersuchungen über
den Bau und die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Brutknospen. 53 p., 3 pls, wrps;
BA42968 € 14
Peterson, D., 1936. Stellaria-Studien. Zur
Zytologie, Genetik, Ökologie, und Systematik der Gattung Stellaria,
insbesondere der media-Gruppe. 139 p., 38 figs, wrps (partly loose). Thesis; BA41855
€ 10
Petheram, R.J. & B.
Kok, 1983. Plants of the Kimberley Region of Western Australia.
xii, 556 p., 242 col. photographs, paperbound; BA08231 € 35
Peyrou, J., 1888. Recherches sur
l’atmosphère interne des plantes (1e Thèse). De l’action toxique et
physiologique de l’hydrogène sulfuré sur les animaux (2e Thèse). 196 p., hcalf with
marbled boards & endpapers; BA07960 € 38
Pfeffer, W., 1893. Druck- und
Arbeitsleistung durch wachsende Pflanzen. 242 p., 14 figs, wrps; BA43923 € 30
Pfeffer, W.F.P., 1905-1912. Physiologie végétale. Etude
des échanges de substances d’energie dans la plante. Traduit de l’allemand,
d’après la seconde édition. Tom. I. Echanges de substances. iv, 640 p., 40
figs. Tom. II. Echanges d’énergie. ii, 900 p., 91 figs, hcalf, spine slightly
worn, otherwise fine; BA08177 € 80
Pfeiffer, J.W.G., 1992. Plantenharen. 63 p., num. b/w
photos, paperbound. Bottom margins somewhat stained, not affecting text &
figs (WMKNNV207); BA43820 € 8
Pichi-Sermolli, R.E.G.
(ed.), 1965. Proceedings of the Fifth Plenary Meeting of the
“Association pour l’Étude Taxonomique de la Flore d’Afrique Tropicale”
(A.E.T.F.A.T.), Genova-Firenze, 9th-14th September, 1963. 424 p., num. figs
& pls, paperbound. Articles in English or French; BA42346 € 42
Pijl, L. van der, 1972 (2nd
ed.). Principles of Dispersal in Higher Plants. xi, 162 p., 26 figs, 5 tables,
cloth (d.j.); BA43749 € 20
Pizon, A., 1911 (3rd ed.). Anatomie et
physiologie végétales. Suivies de l’étude élémentaire des principales
familles, de la bactériologie et des fermentations. 480 p., 695 figs, hcalf
with marbled boards & endpapers; BA06670 € 38
Pizon, A., 1929 (7th ed.). Anatomie et
Physiologie Végétales. Suivies de l’étude élémentaire des principales familles,
de la bactériologie et des fermentations. ii, 599 p., 798 figs, hcloth; BA08459
€ 35
Ploeg, D.T.E. van der, 1988. Botaniseren in het
buitenland. Flora’s en plantenboeken. 55 p., num. figs, paperbound; BA41959 € 6
Podani, J., 1994. Multivariate
data analysis in ecology and systematics - A methodological guide to the SYNTAX
5.0 package. 316 p., 51 figs, 2 tables, paperbound; BA08406 € 46
Pomini, L., 1955. Plante vascolari
infestanti la risaia. 107 p., num. figs, wrps; BA42823 € 8
Poorter, H., 1991. Interspecific
variation in the relative growth rate of plants: The underlying mechanisms. 102
p., num. figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis; BA43103 € 10
Porcher, Ch., 1932. Le jubilé
scientifique du Professeur Charles Porcher. Soixantième anniversaire. 91 p.,
wrps; BA42409 € 10
Porter, C.L., 1959. Taxonomy of
flowering plants. xii, 452 p., col. frontispiece, 600 figs, cloth; BA06671 € 40
Post, K., 1908. Over het gebruik en de
behandeling onzer bloem- en bladheesters (voor liefhebbers en vaklieden). 129
p., num. figs, wrps (partly loose); BA42286 € 30
Pott, R., 1980. Die Wasser- und
Sumpfvegetation eutropher Gewässer in der Westfälischen Bucht. Pflanzensoziologische
und hydrochemische Untersuchungen. 156 p., 32 figs, 31 tables, paperbound;
BA42624 € 18
Poulsen, V.A., 1888. Anatomiske
studier over Eriocaulaceerne. 166 p., 7 pls, paperbound; BA42986 € 14
Praeger, R.Ll., 1974. The Botanist in
Ireland. xii, 587 p., 28 figs, 44 pls, hardbound (d.j.); BA43682 € 60
Preising, E. et al., 1997. Die
Pflanzengesellschaften Niedersachsens. Bestandsentwicklung, Gefährdung und
Schutzprobleme. Rasen-, Fels- und Geröllgesellschaften. 148 p., num. tables,
paperbound; BA42928 € 15
Prins, A.H., 1989. Herbivory and
plant performance of Senecio jacobaea L. and Cynoglossum officinale L. 151 p.,
num. figs & tables, paperbound; BA08582 € 14
Privat, G., 1960. Recherches sur
les phanérogames parasites (Étude d’Orobanche Hederae). 151 p., 64 figs, wrps
(partly loose); BA42215 € 14
Prodromus Florae Batavae
Vol. 1, 1901-1916 (2nd ed.). Editio altera. Nieuwe naamlijst der Nederlandsche
Phanerogamen en Vaatkryptogamen. In four parts, xxx, 2451 p., wrps; BA42752 €
Prodromus Florae Batavae
Vol. 2, 1893-1898. Editio Altera. Nieuwe lijst der Nederlandsche Blad- en
Levermossen, Nieuwe lijst der Nederlandsche Korstmossen. In 2 parts. vii,
190, vi, 74 p., wrps; BA42753 € 40
Prodromus Florae Batavae,
Vol. II 1-2, 1851-1853. In sociorum inprimis usum edendum curavit
Societas Promovendo Florae Batavae studio. 2 parts. II#1. Plantae
cellulares. Musci frondosi et Hepaticae. viii, 115 p., 3 pls; II#2. Plantae
cellulares. Lichenes, Byssaceae et Algae. viii, p. 117-301, boards; BA42755 €
Pulle, A., 1911. Zakflora voor
Suriname. Deel I. Tabellen tot het determineeren van de families en geslachten der
wildgroeiende en gekweekte vaatkryptogamen en phanerogamen, die tot nu toe voor
Suriname bekend zijn. 194 p., boards. Author’s dedication (Bull. Kolon. Mus.
Haarlem 47 / Tweede uitgave van het Van Eedenfonds); BA00025 € 30
Pulle, A., 1911. Zakflora voor
Suriname. Deel I. Tabellen tot het determineeren van de families en geslachten der
wildgroeiende en gekweekte vaatkryptogamen en phanerogamen, die tot nu toe voor
Suriname bekend zijn. 194 p., boards. (Bull. Kolon. Mus. Haarlem 47 /
Tweede uitgave van het Van Eedenfonds); BA00026 € 30
Pulle, A.A., 1938. Compendium van
de terminologie, nomenclatuur en systematiek der zaadplanten. viii, 338 p.,
num. figs, cloth (spine loose); BA42548 € 8
Pulle, A.A., 1950. Compendium van de
terminologie, nomenclatuur en systematiek der zaadplanten. viii, 370 p., num.
figs, cloth; BA08049 € 12
Raalte, D. van & A.
Postel, 1980. Sertum Botanicum. Een keuze van 74 platen uit Sertum
Botanicum met de originele Oud-Nederlandse tekst en een hedendaagse
toelichting. 197 p., 74 col. pls, 4to, hardbound (d.j.). Ex-library; BA43269 € 30
Rafinesque, C.S., 1944. A life of
travels. 70 p., 2 figs, 4 pls, paperbound (Chron. Bot. 8(2); BA06608 € 14
Rasmusson, J., 1927. Genetically
changed linkage values in Pisum. 152 p., 15 figs, 30 tables, wrps. Unopened;
BA42736 € 12
Raup, H.M., 1971. The vegetational
relations of weathering, frost action, and patterned ground processes, in the
Mesters Vig district, northeast Greenland. 91 p., 47 figs, 11 tables,
paperbound. Unopened. Library stamp; BA42590 € 16
Raup, H.M., 1971. Miscellaneous
contributions on the vegetation of the Mesters Vig District, Northeast
Greenland. 104 p., 61 figs, 7 tables, paperbound. Unopened. Library stamp;
BA42591 € 16
Raup, H.M., 1971. The vegetation
of the Mesters Vig district, northeast Greenland. General summary and
discussion. 48 p., 12 figs, 3 tables, wrps (unopened). Library stamp; BA42592 €
Rauschert, S., 1990. Übersicht über die
Pflanzengesellschaften des südlichen Teiles der DDR. XV. Die xerothermen
Gebüschgesellschaften. 64 p., wrps (Hercynia 27#3); BA42940 € 8
Ray Society, 1973. John Ray. Synopsis
methodica Stirpium Britannicarum 1724. Carl Linnaeus. Flora Anglica 1754 &
1759. Facsimiles with an introduction by W.T. Stearn. cloth (d.j.) (The
Ray Society No. 148); BA42105 € 56
Real, L. (ed.), 1983. Pollination
Biology. xvii, 338 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; BA43916 € 25
Realino, Fr.M., 1947. Plantkunde van
Curaçao voor M.U.L.O. 188 p., 209 figs, paperbound; BA42974 € 10
Redfern, M. & P.
Shirley, 2002. British plant galls. Identification of galls on plants
and fungi. 326 p., 1025 figs, 8 col. pls, paperbound (reprint Field Studies
10#2+3); BA42270 € 33
Reed, H.S., 1949. Jan Ingenhousz.
Plant physiologist. With a history of the discovery of photosynthesis. 109 p.,
6 pls, paperbound (Chron. Bot. 11#5/6); BA08477 € 18
Regnault, G., 1861. Recherches sur
les affinités de structure des tiges des plantes appartenant au groupe des
Cyclospermées. 98 p., 6 pls, wrps (loose). Thesis; BA41955 € 20
Regnault, G., 1861. Recherches sur
les affinités de structure des tiges des plantes appartenant au groupe des
Cyclospermées. 98 p., 6 pls, disbound; BA42800 € 16
Reinders, E., 1937 (2nd
ed.). Plantenanatomie, handleiding. 240 p., 39 figs, 11 pls, cloth; BA42727 €
Reinders, E., 1949 (2nd
ed.). Leerboek der algemeene Plantkunde deel I. In- en uitwendige morfologie
en voortplanting van vaatplanten, karyologie, afstammingshypothesen. xvi, 597
p., 610 figs, cloth; BA42992 € 20
Reinders, E., 1957 (4th ed.). Leerboek der algemene
Plantkunde deel I. In- en uitwendige morfologie en voortplanting van
vaatplanten, afstammingshypothesen, karyologie. xviii, 710 p., 667 figs, cloth;
BA42994 € 20
Reinhardt, L., 1911. Kulturgeschichte der
Nutzpflanzen Bd IV, 2. Hälfte. viii, 756 p., 35 figs, 76 photos, cloth; BA08584
€ 24
Reinöhl, F., 1935. Pflanzenzuchtung. 112 p., 37 figs,
64 pls, cloth (covers foxed); BA42680 € 8
Reisigl, H., 1980.
Blumenparadiese und
botanische Gärten der Erde. 295 p., num. figs & col. photos, hardbound;
BA43464 € 20
Renault-Miskovsky, J. & M.
Petzold, 1962. Spores et pollen (2 vols). textvolume (360 p., num.
(many col.) figs, hardbound) & plastic holder with 80 slides; BA44107 € 70
Rennenberg, H. et al. (eds),
1990. Sulfur nutrition and sulfur assimilation in higher plants. Fundamental
environmental and agricultural aspects. 288 p., 71 figs, 36 tables, hardbound;
BA06673 € 63
Rennwald, E. (ed.), 2000. Verzeichnis und Rote
Liste der Pflanzengesellschaften Deutschlands - mit Datenservice auf CD-ROM.
xvi, 800 p., 26 col. figs, paperbound (Schriftenreihe Vegetationsk. 35);
BA43481 € 35
Reynaud-Beauverie, M.-A.,
1936. Le milieu et la vie en commun des Plantes. Notes pratiques de
phytosociologie. 237 p., 46 figs, paperbound; BA42467 € 30
Richard-Vindard, G. &
R. Battistini (eds), 1972. Biogeography and Ecology of Madagascar. xv,
765 p., num. figs & pls, cloth (d.j.) (Monogr. Biol. vol. 21); BA43442 €
Richard, A. & Ch.
Martins, 1876 (11e ed.). Nouveaux éléments de botanique et de
physiologie végétale. xvi, 709 p., 380 figs, hcalf; BA08048 € 52
Richard, A., 1828 (4e ed.). Nouveaux
éléments de Botanique. xxiv, 661 p., 8 pls (98 figs), hcalf, splendid copy;
BA08186 € 62
Richard, A., 1846 (7e ed.). Nouveaux éléments de
botanique et de physiologie végétale. 851 p., 438 figs, cloth; BA08041 € 46
Richard, A., 1846 (7e ed.). Nouveaux éléments de
botanique et de physiologie végétale. 851 p., 438 figs, hcalf; BA08042 € 52
Richard, A., 1864 (9e ed.). Nouveaux
éléments de Botanique. vii, 661 p., 341 figs, hcalf; BA08185 € 60
Richard, A., 1876 (11e
ed.). Nouveaux éléments de Botanique. xvi, 710 p., 379 figs, hcalf; BA07970 €
Richer, V., 1900. Causerie
botanique. 188 p., paperbound. Unopened; BA07965 € 26
Rickett, H.W., 1947. The Royal
Botanical Expedition to New Spain. 86 p., several figs, 8 pls, paperbound
(Chron. Bot. 11(1); BA07999 € 16
Rietz, G.E. Du et al.,
1939. Zur Kenntnis der Vegetation des Sees Tåkern. 65 p., 7 pls, paperbound;
BA07804 € 15
Rijks Herbarium Leiden,
1910-1912. Mededeelingen van ‘s Rijks Herbarium. 2 parts: No. 1-5. (1910, 1-7) &
No. 8-14. 75 p., 160 p., paperbound; BA42891 € 24
Rikli, M., 1911. Richtlinien der
Pflanzengeographie. 109 p., 11 figs, hcloth; BA42351 € 20
Robards, A.W., 1970. Electron
microscopy and plant ultrastructure. (xvi), 298 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.);
BA43667 € 38
Robards, A.W., 1974. Ultrastruktur der
pflanzlichen Zelle. Einführung in Grundlagen, Methoden und Ergebnisse der
Elektronenmikroskopie. xv, 335 p., num. figs, paperbound; BA43014 € 12
Roelofsen, P.A., 1959. The plant cell
wall. vii, 335 p., 215 figs, 68 pls, cloth (d.j.); BA06674 € 50
Roger, L., 1951-1954. Phytopathologie des
pays chauds. Tome I, II & III. xvi, 3154 p., 368 figs, paperbound (spines broken,
covers loose & worn) (Encycl. Mycol. XVII, XVIII & XIX); BA43914 € 200
Rollet, B. et al., 1990. Stratification
of tropical forests as seen in leaf structure, part 2. xv, 246 p., num. figs
& tables, 4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 21); BA43377 € 140
Roth, I., 1987. Stratification
of a tropical forest as seen in dispersal types. x, 324 p., 108 figs, 4to,
hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 17); BA43363 € 80
Roth, I., 1990. Leaf structure
of a Venezuelan cloud forest in relation to the microclimate. xi, 244 p., 122
figs, 16 tables, cloth (d.j.) (Handb. Pflanzenanatomie, Band XIV, Teil 1: Spezieller
Teil); BA43435 € 36
Roth, I., 1995. Leaf structure:
Montane regions of Venezuela with an excursion into Argentina. ix, 249 p., 129
figs, 1 map, hardbound (Handb. Pflanzenanatomie, Band XIV, Teil 3: Spezieller Teil);
BA43433 € 48
Rothmaler, W., 1963. Exkursionsflora von
Deutschland. Kritischer Ergänzungsband Gefässpflanzen. xx, 622 p., 338 figs,
cloth; BA08249 € 18
Rotolo, M. & S.
Lonardo, 2004 (reprint 2005). Il Gymnasium dell’Orto
Botanico di Palermo. Storia e Restauro. 255 p., fullcolour, 4to, hardbound
(d.j.) in dec. slipcase in carton box; BA43709 € 70
Roy, J. & E. Garnier,
1994. A whole plant perspective on carbon-nitrogen interactions. 316 p., 89
figs, 33 tables, hardbound; BA06675 € 62
Rozema, J. & J.A.C.
Verkleij (eds), 1991. Ecological responses to environmental stresses. xxiii,
311 p., num. figs & photos, 4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 22); BA43361
€ 140
Rozema, J. et al. (eds),
1993. CO2 and biosphere. x, 484 p., num. figs, 4to, hardbound. Advances in
vegetation science vol. 14/reprint Vegetatio vol. 104/105; BA07283 € 60
Rozier, F. & M.A.L.C.
de Latourette, 1773 (2nd ed.). Démonstrations élémentaires
de botanique. 2 vols. xl, 316, viii, 652, xl p., 8 pls, contemporary full calf,
spine gilt; BA06676 € 400
Rønning, O.I., 1965. Studies in
Dryadion of Svalbard. 52 p., 5 figs, 5 tables, wrps. Library stamp on front
cover; BA42595 € 14
Rübel, E. (ed.), 1933. Ergebnisse der
Internationalen Pflanzengeographischen Exkursion durch Rumänien 1931. 192 p.,
paperbound; BA41862 € 12
Rübel, E. (ed.), 1936. Ergebnisse der
Internationalen Pflanzengeographischen Exkursion durch Mittelitalien 1934. 239 p., num.
figs, paperbound; BA41863 € 12
Ruffray, P. de et al.,
1985. La banque de donnees phytosociologiques de l’institut de botanique de
Strassbourg - description / premiers bilans. 143 p., paperbound; BA08543 € 10
Saint-Hilaire, A. de, 1946. Esquisse de mes
voyages au Brésil et Paraguay. vi, 61 p., 4 figs, wrps (Chron. Bot. 10(1);
BA08420 € 12
Saito, K. et al. (eds),
2005. Sulfur transport and assimilation in plants in the post genomic era. 280
p., figs & tables, hardbound; BA43191 € 98
Salisbury, E., 1952. Downs and Dunes.
Their plant life and its environment. xiii, 328 p., 93 figs, 74 b&w
photographs, 54 distribution maps, cloth (d.j.); BA42357 € 35
Samuelsson, G., 1954. Maps of a
selection of Scandinavian Hieracium species. 10 p., 123 maps, paperbound;
BA42920 € 14
Sandberg, F., 1965. Étude sur les
plantes médicinales et toxiques d’Afrique équatoriale. I. Premier inventaire
des plantes médicinales et toxiques de la région sud-ouest de la République
Centrafricaine et de la région nord de la République du Congo/Brazzaville. 45
p., 1 fig., disbound; BA42376 € 10
Sannié, C. & H. Sauvin,
1952. Les couleurs des fleurs et des fruits Anthocyanes et Flavones. 257 p.,
figs, paperbound (mnhnb2); BA06798 € 16
Sauerborn, J., 1991. Parasitic
flowering plants. Ecology and management. iv, 131 p., 49 figs, 35 tables,
paperbound. Thesis; BA00022 € 25
Scamoni, A., 1955. Einführung in die
praktische Vegetationskunde. 222 p., 29 figs, 12 maps, cloth; BA42506 € 14
Schaede, R., 1943. Die pflanzlichen
Symbiosen. viii, 172 p., 153 figs, wrps; BA43831 € 22
Schäffer, C., 1895. Über die
Verwendbarkeit des Laubblattes der heute lebenden Pflanzen zu phylogenetischen
Untersuchungen. 40 p., 1 pl., disbound (plate and last pages waterstained, not affecting
text and figs); BA42347 € 8
Schälow, E., n.d. (ca. 1955). Es blüht in den
Dolomiten. 122 p., num. figs & col. photos, boards; BA08544 € 16
Schamineé, J.H.J. et al.
(eds), 2003. Plant communities in saline environments - a
Festschrift for Sandro Pignatti. 397 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound
(Phytocoenologia 33#2-3); BA43561 € 35
Scherer-Lorenzen, M. (ed.),
2002. Analyse der Artenschutzprogramme für Pflanzen in Deutschland. xvi, 220 p.,
figs, 4 col. photos, paperbound (Schriftenreihe Vegetationsk. 36); BA43482 € 16
Schierbeek, A., 1947. Acht en twintig eeuwen
bloembestuiving. 131 p., 68 figs, boards (d.j.); BA42908 € 8
Schieving, F., 1998. Plato’s Plant -
On the mathemathical structure of simple plants and canopies. 371 p., 41 figs,
hardbound; BA08413 € 84
Schimper, A.F.W., 1898. Pflanzen-Geographie
auf physiologischer Grundlage. xviii, 876 p., 502 figs, 5 pls, 4 col. maps,
hardbound boards, hcalf (spine missing); BA08181 € 120
Schimper, A.F.W., 1898. Pflanzen-Geographie
auf physiologischer Grundlage. xviii, 876 p., 502 figs, 5 pls, 4 col. maps,
hardbound boards, hcalf. Titlepage loose; BA43262 € 140
Schimper, A.F.W., 1908 (2nd
ed.). Pflanzen-Geographie auf physiologischer Grundlage. xviii, 876 p., 502 figs,
5 pls, 4 col. maps, hardbound boards, hcalf. Ex-library; BA43261 € 100
Schjelderup-Ebbe, T., 1936. Über die
Lebensfähigkeit alter Samen. 178 p., pls missing, wrps (worn, back wrapper loose);
BA42373 € 12
Schleiden, M.J., 1873 (2nd
ed.). De plant en haar leven. viii, 416 p., nice col. frontispiece, 5 col.
pls, hcloth (used); BA06678 € 48
Schmeil, O., 1914 (4th ed.). Beknopt leerboek der
plantkunde. Met gekleurde en ongekleurde platen. (voor Nederland bewerkt
door Dr. P.G. Buekers). viii, 359 p., 439 figs, num. (24 col.) pls, hardbound;
BA00001 € 15
Schmelzer, K. & P. Wolf
(eds), 1971. Wirtspflanzen der Viren und Virosen Europas / Host
plants of the viruses and virus diseases of Europe. 262 p., hardbound.
Bi-lingual (Nova Acta Leopoldina Bd 36 Suppl. 2); BA43982 € 15
Schmithüsen, J., 1974. Landschaft und
Vegetation. Gesammelte Aufsätze von 1934 bis 1971. 539 p., num. figs &
maps, paperbound (partly loose); BA43466 € 12
Schneider, C. et al., 1994. Biologisch-ökologische
Grundlagen des Schutzes gefährdeter Segetalpflanzen. xvi, 356 p., num. figs,
paperbound (Schriftenreihe Vegetationsk. 26); BA43475 € 25
Schnell, R., 1962. Remarques
préliminaires sur quelques problèmes phytogéographiques du Sud-Est asiatique. 66
p., 6 figs, 7 pls, wrps (reprint from Revue générale de Botanique, Tome 69);
BA43468 € 12
Schobert, C., 1988. Stickstoffaufnahme und
Stickstofftransport im Ricinuskeimling. iv, 98 p., 27 figs, 26 tables,
paperbound. Thesis; BA43518 € 10
Schouten, M.G.C. & M.J.
Nooren (eds), 1990. Peatlands, economy and conservation. 120 p., 7 figs, 9
tables, paperbound; BA42317 € 19
Schouten, M.G.C. & M.J.
Nooren (eds), 1990. Peatlands, economy and conservation. 120 p., 7 figs, 9
tables, paperbound (covers partly discoloured, otherwise good copy); BA43443 €
Schubert, R. & W. Hilbig,
1987. Erfassung und Bewertung anthropogener Vegetationsveränderungen. 1. 327 p.,
paperbound; BA43489 € 18
Schubert, R. & W. Hilbig,
1987. Erfassung und Bewertung anthropogener Vegetationsveränderungen. 2. 312 p.,
paperbound; BA43490 € 20
Schubert, R. & W. Hilbig,
1987. Erfassung und Bewertung anthropogener Vegetationsveränderungen. 3. 266 p.,
paperbound; BA43491 € 15
Schubert, R. et al. (eds),
1975. Probleme der Agrogeobotanik. Bericht über das Symposium mit internationaler
Beteiligung an der Sektion Biowissenschaften der Martin-Luther-Universität
Halle-Wittenberg vom 10.-14. Juli 1972. 229 p., num. figs & tables,
paperbound (d.j.) ; BA43438 € 14
Schübeler, F.C., 1879. Vaexlivet i Norge, med
saerligt hensyn til plantegeographien. viii, 143 p., 9 pls, paperbound (covers
loose); BA08030 € 30
Schulte, W. & V.
Voggenreiter, 2000. Florenkartierungen als Beitrag für den Naturschutz im
Siedlungsbereich. xvi, 319 p., 10 figs, num. maps, paperbound (Schiftenreihe
Vegetationsk. 33); BA43480 € 16
Schulz, J.P., 1960. Ecological
studies on rain forest in northern Suriname. 267 p., 70 figs, 4 pls, 23
tables, paperbound; BA42620 € 38
Schumann, K., 1904. Praktikum für
morphologische und systematische Botanik. 610 p., 154 figs, disbound; BA08167 €
Schwabe-Braun, A., 1983. Die Heustadel-Wiesen
im nordbadischen Murgtal. Geschichte - Vegetation - Naturschutz. 71 p., 17
figs, 8 tables, paperbound; BA43559 € 12
Schweitzer, R. & H.
Ballet, 1969-1973. Herbier Parlant. Cet herbier, de 400 plantes Cryptogames
et Phanérogames, se présente comme un petit traité de botanique descriptive,
illustré par des plantes séchées, conservées sous sachets de cellophane. One of the
rarest “publications” in recent botanical literature. It consists of 16
“fascicules” issued from June 1969 to December 1973. Each fascicule contains
ca. 25 dried specimens of plant species, wrapped in cellophane, in a folding
descriptive wrapper. During the first fascicule, the authors also thought to
include a colour print of the plant concerned, but abandoned the idea during
this first fascicule (probably because it would become too large an
undertaking). One fascicule (no. 2, containing 25 specimens) is missing. The
remainder are there, roughly 372 specimens. It is in fact a small herbarium. We
have no knowledge of how many copies were produced, but find it in no botanical
reference whatsoever. An irresistable purchase for the plant-lover. Sold with
all and any faults or missing parts; BA43164 € 850
Selander, S., 1950. Floristic
phytogeography of south-western Lule Lappmark (Swedish Lapland) I. 200 p., 33
figs, paperbound; BA07802 € 34
Sen, D.N. & K.S.
Rajpurohit (eds), 1982. Contributions to the ecology of halophytes.
viii, 272 p., num. figs & tables, 4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 2);
BA43359 € 70
Sesták, Z. (ed.), 1985. Photosynthesis
during leaf development. 396 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound (Tasks
Veget. Sci. 11); BA43395 € 90
Simor Saint-Just, 1904. Recherches
anatomiques sur l’appareil végétatif aérien des Rubiacés. 70 p., 2 pls, wrps;
BA42607 € 12
Sinnot, E.W., 1935 (3rd
ed.). Botany. Principles and problems. xix, 525 p., 310 figs, cloth; BA06679 €
Sirks, M.J., 1935. Botany in the
Netherlands. Edited for the organizing Committee of the Sixth International
Botanical Congress, Leiden, 1935. vii, 140 p., paperbound; BA08009 € 14
Sirks, M.J., 1936. Congrès
International de Sélectionneurs de Plantes. Comptes Rendus du Congrès. vol. II.
x, 90 p., 7 figs, t table, paperbound; BA42454 € 10
Sirks, M.J., 1936. Congrès
International de Sélectionneurs de Plantes. Rapports présentés au congrès.
viii, 140 p., several tables, paperbound; BA42794 € 12
Smidt, J.T. de, 1981. De Nederlandse
heidevegetaties. 87 p., num. figs, 10 maps, wrps; BA43726 € 8
Smidts, A., 1990. Decision making
under risk, a study of models and measurement procedures with special reference
to the farmer’s marketing behavior.(xii), 329 p., various figs & graphs,
paperbound. Thesis; BA44074 € 40
Smit, J., 1930. Die Gärungssarcinen.
Eine Monographie. 58 p., 10 figs, 6 pls, paperbound (unopened); BA08595 € 12
Smith, K.M., 1951 (2nd
ed.). Recent advances in the study of plant viruses. viii, 300 p., 52 figs,
cloth; BA08198 € 15
Snijders, J.G.J. & W.F.
de Leeuw, 1966 (5th ed.). Plantkunde en Pharmacognosie. 91 p., hcloth. Some annotations
and underlinings in ink; BA43247 € 7
Snijders, J.G.J., 1961 (3rd
ed.). Latijn en Plantkunde. 87 p., hcloth. Some annotations and
underlinings in ink; BA43246 € 8
Society for Experimental
Biology, 1951. Symposium V: Carbon dioxide fixation and
photosynthesis. viii, 342 p., num. figs, cloth; BA08560 € 16
Sosa-Bourdouil, C., 1939. Hérédité des
caractères biochimiques chez les végétaux. 48 p., 4 figs, 1 pl., wrps. Unopened
(mnhn10#4); BA42209 € 10
Specht, R.L. (ed.), 1988. Mediterranean-type
Ecosystems: A data source book. xii, 248 p., num. figs, 4to, hardbound (Tasks
Veget. Sci. 19); BA43365 € 140
Specht, R.L. et al. (eds),
1974. Conservation of major plant communities in Australia and Papua New
Guinea. 667 p., num. tables, paperbound (Austr. Journ. Bot. Suppl. 7); BA43567 €
Squires, V.R. & A.T.
Ayoub (eds), 1994. Halophytes as a resource for livestock and for
rehabilitation of degraded lands. xiv, 316 p., num. figs, 4to, hardbound (Tasks
Veget. Sci. 32); BA07375 € 60
Stafleu, F.A., 1966. F.A.W. Miquel,
Netherlands botanist. 96 p., paperbound (Wentia); BA08577 € 12
N., 1939. Lake Vättern.
Outlines of its natural history, especially its vegetation. 52 p., 8 pls, wrps;
BA41883 € 12
S. & D.L. Dindal, 1990. The
soil ecology of dry Mediterranean ecosystems with emphasis on the role of
invertebrates in vegetal decomposition. 32 p., 6 figs, 7 tables, disbound (from
Ann. Musei Goulandris 8); BA43998 € 5
U. et al. (eds), 1998. Plant
Invasions: Ecological mechanisms and human responses. 372 p., 84 figs, 63
tables, paperbound; BA08409 € 88
G., 1970. The morphogenesis
of the inflorescence, flower and fruit of Pyrus nivalis Jacquin var. orientalis
Terpó. 91 p., 46 figs, 23 tables, paperbound. Library stamp. Thesis; BA43670 €
Fr. & V. Jirásek, 1991 (2nd ed.). Geneeskruiden. 190 p., 64 col. pls, hardbound; BA41921 € 6
W.T. (ed.), 1968. Humboldt,
Bonpland, Kunth and tropical American botany. 159 p., 1 folded map, wrps;
BA43694 € 28
W.T., 1987 (3rd revised ed.). Botanical
Latin. xiv, 566 p., 41 line drawings, hardbound (d.j.); BA42019 € 28
G.L., 1953. Chromosomes and
phylogeny in the Compositae, tribe Cichorieae. 29 p., 55 figs, wrps (Un. Calif.
Publ. Bot. 26#6); BA42816 € 10
Nielsen, E., 1942. Der Mechanismus
der Photosynthese (Versuche mit Fucus serratus und anderen Submersen). 95 p.,
37 figs, wrps (partly loose). Unopened; BA42744 € 14
M.J. van, 1979. The
collections of the Rijksherbarium. 26 p., wrps; BA08628 € 6
C.G.G.J. van, 1981. Rheophytes
of the world. An account of the flood-resistant flowering plants and ferns and
the theory of autonomous evolution. xv, 407 p., 47 figs, 23 b/w photos, cloth
(d.j.); BA43372 € 60
G., 1934. Pflanzen auf
Insektenfang. Schilderungen aus dem Leben von fleischfressenden und
insektenfangenden Pflanzen. 79 p., 40 figs, paperbound; BA06683 € 12
G., 1934. Pflanzen auf
Insektenfang. Schilderungen aus dem Leben von fleischfressenden und
insektenfangenden Pflanzen. 79 p., 40 figs, cloth; BA42054 € 16
G.M., 1982. Österreichischer
Moorschutzkatalog. 269 p., 64 col. photos, paperbound; BA43429 € 28
E., n.d. Trees & Flowers
of the country-side vol. I. (iv), 768 p. + viii p. index, num. (col.)
figs & photos, cloth (hinges weak & taped); BA42763 € 40
C. & A. von Enderes, 1961 (revised ed.). Unsere Pflanzenwelt. 619 p., 335 figs, 40 col. pls,
cloth (d.j.); BA42181 € 20
L. & H.J. Jäger (eds), 1982. Monitoring
of air pollutants by plants. Methods and problems. Proceedings of the
International Workshop, Osnabrück (F.R.G.), September 24-25, 1981. x, 163 p.,
num. figs, 4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci. 7); BA43376 € 60
N.E., 1947. Factors in
botanical publication and other essays. 80 p., wrps (Chron. Bot. 11#3); BA42962
€ 10
F.C., 1968. Growth and
organization in plants. Structure, development, metabolism, physiology. xi, 564
p., num. figs, cloth; BA06682 € 43
T.H. (ed.), 1973. The Mulga
Lands of Australia. Symposium held at Charleville, Queensland, August 22-24,
1972. 170 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound (Tropical Grasslands, Vol.
7#1); BA43623 € 12
A.L. (ed.), 1982. Compendium
van de Spermatophyta. [10], 310 p., 98 figs, paperbound; BA06681 € 15
Th.J., 1910. Kerndeeling en
synapsis by Spinacia oleracea L. (x), 162 p., 3 pls, wrps; BA42766 € 20
Th.J., 1930. Vijf en Twintig
Jaren Mutatietheorie. 166 p., 16 figs, hcloth; BA42144 € 4
Ph., 1959. Heaths and inland
dunes of the Veluwe. A study on some of the relations existing between
vegetation, soil and microclimate. 96 p., 13 figs, 23 tables, paperbound.
Library stamp on front cover; BA42157 € 12
B.R. & W.D. Billings (eds), 1974. Vegetation and environment. viii, 194 p., 30 figs, 5 photos, tables,
cloth (d.j.) (Handb. veget. sci. vol. 6); BA43386 € 58
H., 1957. Pollenanalyse und
Vegetationsgeschichte. 88 p., 34 figs, wrps (lower end spine partly loose)
(Neue Brehm-Bücherei); BA43318 € 12
H., 1970 (2nd ed.). Pollenanalyse
und Vegetationsgeschichte. 109 p., 41 figs, paperbound (Neue Brehm-Bücherei);
BA42541 € 12
E. et al., 1898 (3rd ed.). Lehrbuch
der Botanik für Hochschulen. viii, 570 p., 617 (some col.) figs, plastified
cloth; BA07127 € 18
E. et al., 1902/1904 (5th/6th ed.). Lehrbuch der Botanik für Hochschulen. viii, 563 p., 686 (col.) figs,
cloth (spine partly loose); BA42632 € 20
E., 1913 (5th ed.). Das
botanische Praktikum. Anleitung zum Selbststudium der mikroskopische Botanik
für Anfänger und Geübtere zugleich ein Handbuch der mikroskopischen Technik.
xxvi, 860 p., 246 figs, hcloth (titlepage missing, hinges partly loose &
weak); BA43324 € 38
E., 1923 (7th ed.). Das botanische
Praktikum. Anleitung zum Selbststudium der mikroskopische Botanik für Anfänger
und Geübtere zugleich ein Handbuch der mikroskopischen Technik. xxiv, 883 p.,
260 figs, cloth (hole in titlepage); BA08243 € 38
E., 1928 (17th ed.). Lehrbuch
der Botanik für Hochschulen. ix, 651 p., 861 (several col.) figs, publisher’s
cloth; BA08246 € 35
H. (ed.), 1962. Die
Kulturpflanze. Beiheft 3. Rudolf Mansfeld zum Gedächtnis. 410 p., 121 figs, 13
pls, 23 tables, paperbound; BA42247 € 45
H., 1978. Zur Ökologie der
andinen Paramoregion. viii, 122 p., 19 figs, hardbound (Biogeogr. vol. 14);
BA07287 € 20
W.F.R., 1858. De beteekenis
der planten-geographie en de geest van haar onderzoek. Redevoering ter
aanvaarding van het buitengewoon hoogleeraarambt aan de hoogeschool te Leiden.
46 p., wrps (Ex library copy); BA43037 € 12
W.F.R., 1895. Het Plantenrijk
(Regnum vegetabile). Phylogenetische schets. 16 p., folding plate in back,
marbled endpapers, boards. Library stamps & sticker, owner name on
titlepage; BA43794 € 16
A.S. & H.O. Halvorson, 1966. Spores.
Their dormancy and germination. xiv, 354 p., num. figs, tables, cloth (d.j.);
BA07913 € 50
M.J., 1906 (12th ed.). The
culture of vegetables and flowers from seeds and roots. 444 p., cloth; BA42721
€ 14
H.G., 1925. Zur Embryologie
der Hydrophyllaceen, Borraginaceen und Heliotropiaceen mit besonderer Rücksicht
auf die Endospermbildung. 176 p., 212 p., 3 pls, paperbound. Thesis; BA42500 €
H. (ed.), 1990. Cultural
aspects of landscape. Proceedings of an international conference, Baarn,
Netherlands 28-30 June 1989. x, 180 p., various photos & figs, hardbound;
BA43211 € 44
M.B., 1907. Linné och
Växtodlingen. 102 p., paperbound. In Swedish. Unopened; BA41941 € 20
D.B., 1946 (3rd ed.). A
textbook of systematic botany. xv, 343 p., col. frontispiece, 106 figs, cloth.
Ex-libris J.S. Zaneveld; BA06680 € 40
Ch., 1902. Étude botanique et
chimique de La Gratiole. 48 p., 11 figs, wrps (stained); BA42772 € 12
A., 1946 (2nd revised & enlarged ed.). Introduction to plant ecology. A guide for
beginners in the study of plant communities. 260 p., 15 figs, cloth; BA43674 €
A., 1958 (3rd ed.). Introduction
to plant ecology. A guide for beginners in the study of plant communities. 263
p., 15 figs, hardbound (d.j.); BA42020 € 16
J. van, 1993. Milieubeleid
onder dak? Beleidsvoeringsprocessen in het Nederlandse milieubeleid in de
periode 1970-1990; nader uitgewerkt voor de Gelderse Vallei. x, 303 p.,
paperbound; BA44069 € 25
G. (ed.), 1959. Index
Kewensis. Plantarum phanerogamarum. Supplement 12. 162 p., hardbound
(d.j.); BA42919 € 38
H.J. (ed.), 1983. Biology and
ecology of mangroves. ix, 188 p., num. figs, 4to, hardbound (Tasks Veget. Sci.
8); BA43369 € 50
O., 1922-1928. Collection of
7 papers by Olof Tedin on plant genetics. ca. 400 p., num. figs &
tables, cloth; BA42140 € 20
Botanical Gazette, 1912. Volume
13#3. pp. 189-276, wrps (loose); BA42903 € 10
Botanical Gazette, 1938. Volume
100 complete. 438 p., wrps; BA42987 € 20
J.-P., ca. 1965. Contribution
à l’étude de Grewia africains ocytociques (en particulier Grewia elyseoi et
Grewia cyclopetala). viii, 121 p., 15 figs, paperbound; BA42564 € 12
B., 1981. The evolution of
plants and flowers. 116 p., num. col. figs, cloth (d.j.); BA42715 € 16
M., 1956 (4th ed.). Plant
physiology. xii, 692 p., 89 figs, cloth (d.j.); BA08601 € 12
M., 1958 (reprint of 4th ed.). Plant
physiology. xii, 692 p., 89 figs, cloth (d.j.); BA08242 € 20
M., 1884. Contribution à
l’étude anatomique des racines de la famille des composées. 74 p., 6 pls, wrps,
disbound. Thesis; BA42777 € 14
S., 1931. Der See Fiolen und
seine Vegetation. 198 p., 21 figs, 37 tables, paperbound. Unopened; BA07803 €
C.A., 1912. The life of the
plant. xvi, 355 p., 83 figs, cloth; BA08526 € 20
A.S., 1930. Beiträge zur
Kenntnis der Anatomie und des anormalen Dickenwachstums von Phytocrene
macrophylla Bl. (iv), 41 p., 12 pls, paperbound. Thesis. Unopened (Arb. Inst.
allgem. Botan. Uni Zürich II Ser. #12); BA00009 € 20
G., 1909. Untersuchungen an
Mangrove- und Orchideen-Wurzeln mit specieller Beziehung auf die
Statolithen-Theorie des Geotropismus. 55 p., 8 figs, 1pl., wrps (back broken
and partly loose); BA41853 € 8
B. et al. (eds), 2008. Plant
invasions: Human perception, ecological impact and management. xvi, 428 p., 92
figs, 56 tables, paperbound; BA43935 € 126
P.B., 1969. Anatomy of the
Monocotyledons. III. Commelinales - Zingiberales. xx, 446 p., 86 figs,
hardbound (d.j.); BA43685 € 60
J. van der, 1972. Variability
of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel in relation to the environment.
122 p., 30 figs, 42 tables, paperbound; BA42551 € 10
A., 1912. Europe et Amérique
(Nord-Est). Flores comparées comprenant tous les genres européens et
américains, les Espèces communes aux deux contrées, naturalisées et cultivées.
650 p., paperbound. Unopened; BA06684 € 65
L. (ed.), 1987. The role of
fire in ecological systems. 165 p., 52 figs, 9 tables, paperbound; BA00025 € 30
L. & R. Prodon (eds), 2002. Fire
and biological processess. x, 345 p., 142 figs, 42 tables, paperbound; BA43189
€ 90
J.-L., 1980. Écologie végétale
de la zone intertropicale non désertique. 468 p., 106 figs, paperbound (bottom
margins waterstained, not affecting text); BA43631 € 10
J., 1940. Contribution à
l’étude de la végétation du Sénégal. (vi), 433 p., 30 pls, roy. 4to, paperbound
(Mém. IFAN 2); BA43980 € 85
J. et al. (eds), 2005. Fundamentals
of temperate zone Tree Fruit production. xiii, 400 p., 196 figs, 108 tables,
4to, hardbound. This manual will be the benchmark for the following decades;
BA42326 € 160
J. & L.A. Donaldson, 1972. Probing
plant structure. A scanning electron microscope study of some anatomical
features in plants and the relationship of these structures to physiological
processes. 116 p., 105 pls, paperbound; BA42273 € 14
S., 1989. Soil types. A field
identification guide. 32 p., 7 figs, 8 col. pls, stapled; BA42266 € 9
A., 1881. Ueber einige
Beziehungen des anatomischen Baues der Assimilationsorgane zu Klima und
Standort, mit specieller Berücksichtigung des Spaltöffnungsapparates. 114 p., 1
pl., wrps (loose) (reprint from Linnaea, Neue Folge, Band IX#3-4); BA43920 € 30
P.T. (ed.), 1988. Vegetation
science applications for rangeland analysis and management. xiii, 642 p., num.
figs, hardbound (Handbook veget. sci. vol. 14); BA07282 € 90
R. (ed.), 1963. Bericht über
das Internationale Symposion für Vegetationskartierung vom 23.-26.3. 1959 in
Stolzenau/Weser. vii, 500 p., figs & tables, wrps (Ber. Int. Symp. Int.
Ver. Veg.); BA43424 € 40
R. (ed.), 1966. Anthropogene
Vegetation. xv, 398 p., figs & tables, cloth (d.j.) (Ber. Int. Symp. Int.
Ver. Veg.); BA43418 € 40
R. (ed.), 1967. Pflanzensoziologie
und Palynologie. xvii, 275 p., figs & tables, cloth (d.j.) (Ber. Int. Symp.
Int. Ver. Veg.); BA43416 € 40
R. (ed.), 1968. Pflanzensoziologie
und Landschaftsökologie. xvii, 426 p., figs & tables, cloth (d.j.) (Ber.
Int. Symp. Int. Ver. Veg.); BA43417 € 40
R. (ed.), 1968. Pflanzensoziologische
Systematik. xii, 347 p., figs & tables, cloth (d.j.) (Ber. Int. Symp. Int.
Ver. Veg.); BA43423 € 40
R. (ed.), 1969. Experimentelle
Pflanzensoziologie. xvii, 255 p., figs & tables, cloth (d.j.) (Ber. Int.
Symp. Int. Ver. Veg.); BA43419 € 40
R. (ed.), 1970. Gesellschaftsmorphologie
(Strukturforschung). xvi, 360 p., figs & tables, cloth (d.j.) (Ber. Int.
Symp. Int. Ver. Veg.); BA43420 € 40
R. (ed.), 1977. Vegetation
und Fauna. xv, 566 p., figs & tables, cloth (Ber. Int. Symp. Int. Ver.
Veg.); BA43403 € 60
R. & H. Dierschke (eds), 1977. 50 Jahre Floristisch-soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (1927-1977).
462 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound (Mitt. flor.-soz. Arbeitsgem. N.F.
19/20); BA43941 € 60
R., 1974 (2nd ed.). Die
Pflanzengesellschaften Nordwestdeutschlands. Part 1. x, 207, 12 figs, 23
photos, 13 maps, paperbound; BA43569 € 25
S., 1980. Climatic parameters
and indices in plant geography. 105 p., 53 figs, cloth (Acta Phytog. Suec. 67);
BA42148 € 20
G., 1922-1961. Collection of
20 papers in English or German, mainly on heredity research. Ca. 300 p., num.
figs & tables, wrps; BA42982 € 30
W.B., 1953. Pioneer plant
geography. The phytogeographical researches of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker. xii,
267 p., 1 map, 21 pls, hardbound (d.j.) (Lotsya - a biological miscellany, ed.
by Frans Verdoorn, vol. 4); BA43958 € 40
H., 1946. De volksnamen van
onze planten. vi, 92 p., portrait, hcloth; BA06686 € 20
Suringar, J., 1928. Personal
ideas about the application of the international Rules of Nomenclature, or, as
with the Rules themselves, international deliberation? Some dominations of I.
Coniferous-, II. Dicotyledonous Trees and Shrub species. With a Retrospection
and a set of Propositions on the Nomenclature-Rules. 76, 77 p., 2 pls, wrps;
BA42892 € 20
H., 1925. Ökologische Studien
über Wald- und Strandvegetation mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Erlensümpfe
auf Hallands Väderö in SW-Schweden. 124 p., 14 figs, 20 pls, 1 col. map,
paperbound (front cover loose); BA08029 € 20
J.E., 1978. Genetic and Molecular
Basis of Plant Pathogenesis. xii, 167 p., 3 figs, 36 tables, cloth; BA08609 €
Y. (ed.), 1968. The transport
of plant hormones. Proceedings of the NATO/EGE University Summer Institute,
1967. 45 p., cloth (although bottom margins somewhat waterstained still a
usable copy); BA07818 € 20
V., 1980. Vegetationsökologie
der Tropen. 294 p., 161 figs, 8 col. pls, cloth (d.j., torn); BA43436 € 32
T., 1980. Succession of
island vegetation in the land uplift area of the northernmost Gulf of Bothnia,
Finland. 104 p., 68 figs, 15 tables, paperbound; BA08589 € 12
P. et al., 1951. Les bases
écologiques de la régénération de la végétation des zones arides. On the
ecological foundations of the regeneration of vegetation in arid zones. 149 p.,
several figs, paperbound; BA08260 € 22
H. & L.G.M. Baas Becking, 1938. 1587-1937 Hortus Academicus Lugduno Batavus. The development of the
gardens of Leyden University. 218 p., 30 (1 folding) figs, gold-embossed cloth
with or. wrp pasted on frontcover; BA43779 € 80
E.J., 1990. Rainfall
interceptionnd aboveground nutrient fluxes in Colombian montane tropical rain
forest. 109 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis; BA43102 € 10
F. (ed.), 1950/1951. Chronica
Botanica. Vol. 12#4/6. 224 p., paperbound; BA42862 € 12
F., 1965 (reprint). Ernst
Meyer and his Geschichte der Botanik. 63 p., paperbound (this is the preface
only to the 4 vol. ed. of Meyer’s Geschichte der Botanik); BA41900 € 8
K., N.E. Malathrakis & B. Williamson (eds), 1992. Recent advances in Botrytis research. Proceedings
10th International Symposium, Heraklion, Crete, 5-10 April 1992. (viii), 294
p., num. figs & tables, hardbound; BA43209 € 70
J.T.A. et al. (eds), 1988. Vegetation
structure in relation to carbon and nutrient economy. Production, decomposition
and atmospheric interception. 206 p., 92 figs, 30 tables, paperbound; BA00024 €
J.G., 1985. Effects of
nutrient availability and ground water level on shoot biomass and species
composition of mesotrophic plant communities. 142 p., num. figs & tables,
paperbound. Thesis; BA43101 € 12
F. et al. (eds), 1994. Vegetation.
modelling and climatic change effects. vii, 250 p., 70 (7 col.) figs, 31
tables, paperbound; BA43776 € 38
M.C., 1927. Aanleg der groei
en wortels van Hyacinthus orientalis gedurende het geheele jaar en onder
verschillende omstandigheden. 100 p., 2 figs, 12 pls, 16 tables, wrps (18-page
English summary); BA42998 € 10
L., 1900. Recherches sur le
sommet de l’axe dans la fleur des Gamopétales. 116 p., 16 figs, 4 pls, wrps
(bookblock broken). Thesis; BA42956 € 12
G.J.C.M., 1982. Wood anatomy
of the Myrtales and of the Rhizophoraceae. vii, 264 p., num. figs & tables,
paperbound. Thesis; BA43665 € 28
A., 1897. Die botanischen
Institute der freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. 102 p., 6 figs, 12 pls, paperbound
(loose in original wrps). Unopened; BA43851 € 25
E.E. van der, 1961-1968. Collectie
van 16 artikelen over plantengroei van oude rivierlopen, meanders, vennen etc.
Circa 150 p., stapled; BA43240 € 10
A., 1935. Modifications
anatomiques des galles arrêtées dans leur développement. 125 p., 98 figs,
paperbound (unopened). Thesis; BA42770 € 14
W. & A. Stortelder, 1992. Vanishing
Tuscan landscapes. Landscape ecology of a sub-mediterranean-Montane area
(Solano Basin, Tuscany, Italy). 404 p., 1 map, num. figs, hardbound; BA43951 €
E.G. (eds), 1983. International
Code of Botanical Nomenclature. 472 p., cloth (lower end of spine damaged). In
English, French and German (Regnum Veg. 111); BA43617 € 16
H. de, 1876. De voeding der
planten. 193 p., 75 figs, hcloth (spine missing); BA06710 € 30
H. de, 1886 (2nd ed.). De
voeding der planten. 214 p., 74 figs, paperbound (spine taped); BA06711 € 20
H. de, 1899. Zaaien en
planten. vi, 303 p., 20 figs, paperbound (last gathering loose); BA06713 € 24
H. de, 1899. Zaaien en
planten. vi, 303 p., 20 figs, boards. Ex library copy; BA43159 € 28
H. de, 1900. Het leven der
bloem. 165 p., figs, cloth; BA06705 € 19
H. de, 1900. Het leven der
bloem. 165 p., figs, paperbound; BA06706 € 14
H. de, 1904. Oorsprong en
bevruchting der bloemen. iv, 80 p., cloth; BA06714 € 25
H. de, 1905-1907. Naar
Californië. Reisherinneringen. viii, 438, viii, 426 p., num. figs & pls,
cloth. Some slight foxing; BA06723 € 62
H. de, 1905. Species and
varieties. Their origin by mutation. xviii, 847 p., cloth; BA06718 € 150
H. de, 1906-1913 (some are 2nd eds). Voordrachten en reisherinneringen van Prof.Dr. Hugo de Vries.
Jubileum-uitgave. Deel I. Soorten en varieteiten. II. Het veredelen van
kultuurplanten. III. Naar Californië I. IV. Naar Californië II. V.Van Texas
naar Florida. 5 vols. 2202 p., num. figs & pls, portrait, hcalf. Upper end
spine of vol. 3 damaged, otherwise good set; BA06715 € 200
H. de, 1906. Soorten en
varieteiten. Hoe zij ontstaan door mutatie. xvi, 538 p., cloth; BA06716 € 48
H. de, 1906. Arten und
Varietäten und ihre Entstehung durch Mutation. xii, 530 p., 53 figs, hcloth;
BA06717 € 60
H. de, 1906. Soorten en
varieteiten. Hoe zij ontstaan door mutatie. xvi, 538 p., paperbound (worn);
BA43968 € 24
H. de, 1907. Het
Yellowstone-Park. Experimenteele evolutie. 207 p., 4 photographs, cloth;
BA07918 € 12
H. de, 1908. Botanische
voordrachten uit alle werelddeelen. 69 p., paperbound. Published together with
several contributions by other scientists in Maatschappij Diligentia.
Natuurkundige Voordrachten. Unopened; BA06709 € 23
H. de, 1909. Het kweeken van
planten. 64 p., paperbound. Published together with several contributions by
other scientists in Maatschappij Diligentia. Natuurkundige Voordrachten;
BA06708 € 23
H. de, 1910. Bloemen en
insecten. 66 p., paperbound. Published together with several contributions by
other scientists in Maatschappij Diligentia. Natuurkundige Voordrachten;
BA06707 € 23
H. de, 1912/1913. Verwantschappen
in het Plantenrijk. Cursus over botanische onderwerpen in het natuurkundig
genootschap Diligentia gehouden in het seizoen 1912/1913. 67 p., hcloth;
BA42959 € 14
H. de, 1913-1914. Verwantschappen
in het Plantenrijk. 137 p., paperbound. Published together with several
contributions by other scientists in Maatschappij Diligentia. Natuurkundige
Voordrachten. 2 vols in one. Unopened; BA06712 € 48
H. de, 1913. Van Texas naar
Florida. Reisherinneringen. viii, 397 p., 23 figs, 18 pls, 3 maps, cloth;
BA06722 € 35
H. de, 1913. Van Texas naar
Florida. Reisherinneringen. viii, 397 p., num. figs, paperbound (loose &
worn); BA43967 € 20
H. de, 1918-1927. Opera e
periodicis collata. 7 vols. 4293 p., portrait, num. (many col.) pls, blue
publisher’s cloth; BA06720 € 280
H. de, 1918-1927. Opera e
periodicis collata. 7 vols. 4293 p., portrait, num. (many col.) pls,
paperbound; BA06721 € 210
H. de, 1918. Intracellulaire
pangenesis. xi, 71 p., cloth; BA06703 € 18
H. de, 1918. Intracellulaire
pangenesis. xi, 71 p., paperbound; BA06704 € 15
H. de, 1922 (4th ed.). Handleiding
bij het vervaardigen van microscopische praeparaten uit het plantenrijk voor
eerst beginnenden. xvi, 127 p., hardbound (interleaved copy); BA42420 € 14
O.M.H. de, 1974. Formation
and cell wall regeneration of protoplasts from Schizophyllum commune. 91 p., 33
figs, paperbound. Thesis; BA08637 € 8
W.H. de, 1853. De
plantengroei der voorwereld. 32 p., 7 figs, wrps. Tattered, edges frayed,
contents fine; BA02092 € 10
W.L. et al., 1999. Hawaiian
vascular plants at risk: 1999. 58 p., wrps (Bishop Mus. Occ. Pap. 60); BA42970
€ 10
N.A., 1919. Pigments of
Flowering plants. 140 p., disbound; BA07807 € 16
Jensén, E., 1979. Successions
in relationship to lagoon development in the Laitaure delta, North Sweden. 115
p., 88 figs, cloth (Acta Phytog. Suec. 66); BA42147 € 18
M.K. & V.J. Krajina, 1973. Vegetation-environment
relationships of some sub-boreal spruce zone ecosystems in British Columbia.
145 p., 49 figs, 26 tables, paperbound; BA42859 € 16
E.H., 1944. The plants of
China and their usefulness to man. 37 p., 1 fig., 12 pls, wrps. Unopened;
BA42492 € 12
W., 1979. All the plants of
the bible. 240 p., 113 col. pls, hcloth (d.j.); BA08213 € 25
H., 1968. Die Vegetation der
Erde. 1001 p., 642 figs, 161 tables, cloth (d.j.); BA07806 € 65
O., 1913. Die Pflanzenwelt.
Erster Band: Protophyten, Thallophyten, Archegoniophyten, Gymnospermen und
Dikotyledonen. xii, 619 p., 31 (9 col.) pls, 216 figs, hcloth (spine loose);
BA43876 € 20
C.W., 1952. Phylogeny and
morphogenesis. Contemporary aspects of botanical science. viii, 536 p., 173
figs, cloth (d.j.); BA43681 € 30
E. & M. Möbius, 1911 (3rd ed.). Handbuch der systematischen Botanik. xii, 506 p., 616 figs, 1 plate,
cloth (spine loose); BA42651 € 16
E., 1891 (3rd ed.). Den
systematiske botanik. 560 p., 609 figs, hcalf (text underlined and annotated by
user). In Danish; BA08191 € 30
E., 1900. Den almindelige
botanik. 706 p., 608 figs, hcalf. In Danish; BA07966 € 30
A., 1991. Der Einfluß von
Austrocknungszyklen auf Blattleitfähigkeit, CO2-Assimilation, Wachstum und
Wassernutzung von Prunus dulcis (Miller) D.A. Webb. 92 p., 58 figs, 11 tables,
paperbound. Thesis; BA43528 € 10
N. & F. Sternon, 1942 (2nd ed.). Éléments de chimie végétale. 844 p., num. figs & tables, disbound;
BA42779 € 20
F. & H.O. Schwantes, 1972. Pflanzensystematik.
Einführung in die Systematische Botanik, Grundzüge des Pflanzensystems. 381 p.,
104 figs, paperbound; BA07923 € 12
F. & H.O. Schwantes, 1981 (4th ed.). Pflanzensystematik. Einführung in die Systematische
Botanik, Grundzüge des Pflanzensystems. 395 p., 116 figs, paperbound; BA07909 €
Th., n.d. (ca. 1939). Het
leven der planten. 470 p., num. plates of which many are coloured, decorated
cloth; BA06687 € 20
E., 1989. Guide to plants
tolerant of arid and semi-arid conditions. Nomenclature and potential uses.
(xx), 543 p. of which 451 pages with line drawings, 4to, hardbound; BA43213 €
F.A.F.C., 1911. Melchior
Treub. 32 p., wrps (unopened); BA42894 € 6
M. van der, 1981. Ecotoxicity
of heavy metals in aquatic and terrestrial higher plants. 126 p., num. figs,
paperbound. Thesis; BA42185 € 12
M.J.A. (ed.), 1979. The study
of vegetation. xi, 316 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound; BA43646 € 60
M.J.A. et al. (eds), 1988. Plant
form and vegetation structure. 368 p., 112 figs, 40 tables, paperbound; BA08408
€ 55
M.J.A., 1973-1980. Three
papers. 73 p., wrps. 1) Notes on the phytogeographical affinities of the
Southern Kalahari. 2) A phytosociological and phytogeographical study of
Augrabies Falls National Park, RSA. 3) Structuur en functie, nieuwe opvattingen
over oude vraagstukken rond plant en vegetatie; BA43022 € 5
W., 1983. Untersuchungen zum
Stickstoffhaushalt einiger Pflanzenbestände. 95 p., 47 figs, 32 tables,
paperbound (Scripta Geobot. 16); BA43526 € 12
M., 1882. Untersuchung über
den Bau und die Function des pflanzlichen Hautgewebes. 6 p., 1 col. plate,
disbound; BA42401 € 6
V. et al., 1942. Overzicht
der plantengemeenschappen in Nederland. 79 p., wrps (partly loose); BA42252 € 6
R., 1924 (3rd rev. ed.) Handbuch
der systematischen Botanik. viii, 1017 p., 653 figs, cloth; BA43341 € 48
R., 1935, 4th rev. ed. (reprint 1962). Handbuch der systematischen Botanik. x, 1152 p., 709 figs, cloth;
BA41917 € 60
D.F. et al. (eds), 1993. Wetlands
of the world I: Inventory, ecology and management. xx, 768 p., num. figs &
tables, hardbound (Handbook veget. sci. vol. 15/2); BA43381 € 120
J. (ed.), 1985. The
population structure of vegetation. xiv, 668 p., num. figs & tables, cloth
(Handbook Veget. sci. vol. 3); BA43379 € 120
L. & K. Abernethy, 1996. Guide
de la végétation de la Réserve de la Lopé (Gabon). 224 p., over 500 col. ills,
hardbound; BA07337 € 36
M.E., 1994 (reprint of 2nd ed.). The
greening of Gondwana. The 400 million year story of Australia’s Plants. 256 p.,
fullcol., roy. 4to, cloth (d.j.); BA42918 € 30
R.H. (ed.), 1973. Ordination
and classification of communities. x, 738 p., 91 figs, 40 tables, cloth (d.j.),
stamp (Handbook veget. sci. vol. 5); BA43385 € 80
W.R. van, 1966. Physics of
plant environment. xvi, 382 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.); BA08201 € 50
A. & R. Ball, 1997. Photosynthetic
unit and photosystems - History of research and current view. 230 p., 78 figs,
paperbound; BA08491 € 48
É. de, 1912. Documents pour
l’étude de la géo-botanique Congolaise. 406 p., 117 pls (some folded), hcloth.
Some pencil underlinings; BA06689 € 95
O. & L. Orlóci, 1996 (2nd ed.). Numerical exploration of community patterns. A guide to the use of
MULVA-5. 171 p., num. figs & graphs, paperbound; BA43060 € 30
M., 1988. Plantwatching. How
plants remember, tell time, form relationships and more. 205 p., hundreds of
col. photos & figs, cloth (d.j.). As new; BA42714 € 28
M.T.M. & J.L. van Went (compilers), 1985. Sexual reproduction in seed plants, ferns and
mosses. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium. 206 p., num. figs,
paperbound; BA07812 € 24
S.C., 1987. An evolutionary
basis for pollination ecology. viii, 425 p., several figs, paperbound (Leiden
Botan. Series 10); BA06690 € 25
J.C., 1951 (6th ed.). A
dictionary of the flowering Plants and Ferns. xii, 752, liv p., several figs,
cloth (d.j.); BA08251 € 35
O. & R. Tüxen (eds), 1980. Epharmonie.
ix, 462 p., num. figs & tables, cloth (Ber. Int. Symp. Int. Ver. Veg.);
BA43408 € 60
O. & R. Tüxen, 1979. Werden
und Vergehen von Pflanzengesellschaften. xv, 635 p., num. figs & tables,
cloth (Ber. Int. Symp. Int. Ver. Veg.); BA43406 € 60
W.G., 2000. Simulating
ecological and evolutionary systems in C. xv, 301 p., paperbound. With
annotations in pencil; BA43373 € 20
W. & P. Höllermann, 1968. Morphologie,
Flora und Vegetation des Bergsturzes am Schickeberg (Nordhessen). 62 p., 3
figs, 6 pls, 9 tables, 1 folded col. map, wrps; BA42735 € 12
G. (ed.), 1985. Primäre
Sukzession auf kiesig-sandigen Rohböden im Rheinischen Braunkohlenrevier. 203
p., num. figs & tables, paperbound (Bundesforschungsanstalt für Naturschutz
und Landschaftsökologie, Schriftenreihe Vegetationsk. 16); BA43456 € 20
P., 1977. Physiological
aspects of a parasitic relationship. The effect of Cuscuta on its host. 99 p.,
figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis; BA42566 € 10
H.T., 1986. Physico-chemical
aspects of ion transport in the xylem. 237 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis;
BA42750 € 14
J.G., 1937. The vegetation of
South Australia. 164 p., 58 figs, 1 col. map, 34 tables, wrps (covers worn);
BA43769 € 20
E.V., 1950. An introduction
to Historical Plant Geography. xv, 223 p., 35 figs, paperbound; BA08013 € 24
R., 1964 (9th ed.). Handwörterbuch
der Pflanzennamen. 623 p., cloth; BA08238 € 24
R., 1979 (11th ed.). Handwörterbuch
der Pflanzennamen. 843 p., cloth; BA08158 € 28
R., 1984 (13th ed.). Handwörterbuch
der Pflanzennamen. 769 p., cloth; BA08159 € 32
R., 1994 (15th ed.). Handwörterbuch
der Pflanzennamen. 810 p., cloth; BA43922 € 34
F.F. van der, 1992. Botanische
samenstelling, oecologie en erosiebestendigheid van rivierdijkvegetaties. 271
p., 104 figs, 42 col. photos, 37 tables, hardbound; BA43552 € 25
H.H., 1905. Plantengids voor
den Hortus Botanicus te Amsterdam. 159 p., cloth. Interleaved and annotated
copy; BA06691 € 30
W. van, 1955. Pollen
analytical investigations in the northern Netherlands. 81 p., 29 figs, 7
tables, wrps. Library stamp on front cover; BA42513 € 10
G.F., 1943. A popular
dictionary of botanical names and terms with their English equivalents. For the
use of botanists and horticulturists, as well as for lovers of the flowers of
garden, field and wood. vi, 122 p., cloth; BA42537 € 6
Bakker, E.M. van (ed.), 1964. Palynology
in Africa. Eighth report on Palynology and many related fields covering the
years 1962 and 1963. 122 p., wrps; BA42898 € 10
A.W., 1957. Unterhaltsame
Botanik. 279 p., 132 figs, 10 col. figs, 3 maps, cloth (d.j.); BA42502 € 10
I.S., 1995. Land ecology - an
introduction to landscape ecology as a base for land evaluation, land
management and conservation. 210 p., 29 figs, 5 tables, 3 photographs,
paperbound; BA00026 € 34
C.M. van, 1996. Patterns and
affinities in the Duguetia alliance (Annonaceae). Molecular and morphological
studies. 133 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis; BA07768 € 15
K. et al., 1963. Standortskundliche
und waldbauliche Untersuchungen in Urwaldresten der niederösterreichischen
Kalkalpen. 244 p., 72 figs, paperbound; BA43522 € 35